Formability of aluminum and aluminum alloy sheets
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Sheet metal forming, now, is a branch of the science.In determining the formability quality, the best and themost economical way is the construction of Forming LimitDiagrams (FLD). FLD of a particular sheet metal is obtainedby performing several mechanical tests.In industrial pressoperations resulting with failure, by the information derivedfrom this diagram, breakage is prevented economicallyby either changing the process var.iables (die design, lubrication,etc.)or the material itself (such as using athicker one). Hence, without trial and error, the most ·suitablesheet metal is choosen for the particular design. Ordesign is modified with respect to the material to be used.In this study, various pure aluminum (0.5 rom thick semiIannealed, again 0.5 rom thick full annealed and 1.2rom thicksemi-anneale, d) and aluminum alloy (0.9rom thick 606l-T6 and5 rom· thick 20l4-T6) sheets' forming limit diagrams were constructed.This way, the effects of thickness and annealing heat treatment on formability were examined. And, by obtainingthe FLD of 2014 aluminum alloy sheet, after it wasoveraged, also the effect of aging heat treatment on formabilitywas determined.