Modelling of the fluidized bed combustor
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A theoretical .. model which is capable of predicting the heat transfercoefficient in fluidized beds is developed for high and low temperatures.Theoretical results are validated with experiments~Developed theoretical model is based on the packet renewalmodel which was originated by Mickley and Fairbanks. In this model,heat is transfered by ei ther bubble phase or packet phase wi thconduction, convection and radiation. Also, the change of physicalproperties near the surface is considered.Heat transfer due to radiation is taken as in the model ofBhattachary and Harrison. In their model,radiation. exchangebetween paralel surfaces which are 25 layers on either right hand sideor left hand side with assuming the .packet as an absorbing andemittinq medi urn.The total heat transfer coefficient is obtained for differentparameters, such as, particle diameter, bed temperature, surfacetemperature and superficial velocity by using sand particles .Theoretical results coincide vi;th experimental results.