The Condensation polymerization of glyoxal with teraphtaldehyde
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VIII ÖZET Teraftaldehld (TPA) ve glloksal kondensasyon yoluyla polimerleştirildi ve aşağıda şekli çizili olan yeni bir asetal polimeri elde edildi: o o `4. ^ ` :/İ-C-H TPA I o o II II H-C-C-H Gİioksal Glioksal-TPA Kopolimeri Ürünün elde edilebilmesi için dört farklı metod denendi: 1) TPA'nin bisülfit katılma ürünü ile glioksalin, sulu homojen çözeltideki reaksiyonu. 2) TPA ve glioksalin homojen dimetilsülfoksit çözeltisindeki reaksiyonu. 3) Eriyik haldeki TPA ve glioksalin sulu heterojen çözeltideki reaksiyonu.IX 4) TPA ve glioksalin eriyik halele reaksiyonu. Üçüncü ve dördüncü metodlar ile yeni bir ürün elde edildi. Ürün hiçbir çözücüde çözünmeyip, asit eklenmesi ile başlangıç maddelerine hidroliz edildi. Ürün İR, 13C-NMR ve 'h-NMR yoluyla incelendi, yapı ve bitiş grupları tayini yapıldı. VI ABSTRACT Condensation polymerization of teraphtaldehyde (TPA) and glyoxal was carried out and a new acetal polymer was obtained as shown below: P 0 0 li II II C-H + h-C-C-H TPA [ Glyoxal ^xx ^0 J n Glyoxal-TPA Copolymer Four different types of reactions were performed which involved: 1) The reaction of glyoxal with bisulfite addition product of TPA in aqueous homogeneous solution. 2) The reaction of glyoxal with TPA in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in organic homogeneous solution. 3) The reaction of glyoxal with molten TPA in aqueous heterogeneous solution.VII 4) The reaction of glyoxal polymer with TPA In the melt. A new adduct was obtained by the third and fourth methods. The product was insoluble in all solvents and could be hydrolyzed back to the starting materials by the addition of acids. The adduct was examined by IR, 13C- NMR and 'h-NMR methods and its structure and end groups were determined.