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ÖZET YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ NAFTALİN SÜBSTİTUE SİKLOBÖTAN TÜREVLERİNİN SENTEZİ Adnan İNCE FIRAT ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ KİMYA ANABİLİM DALİ 1994, Sayfa: 47 Bu çalışmada, doymamış klormetil oksiranla aromatik bileşiklerin bir Friedel-Crafts katalizörü olan susuz alüminyum klorûrle -5°C de reaksiyonîan gerçekleştirildi. (a) Hl-metil-4-naftil) -1- metil -3-(2-klor- 1 -hidroksietil) siklobütan,(b)1-(1-metil-4-naftil)-1- metil -3-( 1,2- epoksietil) siklobütan,(c)Wl-meti1-4-naftilM- metil -3-(2-kîor- î -oksfetll) siklobûtan,(d) 1 -( 1 -metil-4-naf til)- 1 - metilsiklobütan-3-karboksilik asit, (e)l-(l-naftil) -1- metil -3-(2-klor-l -hidroksietil) siklobütan, (f)l-(l-naftil) -1- metil -3-(l,2-epoksietil) siklobütamn yapı aydınlatılmasıda İR, 'H-NMR ve Î3C-NMR teknikleri kullanıldı. b,c,d bileşikleri (a) 1 -( 1 -metil-4-naf ti î )- 1 -meti î -3-(2-klor-l-hidroksi) siklobütandan elde edildi. Bu bileşikler kolon kromotografisi ve ince tabaka kromotografisiylesaflaştınldı. II SUMMARY MASTER THESIS THE SYNTHESIS OF NAPHTALENE SUBSTUTE CYCLOBUTANE DERIVATIVES Adnan İNCE FIRAT UNIVERSTY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 1 995, Page: 47 In this study, the reaction of aromatic compounds with unsaturated chloromethyl oxirane was carried out at -5°C in presence of anhydrous ÂÎCI3 as a Fri ede 1 -Crafts catalyst İR, 'H-NMR and,3C-NMR techniques were used for the structure characterization of (a) I -(1 -methyl -4-naphtyl}-1- methyl -3- (2-chloro-l-hydroxyethyl) cyclobutan, (b) 1-(1-methyl-4-naphtyl)-1- methyl-3- (1,2 epoxyethyl) cyclobutan,(c) 1 -( 1 -methyl-4-naphtyl}- 1 -methyl-3-(2-chIoro- 1 - oxoethyl)cyc1obutan,(d 1 -Ç 1 -methyl-4-naphtyl)- 1 -methylcyclobutane-3 -carboKillicacid,(e)1-(l-naphtyl)-l-methyl-3-(2-chloro-l- hydroxyethyl) cyclobutane, (f) l-(1-naphtyl)-1 -methyl-3- (1,2- epoxyethyl) cyclobutane, b,c,d compounds were obtained from Hi -methyl-4-napthyl) - 1 -methyl -3-(2-chl oro- 1 -hydroxyethyl ) cycl obutane. This compounds were seperated by thin layer chromotography and coloun chromotography.