Naftalin sübstitue siklobütan türevlerinin sentezi
dc.contributor.advisor | Baybay, Mustafa | | | İnce, Adnan | | | 2020-12-29T13:15:12Z | | | 2020-12-29T13:15:12Z | | | 1995 | | | 2018-08-06 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.description.abstract | ÖZET YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ NAFTALİN SÜBSTİTUE SİKLOBÖTAN TÜREVLERİNİN SENTEZİ Adnan İNCE FIRAT ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ KİMYA ANABİLİM DALİ 1994, Sayfa: 47 Bu çalışmada, doymamış klormetil oksiranla aromatik bileşiklerin bir Friedel-Crafts katalizörü olan susuz alüminyum klorûrle -5°C de reaksiyonîan gerçekleştirildi. (a) Hl-metil-4-naftil) -1- metil -3-(2-klor- 1 -hidroksietil) siklobütan,(b)1-(1-metil-4-naftil)-1- metil -3-( 1,2- epoksietil) siklobütan,(c)Wl-meti1-4-naftilM- metil -3-(2-kîor- î -oksfetll) siklobûtan,(d) 1 -( 1 -metil-4-naf til)- 1 - metilsiklobütan-3-karboksilik asit, (e)l-(l-naftil) -1- metil -3-(2-klor-l -hidroksietil) siklobütan, (f)l-(l-naftil) -1- metil -3-(l,2-epoksietil) siklobütamn yapı aydınlatılmasıda İR, 'H-NMR ve Î3C-NMR teknikleri kullanıldı. b,c,d bileşikleri (a) 1 -( 1 -metil-4-naf ti î )- 1 -meti î -3-(2-klor-l-hidroksi) siklobütandan elde edildi. Bu bileşikler kolon kromotografisi ve ince tabaka kromotografisiylesaflaştınldı. | |
dc.description.abstract | II SUMMARY MASTER THESIS THE SYNTHESIS OF NAPHTALENE SUBSTUTE CYCLOBUTANE DERIVATIVES Adnan İNCE FIRAT UNIVERSTY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 1 995, Page: 47 In this study, the reaction of aromatic compounds with unsaturated chloromethyl oxirane was carried out at -5°C in presence of anhydrous ÂÎCI3 as a Fri ede 1 -Crafts catalyst İR, 'H-NMR and,3C-NMR techniques were used for the structure characterization of (a) I -(1 -methyl -4-naphtyl}-1- methyl -3- (2-chloro-l-hydroxyethyl) cyclobutan, (b) 1-(1-methyl-4-naphtyl)-1- methyl-3- (1,2 epoxyethyl) cyclobutan,(c) 1 -( 1 -methyl-4-naphtyl}- 1 -methyl-3-(2-chIoro- 1 - oxoethyl)cyc1obutan,(d 1 -Ç 1 -methyl-4-naphtyl)- 1 -methylcyclobutane-3 -carboKillicacid,(e)1-(l-naphtyl)-l-methyl-3-(2-chloro-l- hydroxyethyl) cyclobutane, (f) l-(1-naphtyl)-1 -methyl-3- (1,2- epoxyethyl) cyclobutane, b,c,d compounds were obtained from Hi -methyl-4-napthyl) - 1 -methyl -3-(2-chl oro- 1 -hydroxyethyl ) cycl obutane. This compounds were seperated by thin layer chromotography and coloun chromotography. | en_US |
dc.language | Turkish | |
dc.language.iso | tr | |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/embargoedAccess | |
dc.rights | Attribution 4.0 United States | tr_TR |
dc.rights.uri | | |
dc.subject | Kimya | tr_TR |
dc.subject | Chemistry | en_US |
dc.title | Naftalin sübstitue siklobütan türevlerinin sentezi | |
dc.type | masterThesis | | | 2018-08-06 | |
dc.contributor.department | Diğer | |
dc.subject.ytm | Naphthalene | |
dc.subject.ytm | Synthesis | |
dc.identifier.yokid | 36048 | | | Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü | | | FIRAT ÜNİVERSİTESİ | |
dc.identifier.thesisid | 36048 | |
dc.description.pages | 47 | |
dc.publisher.discipline | Diğer |