Tedavide kullanılan piroksikamın erişkin sıçanların karaciğer, böbrek ve akciğer dokularına olan etkilerinin histolojik olarak incelenmesi
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ÖZET7HGDYLGH .XOODQÃODQ 3LURNVLNDPÃQ (ULúNLQ 6ÃoDQODUÃQ .DUDFL÷HU%EUHN YH $NFL÷HU 'RNXODUÃQD 2ODQ (WNLOHULQLQ +LVWRORMLN 2ODUDNøQFHOHQPHVL1RQVWHURLGDO DQWLLQIODPDWXYDU LODoODU 16$øø) etkilerini prostaglandinsentezini inhibe ederek gösterirler. Prostaglandinlerin sente]OHQPH/ROODUÃQGDQbiri de siklooksijenaz (COX) enzimidirøki tip izoHQ]LPEXOXQPXúWXU&2;-1, COX-2 olmak üzere) 16$øø¶OHULQDQDOMH]LNYHDQWLLQIODPDWXYDUHWNLOHULQGHQCOX-2 inhibisyonu sorumlu iken, istenmeyen yan etkilerinden COX-1inhibasyonu sorumludur.3LURNVLNDPLoHUHQSUHSHUDWÃQVÃoDQNDUDFL÷HUEEUHNYH DNFL÷HU GRNXODUà Â]HULQH IDUNOà GR]ODUD ED÷Oà RODVà HWNLOHULQL DUDúWÃUPDNDPDFÃ/OD KHU JUXSWD 5'er VÃoDQ olmak üzere 3 JUXS ROXúWXUXOGX .RQWURO(Grup I ), Piroksikam içeren preperat 0.250 mg/kg/gün (Grup II ) , Piroksikamiçeren preperat 0.500 mg/kg/gün (Grup III ). Planlanan dozlar 5 gün süre ileLQWUDPÂVNÂOHU X/JXODQGà 'HQH/ VRQXQGD *UXS ,¶H DLW VÃoDQODUÃQ NDUDFL÷HUEEUHN YH DNFL÷HU GRNXODUÃQGD QRUPDO histolojik /DSÃODU J]OHQGL Grup IINDUDFL÷HUGRNXVXQGDKHSDWRVLWOHUGHJUDQÂOHUGHMHQHUDV/RQED]ÃKHSDWRVLWOHUGHpiknotik çekirdekler, sinüzoidal konjesyon, portal alanda mononüklear hücreLQILOWUDV/RQODUÃL]OHQGL*UXS,,,¶WHEX/DSÃVDOGH÷LúLNOLNOHUGDKDFLGGLGÂ]H/GHL]OHQGL $/Qà ]DPDQGD ED]à KHSDWRVLWOHULQ QHNUR]D JLWWL÷L JUÂOG *UXS ,,böbrek dokusunda vasküler konjesyon, perivasküler mononüklear hücreLQILOWUDV/RQODUÃYHDWURILNJORPHUXOOHUL]OHQGL Grup III'te bu bulgulara ilavetenproksimal ve distal tübül epitel hücrelerinde hidropik dejenerasyon gözlendi.Grup II DNFL÷HU GRNXVXQGD LQWHUDOYHRODU VHSWXPGD NDOÃQODúPD YDVNÂOHUkonjesyon, alveoler konjesyon, parankimde mononüklear hücre infiltrasyon-ODUà EURQúLRO GXYDUÃQGD GÂ] Nas liflerinde artma gözlendi. Grup III'tekiVÃoDQODUÃQ DNFL÷HULQGH EX EXOJXODU GDKD EHOLUJLQ úHNLOGH L]OHQGL PiroksikamSUHSHUDWÃX/JXODQDQVÃoDQODUÃQNDUDFL÷HUEEUHNYHDNFL÷HUGRNXODUÃQGDGR]DED÷Oà RODUDN EHOLUJLQ /DSÃVDO GH÷LúLNOLNOHU PH/GDQD JHOdi. Proksikam içerenSUHSDUDWÃQ V] NRQXVX GRNXODU Â]HULQH KDVDU YHULFL HWNLOHULQLQ VDGHFHSURNVLNDPDPÃ/RNVDLODFÃQLoLQGHNLGL÷HUPDGGHOHUHHWDQROSURSLOHQJOLNROYV PL ED÷Oà ROGX÷X VRUXVX EX VDKDGD /DSÃODFDN GDKD LOHUL VHYL/HGHNLoDOÃúPDODUÃJHUHktirmektedir.Anahtar kelimeler$NFL÷HU EEUHNNDUDFL÷HU 16$øøVÃoDQ SUMMARYHistological Evalvation of Effects of Piroxicam Used in Treatment on Liver,Kidney and Lung Tissues of Adult RatsNonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) show their effectvia inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. Cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme involves inprostaglandin synthesis pathways. There are two isoenzymes of COX: COX- 1 andCOX- 2. While COX- 2 inhibition is responsible for analgesic and antiinflammatoryeffects of NSAIDs, COX- 1 inhibition accounts for unsolicited side effects. In order toinvestigate the possible dose-dependent effects of drug with piroxicam content onadult liver, kidney and lung tissues, three groups each consisting of five animals havebeen constituted. These were control (Group I), 0.250 mg / kg / day (Group II) and0.500 mg / kg / day (Group III) drug given groups. The planned doses wereadministered intramuscularly for five days. At the end of the study, the liver, kidneyand lung tissues of Group I were normally observed. Granular degeneration andpiknotic nuclei in hepatocytes, sinusoidal congestion and mononuclear cell infiltrationin portal fields were observed in the liver tissues of Group II. However, the level ofthese structural changes was more severe in Group III. Also, it has been observed thatsome hepatocytes have undergone necrotic process. Vascular congestion, perivascularmononuclear cell infiltrations and atropic glomeruls were present in kidney tissues ofGroup II. In addition to these findings, there was hydropic degeneration in proximaland distal tubules of Group III. Interalveolar septum thickening, vascular and alveolarcongestions, parenchymal mononuclear cell infiltrations and smooth muscle fibrilincrement in bronchiole walls were observed in lung tissues of Group II. Thesefindings were more evident in lung tissues of Group III. Also, overall structuralchanges in Group III were more prominent than Group II. The question that whetherthe destructive effects of drug with piroxicam content on rat liver, kidney and lungtissues are related to only piroxicam or other drug contents (ethanol, propylene glycol,etc) warrants further studies in this field.Keywords: Lung, kidney, liver, NSAID, rat