Türkiye`de e-ticaretin ülke ekonomisi üzerine etkisi
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ÖZETKurum, Enstitü, ABD Institution, Institute, Department:Tekirdag Namık Kemal University, Institute of Social Sciences,: Department of BusınessTitle:EFFECT OF E-COMMERCE IN TURKEY ECONOMY OF THE COUNTRYAuthor:Burçin ARSLANAdviser:Assoc. Prof. Ahmet KUBAŞType of Thesis,YearMA Thesis, 2019Total Number of Pages:67The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effect of e-commerce volume on economic development in our country and its development process. This research was conducted in Turkey. In this sense, firstly, literature review has been made and which economic variables affect e-commerce has been revealed. Following the literature review, a total of 6 e-commerce platforms, 4 domestic and 2 international were examined in detail in terms of their contribution to the national economy. According to the results of the research, it is possible to say that domestic e-commerce platforms have more direct contribution to the economy than foreign e-commerce platforms, whereas foreign e-commerce platforms have indirect economic contributions. The most important economic contributions of domestic e-commerce platforms are increasing employment, taxes they pay, support to SMEs, women entrepreneurs' support, contributions to anti-inflation program and R&D investments. The economic contributions of foreign e-commerce platforms are mainly e-export, global trade opportunities and possibility of increasing employment.