Poliste zihinsel modernizasyon
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Poliste zihinsel modernizasyon çalışması bilgi toplumu çağında polisin yaşadığı düşünce yenilenmesini anlatmaktadır. Her birim ve bireyin değişimlerden dışında kalması söz konusu olmayan polisin bir yandan nasıl algılandığını sorgulaması diğer yandan mesleğini nasıl algılaması gerektiğini konusunda yeni yaklaşımlar geliştirdiği süreç anlatılmaktadır. This study, ?Intellectual Modernization in Turkish National Police?, explains the mentality change in policing, in information-society-age. The process in which police questioning how they are perceived by others and how they need to perceive themselves is rendered. Since the best way to see the mentality change in police may be assessed by their own intellectual products, this study is based on the police? own intellectual products that show the development of their mindset. Firstly, intellectual modernization?s theoretical stage is offered, then, this mentality change is proved by police? articles which reflect modern age ideas. The positive change in perception of police about society, media, crime, criminals, policing, is confirmed by demonstrating this change from different point of views. In this respect, the affect of intellectual products on mentality change of police is articulated.