Romatoid artritte serum mukoproteinlerinin incelenmesi
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- 56 - ÖZET 30 normal, 50 aktif safhada Romatoid Artritli olguda serum mukoprotein seviyeleri ölçümlendi. 'Romatoid Artritli olgularda serum mukoprotein seviye sinin ileri derecede anlamlı bir yükselişi saptandı ve hasta lığın diagnozunda yardımcı bir laboratuvar metodu olduğu so nucuna varı İdi. - 57 SUMMARY Serum mucoprotein levels were measured in, 30 normal patients, and 50 patients in the active period of Rheumatoid Arthritis. In patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis the high and meaningful increase of the serum mucoprotein was detected. As a result it was decided that there is a helpful laboratory method for the diagnose of the sickness Rheumatoid Arthritis.