Türkiye'de kalp hastalıklarının ensidansları hakkında mukayeseli inceleme
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r- SUMMARY t In this study an idea about ^ the incidence of cardiopathies In Turkey, we used the materials of our cliniks addmitted all kinds )f internal patients» We take a six year interval of 1975-ig80 and re cording to some parameters, cardiac patients in this time period were as count- id. The resultscompared the ones of Ankara, İstanbul, Cyprus and some >ther countries hospitals» > / - Cardiac cases divided 9(ni«e)parts> due to their diağnoiis. The number patients admitted to our clinics in last 6(six) rears is 4Q75.In this number, the incidence of cardiac cases is »22.57. In other words, 1/4 of our cases is cardiac diseases* In cardiac diseases acuteiiekemik heart diseases has the lax imal incidence with #47. 8. In the order of sequence, there is îhronic ischemic heart diseases(#22. 73) »chronic cor pulmonale #11.95) »rheuratismal heart 4ise»ae(2Çn.2l) «hypertansive heart lisease(#6. 41).Myocarditis and pericarditis are rare.On the other Itand there was no teonjenital heart disease in our clinite. In the aspect of sex differences, coronary atherosclerotic xeart disease and chronic cor pulmonale were encountered twice m men relative to womenjrheumatismal heart disease were encount- id. twice in females relative to males.There is no sexual differen ce in hypertensive heart diseases» In the aspect of age, the commonest interval is 31-40 for rheumatismai heart disease, 51-70ofor atherosclerotic heart dise ase, 51- 70 for hypertensive heart disease and 5I-7O for choronic jor pulmonale, TIn our country and in the world there is an increase of ttherosclerotic heart diseases» there is a decrease of rheumotis- lial heart disease, chronic cor pulmonale, myocarditis and per i car- Li tis which are infectious in origin.