Glikozil hemoglobinin diagnostik ve prognostik açıdan incelenmesi
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36 - ÖZET 54 diabetes mellituslu, 36 sağlıklı kontrol olgusunda, ayrıca OGTT'si yapılan 12 ve postprandial kan şekeri yapılan 10 olguda HbA., seviyeleri saptanmıştır. A- Normal olgularda ortalama HbA.. seviyesi % 7.9 ± 1.09. B- Diabetes mellituslu olgularda ortalama HbA.. seviyesi % 12.4 + 3.75, p < 10`6. C- Regüle olmayan diabetes mellituslu olgularda orta lama HbA^ % 13 + 3.67, p < 10~6. D- Regüle olan Diabetes mellituslu olgularda ortalama HbA1 seviyesi % 8.5 + 0.59, 0.01 < p < 0.001. E- Metabolik komplikasyonu olan diabetes mellituslu olgularda ortalama HbA.. seviyesi % 12.2 + 3.71, p < 10 F- Metabolik komplikasyonu olmayan diabetes mellituslu olgularda ortalama HbA seviyesi % 8.5 + 0.59, 0.01 < p < 0.001 olarak bulunmuştur. G- Diabetes mellitusun tanısında OGTT ile HbA- seviye leri arasındaki korelasyon % 33.3'dür. Postprandial kan şekeri ile korelasyon ise % 22.2'dir. - 37 SUMMARY HbA. levels were determined in 54 patients with Diabe-.. i t -.. 0£ -L. t^t. control subjects, 11 patients with t es Mellitus, 36 healthy J ' r OGTT and postprandial blood glucose levels of 10 patients. A- The mean of HbA., levels were 7.9±1.09 % on the normal cases. B- The mean of YCok^ levels 12.4±3.75%, p<10~6 on the Diabetes Mellitus cases. C- The mean of HbA, levels were 13±3.67 % p<10 of uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus. D- The mean of HbAj^ levels 8.5±0.59 %, 0.01<p<0.001 in cases of controlled Diabetes Mellitus. E- The mean of HbA.. levels were 12.2±3.71 % in cases of Diabetes Mellitus with metabolic complications. F- The mean of HbAx levels were 8.5±0.59 %, 0.01<p<0.001 in cases of Diabetes Mellitus without metabolic complications. G- The correlation between OGTT and HbA. levels was 33.3 % in the diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. Also the corre lation between postparndial serum glucose was 22.2 %.