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dc.contributor.advisorAnarım, Emin
dc.contributor.advisorErgen, Mustafa
dc.contributor.authorKaraman, Melih Ahmet
dc.description.abstractGelisen bilgi teknolojileri, yuksek islem hacmi gerektiren bircok servis ve uygulamasaglamaktadr. Kullanclar tarafndan gereksinim duyulan veri aktarm hzlarnkarslayabilmek icin mobil teknolojilerin ekosistemi kapsama devrinden kapasite devrinegecis yapmaktadr. Daha yuksek kapasite ihtiyaclar, video ve yuksek hzl veri servisleriicin guclu ic mekan kapsamas saglayan kucuk hucre yaklasm ile karslanabilir.Hucresel Ag Mimarileri Devre-Anahtarlamal yapdan Paket-Anahtarlamal yaplaragecerken, kucuk hucreler en buyuk paket ag olan interneti kullandklar icin bu evrimedaha onceden adapte olmus haldedirler. Bu nedenle kucuk hucreler paket tabanlmimariye mukemmel uyum saglayarak, LTE (Uzun Donemli Evrim) icin kacnlmazolmuslardr. Kucuk hucrelerin mobil aglara yerseltirilmesi esnek ve dinamik; operasyon,idare, bakm ve provizyon tasarlarna ihtiyac duyacaktr. Ag yonetimi icin,kendi kendini optimize ve organize eden ag elemanlar bir gereksinim olarak ortayackmstr. Bu nedenle LTE kucuk hucrelerde SON (kendi kendini optimize ve organizeetme) algoritmalar ve tekniklerinin kullanm, uzerinde durulmas gereken onemli biralandr. Bu calsmada konunun baz temellerini inceledikten sonra kendi kendine iyilesme ve duzenlenme yeteneginin LTE kucuk hucrelerin performans uzerindeki etkisinitartsacagz.
dc.description.abstractEmerging information technologies provide a large number of services which requirehigh throughput for the users. In order to supply the data rate needed by the consumer,the evolving ecosystem of mobile technologies have been shifting from coverageto capacity era. Needs of higher capacity can be achieved by small cell approach thatprovides good indoor coverage for video and high speed data services. Whilst CellularNetwork Architecture is shifting from Circuit-Switched mode to Packet-Switched mode,small cells have begun to adapt this evolution earlier since they use the largest packetnetwork, /the Internet`, as a backhaul, that is why they perfectly t in the packet orientedarchitecture and they are inevitable in Long Term Evolution (LTE). Deploymentof small cells requires exible and dynamic operation, administration, maintenanceand provisioning schemes. Self-organization and self-optimization of network elementsemerge as a necessity for network management. Hence, using Self-Organizing Networks(SON) algorithms and techniques in LTE small cells is a key issue; in this study we aregoing to discuss the impact of SON in performance of LTE small cells after reviewingthe principles of the topicen_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 United Statestr_TR
dc.subjectBilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontroltr_TR
dc.subjectComputer Engineering and Computer Science and Controlen_US
dc.subjectElektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliğitr_TR
dc.subjectElectrical and Electronics Engineeringen_US
dc.titleSpectrum aware self-organizing networking in ofdma/lte heterogeneous networks
dc.title.alternativeDikey frekans bölmeli çoklu erişim kullanan/uzun dönem evrimli heterojen ağlarda tayf farkındalığıyla kendi kendini organize eden ağlar oluşturma
dc.contributor.departmentElektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı
dc.subject.ytmWireless networks
dc.subject.ytmWireless systems
dc.subject.ytmWireless communication
dc.publisher.instituteFen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.publisher.universityBOĞAZİÇİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ

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