Edirne Uzunköprü Yeniköy köyünün Bektaşi müziğinin incelenmesi
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point of view we should not forget the Shiites and Bektashies. In the world of Islam, the religious beliefs and philosophies of these societies are very colorful. Not only they have unique life styles but also theyhave unique religious beliefs and music which is affected by them. Our research subject is Bektashi Music. To research the music of Bektashies, who have lived in almost every region of our country would be, as a matter of time and place, insufficient for us. Because of this, the character of our populist music, originally of environs not regional, would oblige us to travel every particular place around Anatolia. Our oppotunities and the shortage of time would not help us realize this. Because of the fact that we would be facing the possibility not making a sufficient evaluation of the data from this wide area, we have prefered to start from the basic part to achieve the whole but not from the whole to the basic part. Because of this reason, we have limited the area of our work with the music of the Bektashies from Yeniköy District in the Thrace. In other words, we have limited the geographical area of our interest. Certainly, to make the subject easier to understand, we find it useful - vi -to describe the manner we will fol low. Thus, in order to analyse the music of the Bektashies we have adopted the form analysis fundemental ly. However to analyse the works according to their forms and not to deal with their details would not satisfy us. Because of this reason, including the musical and rithmic analysis, we have proceeded further research. Naturally, sound 1 ines, intervals, melody drives (if there is) rithmic and melodic variations important matters concerning decents, sub-dialects and dialects will be sequentially our points of interest. Generally in our country, the music of the Bektashies from the view points which have forwarded until now, consists of incredible values. Starting from this point of view, we have made our efforts to prove if the music in the environs of Yeniköy and the Bektashies which has never been searched and their datas. determined up to day. Our aim is to serve completely objectively to the scientific world all the unknown aspects of this music, the origins of which goes deep in the old - vii -times of the history. In our age by means of the media, the foreign cultures have founded great opputunites and this caused fundemantal ly, cultural erosion. We accept this feet as a very important danger because the wars which has ruined the nations, are less dangerous than the mass communication means, which destructs the culture. It is essential to reveal every product, whether it is a small or big, which is produced with the help of our nations creativity, because of the reasons of documentation and our cultural existence. Because of this reasons, al tough the subject may be small, we have decided to analyse the nefesses (hymn) made by Bektashies which constitues the foundemantals of our research. We will make a middle scale analysis of melody, rithm on the Bektashi Music that we have collected during our researches. The terminology we are going to use here will be as follows. Period `.Means the parts in the folkloric song(if there exists - vin -any) A full music sentence: Means a whole made of sub-sentences in forms of questions and answers. Little sentence '.Means the sub-definitions that form the full sentence. Thus, the row will be; Period>sentence>little sentence But in ordet to define the symbolic expressions in the analysis, we have followed such a way as follows: Example for Period: A Sentence :a Little sentences :x,y,z We have harmonized the definitions with the expressions given above. In the symbolic expression, the number written below the symbol means the measure, the number written above means the line of the poetry. If the same expressions are found during the analysis, we have decided to define them with - IX -`equivalent` sentences. If the expressions are quiet similar or we define them as similar or twin sentence.Like A defines the sentences, a defines the little sentences,x,y,z define the sub-sentences. The Bektashies and being a Bektashy have a special way of understanding, thinking, a different way of belief. It's their specifications that they have an elegant witty remarks, a unique manner of their own, an unconventional loveliness with a pretty way of tees ing. Whenever a Bektashi is talked about, it reminds a person with witty remarks, a pretty person with clever jokes. In this situation there exist an unlimited tolerance along with a humanist point of view. It can accept every individual who does not care about differentiation of religions, races, religious groups, nations. It ceases the spiritual thirst of that individual.lt considers every religion, race, belief and opinion, nation according to the degree of their importance. But they never feel dependig on them. Our country possibly has the richest folkloric treasure in the world that it becomes difficult for us to clasify the Turkish Folkloric Music in the folkloric qualities in means - x -of varieties.But in order to make it easier for us to deal with the subject, we wanted to clasify the Turkish Folkloric Music under two main titles. -Religious Music -Non-religious Music Our subject concerns with the religious music. But still this classification is not enough for us. Because we can also make sub-classes in the religious music itself, Like Şathiyes, Devriyes,and t lahies. In this work of ours, all the media and communication possibilities have been used. It is our greatest wish that the research that we have done in Yeniköy Village of the Territory of Uzunköprü of the country of Edirne in the Trakya Region, to be useful source for all kinds of academi cal works. - xi -