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III ÖZET Çalışma sekiz bölümden oluşmaktadır. tik bölümde giriş kısmı ile konunun anahatları ortaya konmuştur. İkinci bölümde insan ve sistem başlığı altında kurumlaşma felsefesi ile insan ve sistem arasındaki ilişkiler üzerinde durulmuştur. Sistem adı altında kurallar ve insan eliyle oluşturulmuş, ama insanı engelleyen yapılar ve insanın bunlar ile ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde kurumlaşmanın tanımı yapılmıştır. Kurum kimliği kavramı da ortaya konmuştur. Dördüncü bölümde, kurum olmak için gerekli unsurlardan bahsedilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde kurumlaşmayı aksatan ve pekiştiren faktörler listelenmiştir. Altıncı bölümde kurumlaşma ile halkla ilişkiler çalışmalarının bağlantısından sözedilmiştir. Yedinci bölümde kurumlaşma çalışmalarının yönetim danışmanlığının bağlantılarından sözedilmiştir. Sekizinci bölümde yönetim etkinliğinin ölçülmesi için kullanılabilecek denetim ve analiz türleri sıralanmıştır. Sonuç bölümünde ise konu her zaman rastlanabilecek türden bir şirketin hayatı baştan sona ortaya konarak değerlendirilmiştir. IV SUMMARY For 20-30 years business world has got a new industry: Management Industry. There are hundreds of companies on publications, audio-visual training tools, training seminars, human resources selection systems, motivation systems, management ecoles and `guru's`. Managers have got hundreds of alternative, about taking necessary information today. That means you must choose the necessary information which is the real need of you and your company. Famous management gurus Partha Gosh, Clause Moller, Michael Hammer, James Champy and author's common idea is as follows: There are a lot of systems and this creates buzzword literature. Everybody say that kind of words with no deep meaning. In the chaos of these buzzwords, the name of our thesis is `Institutionalisation`. It is not easy to pronouns but it means a lot of things: In an institution, you find people to say your demand, believe that there will be justice about decisions. You find responsible; believe and sincerely trust them. You know that they don't focus, only to make you happy but to make you happy by giving you the best. It means continuously effectiveness in a company. System and human are two components of a company. Human is the dynamo of a company. System is supporter of human. For example to use computers is not an aim, but they are useful devices to make business. Rules and the system which is made by rules, are not obstacles to overcome, but supporters and guidelines to overcome problems, so to make business. People must understand this reality and give up to resist the rules. At the same time people must learn to create supportive rules and to get rid of unnecessary, obsolete rules urgently.You may think that to employ professionals make your company an institution. That is not true. As a matter of fact a family enterpreneurship may be an institution. Institutionalisation depends on sincere, responsibility and interest to the business of the company from product to market. It means to perform all necessities for continuous survival of the company. If the family members manage the company well, beyond family conflicts, this may be an example of sincere, respectful and efficient communication in the company. Institutionalism means to provide effective work, creative thinking, discipline, stability about decisions, motivation, making right decisions, continuously and natural. Hard components of the company as money, machinery and material are important. Soft components of the company as image, human resources and management are important too. Most of the great people who effected the history of the world, are people who have deep technique and spiritual density together. So, as an organic structure which has got a life longer then a person, managers must foster both soft and hard components of the company. Every new minute brings change; threats and opportunities to manager's life. And every situation force you to make decisions between alternatives. The best alternative to choose changes time to time, company to company, manager to manager and even the same person to the same person. Some of the companies seem as an institution. For example their image may be trustable, powerful and solid. However some of them seem weak and risky. This is the image of the company which affects credibility and sales of the company. It seems as an invisible asset in financials. Managers must plan the image of the company as a part of strategic management plan.VI The aim must be to determine and underline strenghts and differences of the company. Why a company needs to be an institution? 1. to employ best people People prefer to work in big and Unstable companies which seem as an institution. Most of the people scare risk. Institutions do not fire employees easily or suddenly, overcome financial fluctuations safely, most of the time supply more benefits then others. 2. to obtain easy resources for finance As an invisible asset, an institution may find financial resources easily then others. Papers of the company seem more valuable in the eye of investors in stock market. Big company has got bargaining advantage in especially advertisement contacts. 3. to increase sales Customers think that there is a system to trust or complain. If the company deal with social aid work, customer feel close him/herself to the company and prefer it. A company may choose to seem as an institution. According to our opinion it is a short term solution, not enough for continuous success. A company may choose to be as an institution. According to our opinion if nobody knows this reality, it is not enough for continuous success. We advice to the company to be and seem as an institution at the same time for continuous success.vııı Personal Organisation To keep working place tidy, using ajanda or organiser, saving yourself from unexpected visitors, to know time expenditure minute by minute are essentials. To See The Work As A Unique Part It was a useful innovation to divide the work into small parts. It is not easy to combine these small parts as a unique whole part. It is normal because the number of parts means same number of relations and communication channels. During these communication processes a lot of information modifies or get lost easily. To avoid this threat Hammer and Champy suggest `Case Person` or `Case Team` concepts. To Benefit From The Others Information is available. A lot of books and magazins are sources of information. Additionally there are a lot of people who wants to give their knowledge as a pleasure. Benefit from them. To Authorise Doer Hierarchy is changing today. If the aim is to make business, you need to employ skilled people for accomplishing the work. That means people who has ability, willingness and authority to perform the work. To Reconsider Existing Systems and Rules For Advancement- General tendency is to perform jobs automatically. But there may be exceptions or modification about the situation. The aim; performance, must not be forgotten while people try to do the work automatically.IX To Give up Ignoring Big Costs While Trying to Catch Small Costs Buying department is an example for this. Most companies centralise buying functions to decrease costs. Companies may decentralise this functions and keep departments responsible about costs. Effective Control Clause Moller indicates two group of people as `do person` and `do check person`. Do person perform the job. Do check person performs and check the performance of the work. In most of the companies you may see a lot of initials on the documents. This not means that everybody controlled the performance, but may be an indicator of nobody made a sufficient control. To Decrease Reconciliation Classic mechanical consultancy suggests number of copies of documents to provide reconciliation. Reconciliation means a lot of work which is not productive. But modern consultancy targets to decrease unproductive work as decreasing number and time of reconciliation. Companies use database systems on computers to perform this. Sales Representative Concept People requires speed, result and interest from service suppliers. Modern consultancy suggests sales representatives armed with necessary information, skill and authority against/between customers.Synthesis Ecoles or ideologies are not sufficient today. Intelligence is `in`. That means to use all ecoles and ideas for performance. Computers are useful devices for this aim. Continuous Training Training is a necessity to increase performance and problem solving skills. It is not a luxury work. The criteria about training is performance of it. If the training program is useful it must be used. To Employ `Brains` The most important process in a company is considering process. To provide this process you need to motivate people to consider and use the ideas appropriately. It is Not an Advantage to Give Low Salaries If you avoid to give money, people will avoid to show their real performance. To Give Authority If a manager can not delegate his/her work and give authority, you may think about if he/she is a manager. To Work is not a Penalty but a Reward. There are thousands of people who enjoy their jobs. Like sportsmen and artists, to work is a game and entertainment. People earn money plus this enjoy.XI To Give Necessary Information Information must be fluent. People without necessary information may seem as soldiers without guns. Without gun how can you overwhelm your enemy. Reaction Against Mistakes Mistake is a valuable information and an indicator of action. Cihangir Samin has got a story about mistakes. Once upon a time there was a man who had 200.000 professional mistakes. A big company employed him and gave a good salary with a nice office, equipment and secretary. They didn't requested any work from the man. After months the managers of the company came and gave a report to the man and said: `We request you investigate this report and identify that if there are any of the 200.000 mistakes you've done before. Check it, please.` Mistakes must be investigated and keep as an information, a case or training material. Professional and Private can not be Separated. If a person is tidy at home, it is a weak possibility to see him/her untidy at work. Characteristics Effects Whole Life of People. People can not do anything which may be a threat for the image of the company. People can not infringe the rules of the company; can change but not infringe. That is an indicator of an institution.Xll Monitoring and Controlling Monitoring and controlling is the most important part of the working process. Delegating may be big brother of monitoring and controlling. Morning meetings may be suggested as a system for delegating and monitoring. Here is the most important elements on the way of being an institutions. It is a never ending story and endless challenge for continuous change.