19. yüzyılda İstanbul Rum Ortodoks kiliseleri
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Ondokuzuncu yüzyıl Fener Rum Patrikhanesine bağlı Rum Ortodoks kiliseleri katalog halinde ele alınmış ve araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada atmış sekiz kilise ziyaret edilerek, iç mekanda bulunan mimariye, litürjiye bağlı öğelerde eklektisizm etkisi saptanmıştır. Yapılan incelemede belirtilen konu başlığı altında araştırılan kiliselerin çoğu bazilikal plan şemasına bağlı olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte Ondokuzuncu yüzyılın ikinci yarısında yaygınlaşan plan tipi ise kapalı Yunan Haçıdır. Dış tezniyatın doruk noktasına ulaştığı yapılarda dönem özellikleri uygulanmıştır. Günümüzde Fener Rum Patrikhanesine bağlı ibadete açık 75 kilise ve 8 manastır kilisesi bulunmaktadır. IV Orthodoks Church which is known as one of the thougths of Christianity is a group which is formed by those independent churches which accept the superiority of İstanbul Fener Greek Patriarchate. In Greek the word 'Orthodoksos` means the right opinion. It is konwn as Fener Greek Patriarchate or Ecumenic Patriarch anda is accepted as the highest histrocal Archbishop position of the Orhthodoks Church. According to Orthodoks belief Byzantian bishop was found by one of the disciples of Jesus, Saint Andreas. After Konstantinus I moved the capital of the empire from Rome to Byzantia and gave the city Konstantinapolis, the church promoted to archbishop. In 381 Konstantinapolis I declared that it had the same rights with Rome archbishop. This meant the seperation of Orthodoks and Katholic Church. In 451 Calcedon Council acknowledged the Konstantinapolis archbishop and included a large area in the Balkans anda Anatolia to its autorithy. In VI. century the bishop received the title of Konstantinopolis arcbishop and Ecumenic Patriach. Muslim conquers that started in the VII. century improved the spiritual position of Ecumenic Patriarch. The Ecumenic Patriach became the center of the spread of the Christianity among East European countries like Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania and Russia. Patriarch as the leader of eastern churches became an important obstacle against the Universal sovereignty thesis of Rome. The political and religious dispute between the Eastern anda Vatikan Churches lead to seperation of the Christianity world as Orthodok and Katholic Churches. In the time of crusades the Patriarch moved to Nikaia but in 1261 Patriarch again returned to Konstantinopolis. The strugle of the Patriach against Byzantian emperors who were trying to join Eastern and Western Churches weakaned the Byzantia. Fatih Sultan Mehmet who conquered Istanbul declared exiled Gennadios as the Patriarch and increased the authority of the Fener Greek Patriarch to include the Eastern Patriarch and Balkan States. He accepted and declared The Patriarch of istanbul as the spiritual leader of all the Orthodoks peoples living in Ottoman Empire and he guaranteed the future of the Patriarch.the Fener Greek Patriarch to include the Eastern Patriarch and Balkan States. He accepted and declared The Patriarch of istanbul as the spiritual leader of all the Orthodoks peoples living in Ottoman Empire and he guaranteed the future of the Patriarch. Meanwhile together with the historical development, the existance of Orthodok Church was in parallel with the Byzantian Empire and as aresult of Byzantian architecture, Orthodoks architecture developed. The history of Byzantian Architecture started and major types of plans that was formed by this period played an important role in history of architecture. Byzantian Church architecture in the first period was applied by a naos and a bazilical plan scheme which is finished by half circle shaped apsis like made in Khalkoprateis and in Studios Monastry in Istanbul, seperated into three parts by two column series. As time went by, a development that effected the shape of the Bazilicas was formed. Coverage of mid volume churches depending on shape and structural features of dome, effected the plan of bazilika and directed it from a longditually developed structure to a central structure. The domed plan type that was called bazilika reached the last point with the building of Haghasofia. Another building type that was developed by early Christian architecture is a central planned type. Central planned buildings was only applied by circular, sometimes peripheral corridored, sometimes central volumed structures which are largened by cross like arms. After 4. century the most important monuments was built around the capital Istanbul. Except Ayasofya and Little Ayasofya the most important buildings in Istanbul were Saint Havarium Church wherein now there's Fatih Mosque. It was accepted that cross like plan sheme was applied. VIIn the middle of 9. century in Byzantian architecture most characteristic plan which is called cross in square developed and after this period began the most often used plan type. The idea that mid volume that was square and covered with dome was a microkosmos emerged in 6. century and then reached its peak point. Cross in square type is a square plan type volume wherein in a church the legs and columns carrying naos mid dome are seen freely. Mid dome is supported by craddle vaults in four ways and these together with the dome form a cross. Corners are covered with vaults or the dome. The dome in the middle lies on the high drum. Before naos there's a narteks and sometimes an outer narteks. Most of the churches that exists in Istanbul today have been built in this way. Among these structures that are built in 10. century the most important ones are Myraleion (Bodrum Mosque), Fenari İsa (Konstantin Lips Church Monastry) Zeyrek Church. After latin invation of İstanbul, Byzantian architecture paused. Together with this, buildings that existed after 1261 rebuilt. Koca Mustafa Paşa Mosque (Ayios Andreas), Fenari Isa Mosque (Konstantin Lips Monastry) and its small chapel; Fethiye Mosque (Pammakaridos). The Chapel that is added to Kariye Mosque is also rectangular shaped. Other type of building is clover schemed. With the invasion of Byzantian Empire by Ottoman Empire, altough Christian people lost formal existance they benefited from some freedom. Since Fatih Sultan Mehmet was a noble ruler he believed that he had to take care of Christian people thus understood that it would be dangerous to fight with these people under his domination. Moreover he took a community that has a working mechanism and that continues its existance both in industrial and agricultural sector. This was very important for the Empire. Thus the Ottoman Empire like other Christian communities gave privilege to Greek community and respected their religious freedom. Christian people were going to have the right to continue their habits and folkways and join their church and ceremonies. Altough some of the vuchurches built in Byzantian period were turned to mosques some churhes left for Orthodoks community to use. The buildings that belonged to Fener Greek Orthodoks Patriarch all of which are rebuilt in 19. century are built according to Bazilical Plan scheme. Plan shcemes that applied other than this was, cross in square and followed by domed bazilika. Among the churches in cathalog Panayia Mouhliotissa was the only building that is left from Byzantian period. But with later changes, additions and restorations; both from internal and external appearance point of view features of architecture changed and took the 1 9. century eclectic style features. Same fact is also observed in buildings of Ayio Etimia, Ayios Dimitrios (Kuruçeşme), Ayios Dimitrios Etimia Ksilopostas, Ayios Dimitrios (Kurtuluş), all of which are built in 17. and 1 8. century. Apart from this altough Greek Orthodoks Churches that are built in 19. century had simple appearance, they beonged to eclectic appearance in interior appearance. Parallel to outer appearance and interior appearance buildings that eclectic style is fully applied and reached its peak point are Ayio Kiryakis (Kumkapı), Ayio Triada (Kadiköy), Ayia Triade (Taksim), Ayia Paraskevi (Tarabya), Ayios Athanasios (Kurtuluş). vm