Toplam kalite özdeğerlendirme modelinin satış fonksiyonlarına uygulanması
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ÖZET Günümüze gelinceye değin ekonomi, sosyal yapı ve iş dünyasını kapsayan bir çok yenilik ve buluş; daha iyi yaşam koşullarını sağlama, kaynakların etkin ve verimli kullanılmasını temin etme yanında son yıllarda rekabet faktörünün de önem kazanmasıyla alışageldiğimiz süreçleri sorgulamamıza ve geliştirmemize neden olmaktadır. Serbest rekabet kurallarına dayanan dışa açık sanayileşme modelleri tüm dünya ülkelerini etkilemekte ve bu etkileşim bir çok alanda yenilikçi yapılanmaları ve yaklaşımları gerekli kılmaktadır. Özellikle teknolojinin ve telekomünikasyonun vardığı boyut gelişmelerde baş döndürücü bir hızla hareket edilmesini ve toplumların içe dönük yapısını değişime zorlamaktadır. 1980' ü yıllardan sonra Serbest Piyasa Ekonomi1 sini ve dışa açık sanayileşme modelini benimseyerek uluslararası alanda rekabete giren Türkiye, hedeflediği ekonomik ve sosyal başarılara ulaşmak amacıyla işletmelerin verimli çalışmasına, gereksinimleri karşılayabilecek düzeyde ve çeşitli mal ve hizmet üretimine, rekabetçi ortamda pazar bulabilecek fiyata ve düşük maliyet giderleriyle çalışmalara, özellikle üretilen ürünlerin kalitesine önem vermelidir. Kalite alanında sağlanan gelişmelerin ulaştığı son nokta olan Toplam Kalite Yönetimi, rekabet gücünün arttırılması için firmaların müşteri mutluluğuna, çalışanların katılımına ve sürekli gelişim ilkelerine dayanan bir yapı içinde faaliyetlerini sürdürmesine yardımcı olur. Toplam Kalite anlayışının uygulama düzeyini ölçmek ve olumlu gelişmeleri sürece katmak amacıyla çeşitli kalite ödülleri verilmektedir. Modellerin içerdiği Özdeğerlendirme yaklaşımı, kuruluşların faaliyet alanlarında karşılaşacakları problemleri çözme ve iyileştirme sürecini daha etkin hale getirme yönünde yararlar sağlamaktadır. xii SUMMARY Quality is generally accepted as an important factor in the competitiveness and the survival of many organizations. Quality is not something of today only or some new theory which has been tried to see if it works. Today we talk about quality and the need for it and so will the future generations even so many years from now. Companies that are competing on the world market cannot fight against competitors located in low labour countries on cost factors alone. If they are to keep their factories open here then they will need to be better on other factors. To compete on quality, organizations have to follow up the evolution in thinking about managing quality which has taken place in this century. Managing quality in the organization has long been an issue related to the number of inspectors along the production lines to select the good from the bad products. Statistical methods and techniques are introduced on the shopfloor to detect problems in products and processes earlier, and saving money because you have less inspectors at the end of the production line. By creating a quality management system which quality controls and procedures are defined regarding inputs, process and outputs, the whole organization becomes involved. Customers and suppliers have to be involved to be able to control and manage the whole process from design to final product or service and after sales service. This stage is called Total Quality Management (TQM), because quality has become an issue for top management in creating market niches and future positions in the market for the organization, based on specific quality dimensions for the specific product and service the organization will deliver. XlllTotal Quality Management is not just making more money, ör satisfying customers, ör getting a certificate. Total Quality Management is ali of the above - and something more: integration of ali the above factors is required. And that takes management. To get the proper balance beüveen the above mentioned factors is what management has to take çare of by having a proper background and using a systematic approach. Total Ouality Management has been defined in many ways but the main principles are:.Continuous Improvement.Customer Orientation (Internal & External).Process Control & Improvement.Employee Involvement.Supplier Involvement.Management by Facts and Data Many organizations have understood the message of Total Quality Management and have implemented these concepts in various ways. Since 1951, there have been three main Total Quality Award Models in abroad. Ali of these models have helped to improve the Total Quality Management These Award Models are also called `Total Ouality Self-Assessment Model`. To make managers receptive to the management concept of Total Quality Management, the concept has to be defined well and Total Quality Management progress has to be measured. The quality award models help in this respect, because they give a good definition of Total Quality Management by the criteria described and they also give a measurement approach based on Self-Assessment along the lines of the award criteria. Many examples (about firms) are now becoming available of successful use of Self-Assessment based on öne of the award models as instrument in managing the never ending organizational journey to Total Quality Management. xivit has been tried to explain the methods and concepte of the Self-Assessment Model in chapter 3. This chapter consist of the Self-Assessment Model concept, definition, introduction, source, methods, procedures and benefıts. There are sfac main approaches defined for the model. in the following chapters (4 and 5), three main Award Models and TUSIAD- KalDer Total Quality Self-Assessment Award model are explained. Several national and regional quality awards have been established to promote quality and serve as a model of Total Quality Management (TQM). The Deming Application Prize (Japan-1951), Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (USA-1987) and European Quality Award (Europe-1992) has been founded. Now, a multinational firm can be recognized for the quality of ite operations in the three main world markete. These awards are playing a key role in the quality revolution in these three markete and will effectively raise quality performance standards and expectations throughout the world. in this chapter, are given some examples about American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), British Ainvays, International Business Machines (IBM) and Hafslund Nycomed AS. By the same years with European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), the Turkish Quality Association (KalDer) was created in 1992. Then Turkish Industrialiste1 and Businessmen1 s Association (TUSIAD) and KalDer founded a Quality Award for Turkish firms and companies. The objective of Turkish Quality Association is to promote the use of Total Quality Management in Turkish business world and, thereby, increase the competitiveness of business enterprises in Turkey generally. Like the other awards models, the `TUSIAD-KalDer Total Quality Self- Assessment Award Model` is very helpful in this respect. This is because the Award, through ite assessment process, identifies the role models of excellence in Total Quality Management and business practice. And role models, of course, through their inherent practical nature, provide the best vehicles for promoting Total Quality Management. The Award is öpen to companies ör to their subsidiaries based in Turkey which are meeting certain eligibility rules but generally organizations large and XVsmall in the manufacturing or service sectors may apply for it. The applicants' submission is based on the generic model which is shown in Chapter 5. The model comprises nine criterias. On the left hand side are the five `ENABLERS`. It is within these criteria that the applicant has the opportunity to describe the organization's Quality Management System. On the right side are four `RESULTS` criterias. Notice that 50 % of the score arises from each of `ENABLER` and `RESULTS` areas. One of the most attractive features of the model is its clarity. The distinction between the two sides makes it very easy to understand and to use:. On the left side the ENABLERS, the factors that we as management and workers, can directly be influenced from our own roles, the HOW side;. On the right side the RESULTS from the actions and the process following from the Enablers, the WHAT side. More than anything else this distinction between Enablers and Results makes the Model so useful. A proper analyses of the Results side criteria tells you which Enabler criteria require more attention than others. In this Award Model, the `ENABLER` criteria are devided into several parte or sub-criterias. Applicants must address each part in an Award submission. In respect of each of the four `RESULTS` criteria, the applicant is required to present trends of results in terms of:. Actual results. Comparisons of actuals with internal targets. Comparisons with the competitors. Comparisons with `Best in class` organizations In this chapter (Chapter 5), are given some examples about firms which are located in Turkey, BRİSA-Bridgestone Tire Manufacturing and Trade Company Co., Renault-Mais Automobile Manufacturing and Sales Company Co., Simko- XVISiemens Manufacturing and Trade Company Co., TUSAŞ-Turkish Engine Industry Company Co. Chapter 6 is the implementation part of the thesis. it is the chapter where there is a chance to implement Total Quality Self-Assessment Model to the Marketing and Sales departments of Fako Pharmaceuticals Inc. which is currently operating in pharmaceuticals industry. The required studies for the Self-Assessment process to operate are explained in this chapter in detail. Total Quality Self-Assessment Model is not in the implementation area of FAKO. The main approach in this chapter is to improve the work processes of FAKO with the help of the Model and to reflect this to implementations. Fırst of ali issues like, forming the team which will carry out the tasks throughout the fırm, defıning areas to work on, deciding which workers from the departments which will be participating in the process will actively work, should be clarified. With the top executives' decision a Total Quality Execution and Evaluation Committee should be formed. The Committee may consist of a top executive (possibly an Assistant General Manager), heads of departments, academicians, experts from various consultant firms and department specialists. The Committee should have a full authority in carrying out the tasks and in preparing plans. The Committee should report the developments about the study to the top management and should make studies so that the Total Quality Principles gain effıciency in the whole company. The base of success throughout the firm requires implementation of detailed studies in every department. in control of the Fırm Total Quality Committee in every department `Department Self-Assessment Execution and Evaluation Teams` should be formed. These teams should be responsible of executing the firm' s policies and strategies, collecting of data in a reliable way relating the criterias, in the evaluation phase and reporting the results. Fako Marketing and Sales Department has a structure of a Head Office and a Fıeld Organization. This should be remembered in the Self-Assessment study. The main reasons extending the time of the work process are the large number of people vvorking in the department and the large territory that the Fıeld Organization has to work. in carrying out the Self-Assessment study the processes xviithat the department possesses should be considered in every aspect. After the detailed study upon the criterias, the following study should be channalized to Self- Assessment Methods, Self-Assessment Form and Survey. If necessary the employees should be interviewed öne by öne and their perception capacity should be found out so that a convenient medium is to be created for the Total Quality Principles. To get result from Total Quality in terms of department a Total Quality Training should be given to ali members, from the head of department to the lowest rank, clerk vvhich is vvell prepared and related to the activity fields of the firm. After the general training is completed and the results from the training are satisfying new training programs should be organized relating special subjecte and according to the special needs of the owner of the processes. The acceptence of Total Quality in the department in general depends on the acquitance of the subject and the employees1 being well informed about the subject. With the Self- Assessment Model to establish the strong and weak sides of the department in work applications will be a very important source for the development and improvement activities. A very well planned and organized work process will not only help the firm to adapt to different variations quickly but will also play an important role for ali the effort spent to reach its target The model will help the development of customer-supplier relations within the department, full participation of the employees to the work process, a work order of datas and information, continious development and most important of ali providing the support of top managers in the department in every step of the study. xviü