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ÖZET Günümüzde tüketilen ürünlerin ve hizmetlerin kaliteli olması diğer bir deyişle, tüketici ihtiyaçlarına yanıt verebilmesi çok önemli bir özelliktir. Öyle ki, kaiteli üretim piyasa ekonomisinin zorlu koşullarında varolmanın gereği olarak kabul edilmektedir. Rekabette öne geçmenin anahtarı sayılan kaliteli üretim için yapılan çalışmaların nasıl bir sonuç verdiğini anlamak ve değerlendirmek için kaitenin ölçülebilir olması gerekmektedir. Bu ölçüm, mallar için fiziksel bir takım özelliklere dayanarak kolaylıkla yapılabilirken, bir çok faktöre bağlı olarak değişiklik gösteren hizmetler için oldukça zordur. Bu tez çerçevesinde, hizmet kalitesinin ölçümüne yönelik olarak, Parasuraman, Zeithaml ve Berry tarafından geliştirilen Servqual Hizmet Kalitesi ölçüm Modeli incelenmektedir. Model hizmete ilişkin 22 adet özelliğin faktör analizine tabi tutularak elde edilen hizmet kaitesi boyutları bazında hesaplanan ve Algılanan Kalite - Beklenen Kalite şeklinde formüle edilen ortalama Servqual skoruna dayanmaktadır. Model, hizmet sektörünün önde gelen kurumlarından olan bankalar üzerinde uygulanmakta, farklı yönetimsel yapılara sahip iki banka Algılanan Hizmet Kalitesi düzeyleri bakımından karşılaştırılmaktadır. Çeşitli istatistiksel analizler sonucunda elde edilen bulgular anlamlı ve tutarlılıkları açısından değerlendirilmektedir. VII SUMMARY Nowadays, measuring service quality is the main concern for service providers since quality becomes a necessity for surviving in severe competition conditions Although it is sometimes difficult to meet unlimited desire of customers, service providers perform some activities in order to catch and meet these expectations. However, they need to measure quality level of services they give in order to learn whether they are successful in reaching desired quality level or not For this purpose, some researchers first attempted to define service quality concept and presented some methods to measure it. One of them is the Servqual Scale which is the model developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry. This model has a multidimensional structure and depends upon the difference score Perceived Quality - Expected Quality. Through several stages, like indepth executive interviews and group discussions, ten Service Quality dimensions and 97 items were determined for measuring Service Quality. However, the number of dimensions were set as five and the number of items were decreased to 22 items by refining and reassessing studies. These dimensions are as follows; VIIITangibles Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empaty The revised question form includes a 22-item section to measure customer service expectations of companies within a specific sector, a coressponding 22-item section to measure customers' perceptions of a particular company in that sector and a point allocation question to be used in giving weight to service quality dimensions. Dimensions and items included in these dimensions are given as follows for expectation part of Servqual questionaire. Tangibles E1. Excellent...companies will have modern-looking equipment. E2.The physical facilities at excellent...companies will be visually appealing. E3. Employees of excellent...companies will be neat-appearing. E4. Materials associated with the service (such as pamphlets or statements) will be visually appealing in an excellent...company Reliability E5.When excellent...companies promise to do something by a certain time, they will do so. E6.When customers have a problem, excellent...companies will show a sincere interest in solving it E7.Excellent..companies will perform the service right the first time. IXE8.Excellent...companies will provide their services at the time they promise to do so. E9. Excellent...companies will insist on error-free records. Responsiveness E10. Employees of excellent...companies will tell customers exactly when services will be performed. E1 1.Employees of excellent...companies will give prompt service to customers E12.Employees of excellent...companies will always be willing to help customers E1 3. Employees of excellent...companies will never be too busy to respond to customer requests. Assurance E14.The behaviorof employees of excellent...companies will instill confidence in customers E15. Customers of excellent...companies will feel safe in their transactions E1 6. Employees of excellent...companies will be consistently courteous with customers E17.Employees of excellent...companies will have the knowledge to answer customer questions Empathy E1 8. Excellent...companies will give customers individual attention. E1 9. Excellent...companies will have operating hours convenient to all their customers E20. Excellent..companies will have employees who give customers Xpersonal attention E21. Excellent...companies will have the customers' best interests at heart E22.The employees of excellent...companies will understand the specific needs of their customers For the perceptions part of the questionaire `excellent..companies` will replace with the name of a specific company, for example `XYZ company` company` They state that the key to delivering high-quality servise is to balance customers' expectations and perceptions and close the gaps between the two. The Servqual methodology can help determine where and how serious the gaps are. In attempting to close Servqual gaps, a company would benefit from an understanding of internal shortfalls (within company) or gaps that might be responsible for external shortfalls (perceived by customer). According to PZB, there are five main gaps. Gap1 is the discrepancy between customer expectations and managements' perceptions of those expectations. Gap2 is the discrepancy between managements' perceptions of customers' expectations and service quality specifications. Gap3 is the discrepancy between service quality specifications and actual service delivery and Gap 4 is the discrepancy between actual service delivery and what is communicated to customer about it. Then they link customer - perceived quality shortfalls (Gap5) to these four gaps in the form of a conceptual model of service quality. Various applications were performed by PZB and other researchers across several service companies and the results obtained via these surveys were evaluated in terms of testing reliability, dimensionality and validity of the model. These applications indicated that the model has reliability and validity. XIIt is stated that Servqual scale can be used several purposes. While examining Sevqual scores (which presents the gap between customers' expectations and perceptions ) can be insightful, additional insight can be gained by tracking the levels of expectations and perceptions through repeated administration of Servqual Such a comparison of expectations and perceptions over time reveals not only how the gap between the two is changing but also whether the changes are stemming from changing expectations, changing perceptions, or both. Also, the two-section format of Servqual, with separate expectation and perception sections.makes it convenient to measure the service quality of several competing companies simply by including a set of perception statements for each company. The expectations section need not to be repeated for each company. Therefore a company can easily adapt Servqual and use it to track its quality of service against that of its leading competitors. Another potential application of Servqual is its use in categorizing a company's customers into several perceived-quality segments on the basis of their individual Servqual scores Then, these segments can be analyzed on the basis of factors, like demographic, psycographic and/or other profiles, the relative importance of the five dimensions in influencing service quality perceptions and the reasons behind the perceptions reported. Additionally, Servqual with appropriate adaptation, can be used by departments and divisions within a company to ascertain the quality of service they provide to employees in the other departments and divisions. The modified instrument can be administered to a sample of internal customers, or to all such customers if the data processing department's internal customer base is fairly small. By considering all its characteristics a simple application of the scale was applied for the banks leading institutions of finance sector. Two banks were selected for the research one of them is T.C. Ziraat Bankası representing the XIIpublic sector and the other one is Yapı ve Kredi Bankası representing private sector. The sample consists of people who are current customers of one of these banks and who made a transaction at least three month ago. According to the results obtained from the research, Reliability is the most important Service Quality dimension. Therefore, it is clear that managers of these banks should give priority to the reliability dimension when they get started studies for increasing the level of Service Quality. On the other hand, it is found that average Servqual scores of customers of Ziraat Bankası is lower than that of customers of Yapı ve Kredi Bankası. XIII