Erzincan il sınırları içindeki kına ezgilerinin incelenmesi
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ÖZET `Erzincan il sınırlan içinde tesbit edilen Kına Ezgileri` nin incelenmesi konulu çalışma İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Enstitüsü Türk Halk Müziği Bölümü'nde bitirme tezi olarak hazırlanmıştır. `Erzincan'ın Tarihi` coğrafya, gelenek ve göreneklerine yer verildikten sonra; kendi çalışmamız olan kına ezgilerinin incelenmesine geçilmiştir. Bu ezgiler kendi aralarında incelenerek konuların şimdiye kadar incelenmemiş olan nitelikleri ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda Erzincan ili içerisindeki Kına Ezgilerinin incelenmesi konusunda bir çalışma oluşturulmuştur. VII SUMMARY `The Analysis of Erzincan's Henna Songs` with subject studying was prepared as a high licance thesis at the department of social science institute of Istanbul Technical University. In this study, after Erzincan's historical and geographical position is shortly examined, general knowledge about our own subject has been given. In the third section, Erzincan's Culture and social life have been explained. In the fourth section, the specialities of Erzincan's Henna Nights have been explained. In the fifth section we tried to examine 13 verbal and unverbal henna songs in Erzincan area. First, we gave some knowledges which were known. Each melody has been examined under following five headings: Lyrical, literary structure, rhythmical structure, melodic structure, and form structure. vmThe result of this studying is some specialities of Erzincan Henna Nights and Songs from another regions. As it is known, Turkey has seven region. And each of it has different customs and tradition. Their beliefs, wedding ceromonies, folks, songs are different and depends on the weather climates. Thus their music styles will not be the same. As you know, Turkish Folk Music is anonymous. And one song is not composed by one person. Everything effects one song to be composed. For example, there has been an earthguake and some people have died, that person's relatives were among them. He had anguish and without studying music or having an music education he began to sing a song, you never heard. Or he had a lover, they loved each other very much and decided to get married. But something happened and her father wanted her to get married with another guy. She got married somebody else, but neither he nor she was happy. But the reason was her father. They were innocent. So, what happened for a long time they couldn't stand to live. At the end, he decided to kidnap her. Then after her husband followed and found them somewhere and killed her. The lower told his feelings by singing. There is no `makam` and music rule for Turkish Folk Music. So because of different life conditions and traditons, each regions folk songs and beside henna songs are different. Each region's poet's let citizens know their feelings by their songs. Of course people from areas will get happy or sad for the different subjects. IXWe maked analysis of 13 Erzincan's Henna Songs. Each melody has been examined under the following five headings: Lyrical, Literary Structure, rhythmical structure, melodic structure and form structure. a) In this part lyrics, the sentence structure: Uyak diagrams of the folk melodies are analyzed. The rhythm structure in the lines are shown a-b-c-d etc... and the syllabic metres 5 +6 = 1 1, 3 +5 = 8, 4 +4 = 8 etc. b) The Analysis of the Rhythmical structure of the henna song's: In this part the rhythm, total measure number of the melody have been shown. The analysis of melodic structure of henna song's: In this part rhythmic pattern, sound lenght, forte notes, altered notes of the melodies have been shown in the whole. d) Analysis of Music Sentences: Sentences are shown by capital letters and small sentences are Shown by small letters on the notes. e) The analysis of Rhythmic and Melodic variants. Melodic and Rhythmic variants in the melody are shown to throw light on the musical strutcure. XFirst time such a studying has been done and this thesis has been prepared. This thesis has been planned that will be helpful for the musicians who are determined to make a research about Erzincan Henna Songs. As you know, to succeed something you have to have a source that will be the route and will give you some knowledge. You will only make it large or if something is lack or it is contrary to your ideas, you decide to add something or you'll change it. Because, your aim will be to put a new materials or to prove something that is right for science by preparing a thesis. And you'd finish it in a short term and many knowledges thing is to create something when you do something. By going to the place where you can find the real knowledge, otherwise getting up some knowledge without reaching it's own place is just spending your time in vain. As a new generation we need old musicians to compile songs, it's own performing style. Because we listen three sort of music. Western music, classical music and folk music. Sou our ears can't distinguish one of them when you play your instrument and singing. To learn the way how it is sung to get some record or cassette from TRT archives or from the old musicians archieves. XIBy listening these songs you get used to and you perform well. Without being late such a studying must have been done, so we are on the first level for this thing. I think, musicians who read this will understand some thing should have been done and they will start to do a studying. As you know each countries folk music is eternal. The important thing is to make it alive. xn