135 SUMMARY Mevlâna puts forward an educational understanding in Mesnevi. He also envisages about the educational methods. One of these methods, explanation with example is the most effective one. `Education with example` is the most important method in Mesnevi. Mevlâna explains his doctrine through this method. This method adds an enthusiasm to the explanation of teh events. And morevover, it provides to understand the subject more clearly. When Mevlâna applies to this method he utilizes the verse of koran, hadid (words of Muhammed (s.a.v.), paragraph, story, proverb, tradition and so on elements. It has been fowsed on the use of just some fields of Example with Education. Indeed, every subject in Mesnevi is explained with example. But since it requires more time and place, we have satated on those emphasized more oftenly, It has mentioned that how this method has been used in the fundemental areas of philosophy such as in existance, knowladge and value. Furthermore, other areas which are excluded and oftenly explained with example are put forward. By this study it is aimed to put forward on Education with Example` method in Mesnevi and provide additional contributions to such studies in that field.