Cemal Nuri`nin hikayelerinde kahraman tiplerı
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`Cemâl Nûrî'nin Hikâyelerinde Kahraman Tipleri` adlı tezimizin giriş kısmında,konunun hangi sebeplerden ötürü seçildiği, yapılan araştırmanın amacı ve yöntemininneler olduğu ve eksiksiz bir şekilde çalışma içeriğine dair açıklamalar ele alındıktansonra şu bölüm ve alt başlıklarına yer verilmiştir:Birinci Bölüm: `İlgili Kavramlar ve Tarihsel Arkaplan` başlığı altında, kısahikâyelerde kişilik kavramı, Cemâl Nûrî'nin hikâyecilik kişiliğine eleştirel bir bakış,Cemâl Nûrî'nin hayatı, Cemâl Nûrî'nin Irak'taki hikâyecilik anlayışı hakkındakigörüşü, hikâyelerde kişilik/kahramanlık boyutları ve kişiliklerin takdiminde izlenilenyollar ve metotlara değinilmiştir.İkinci Bölüm: `Hikâyelerdeki Ana Kişilik` başlığı altında, kişiliğin dış portresi,kişiliğin iç (pisikolojik) portresi, kişiliğin toplumsal portresi ve hikâyelerdekikişiliklerin değeri ve nitelikleri çok detaylı bir şekilde ele alınarak irdelenmeyeçalışılmıştır.Üçüncü Bölüm: `Hikâyelerdeki İkincil Kişilik` başlığı altında, İkincil ve olumluanlamda etkin kişilik, ikincil ve engelleyici kişilik ile ikincil ve donuk kişilik üzerindedurulmaya çalışılmıştır.Dördüncü Bölüm: `Kişiliğin Kültürel Boyutları` başlığı altında ise, eril ve dişilkişilik, kültürlü ve kültürsüz (cahil) kişilik ile yararlı ve zararlı kişilikler çok geniş birşekilde açıklanarak çalışma noktalanmaya çalışılmıştır.Ayrıca çalışma esnasında Cemâl Nûrî ve izlediği metot ile ilgili bir takımtespitler ve varılan sonuçlar şu şekilde sıralanabilir:a. Yazar, hikâyelerdeki kişilikleri anlattığı esnada bazen sade ve basit bazen deanlaşılması zor olan bir yazın dilini kullanmaktadır. Bununla birlikte yazar, yazın dilini16bozacak olan çok uzun cümle ve paragraflar, gereksiz anlatılar ve kesin yargı bildirenaçıklamalardan da uzak durmaya çalışmştır.b. Yazar, ele alıp anlatmaya çalıştığı bazı kişilikleri isimlendirirken bazılarını iseisim vermeden aktarmaya çalışmıştır. Şüphesiz ki yazarın bu metodu onu, söz konusualanda taklitçilikten uzak tutmakla beraber kendisine özgü bir yere konumlandırmaadına da oldukça önem arz etmektedir.c. Yazarın anlatmaya çalıştığı kişiliklerin birçoğu olumsuz bir portreye sahipolmakla ön plana çıkmaktadır. Çünkü kendisi savaş ve insan haklarının ayaklar altınaalındığı bir dönemde yaşadığı için bizzat o dönemdeki olayları tüm çıplaklığıylayansıtmaya gayret etmiştir.d. Cemâl Nûrî, genellikle ana ve baş karekterler/kahramanlar üzerinde durarakbirşeyler anlatmaya çalışır. Bazen de bu baş aktörlerin bazı özelliklerini başka hikâlerdetekrar edip yeniden gündeme getirmeye çalışarak bu kişiler üzerinden okuyucu kitlesinevermek istediği mesajları objektif ve açıkç bir şekilde vermeye gayret eder.e. Yazar, ele aldığı kişilikleri tasvir, dil, fikir ve sanatsal olarak da çok titiz birşekilde anlatmaya çalıştığı için Irak'ta, etrafında çok yoğun bir takipçi, okuyucu vedinleyici kitlenin yer aldığı yazarlar arasında gösterilmektedir. Nitekim birçokhikâyesinin akademik ve eleştirel bir düzeyde araştırma konusu yapılması bunun somutbir örneğini teşkil etmektedir. Our research marked as (Types of Personality in the stories of JamalNuri ) as a prelusion studies basic subjects in the short story and itsrelation to the novelist JAMAL NURI as the character conception in theshort story and the story personalities of JAMAL NURI in the criticperspective and the narrator Jamal Nuri's vision towards the Iraqi Storyrealty in addition to dimensions of shaping the characters and ways ofdisplaying the personalities for being described one of the ingredients ofstudying the short story in any research .First chapter comprises markedas ( The chief personality ) subjects of external configuration of thecharacter and internal configuration ( Psychological ) of the personalityand social configuration of the character and description and value of thestory character , all of it contributes in a complete formation of this typeof personality .As the second chapter marked (The secondary Personality ) comprisessubjects of the retaining secondary personality , impeding secondarypersonality and rigid secondary , the third chapter is titled ( The culturaldimensions of the personality ) comprising subjects of male personality .female personality , educated personality , ignorant personality , goodpersonality and bad personality , it can be said the research plan in thisway consists of all the fundamental basic subjects associated with thepersonalities and its relation to the art of the short story generally .(JAMAL NURI ) is concerned of shaping is story personalities in anarrative language which looks occasionally a simple chain and isattended with some vagueness other times, it gives the narrativelanguage a big importance by his being far away from Extrusion andfillings and composition which weakens the narrative language , the11narrative language is concerned of description , debate only but notexplanation and surplus composition ( structural ) extrusion and thelanguage focus on narration is very important in the short story .It can be part of his story style in building up the personalities inside hisstories giving it the required privacy which every narrator or story makerneeds to be distinguished , non-imitator to others where we see him putnames to some of his personalities and deprive other personalities off thenaming in pursuance of the story need regarding its realty and symbolismand according to what the necessities of the story writing and its worldsimpose on . Many of his personalities seem to have a more negativeenergy than positive ones because it reflects the social realty in which thenarrator lives in the midst of it where it is full of problems , wars andhuman violations which makes the personality closer to negative statethan the positive state , his story personalities seem as if they wereextracted / taken from social realty Which is almost implicated by manyof the real characters that can be encountered by the reader .The story maker Jamal Nuri ,in shaping his personalities relies on themain personality or the character of the ( Hero ) where the focus is madein many of his stories on one personality , perhaps some of its glimpsesare repeated in other stories as if he had a certain and limited personalsample or model and shaped in his mind he turns to when he intends toshape a certain personality for a certain story of his stories , where hemakes this personality an axis revolves around the events of the storyand gives it the priority in controlling the story space , its worlds and itsaims ,makes him familiar with the story events on all aspects where henarrates the story incidents based on the forerun knowledge .11The narrator Jamal Nuri is concerned about the nature of the storypersonality structurally and its role in forming the story aesthetically andobjectively and the way of that interaction with the rest of elements ofthe other aesthetical and literary story composition in order that hisstory personalities may be able to convey the ideas , values and casedwhich the novelist desires to carry to the receiver via these personalities, By providing them with the qualities and characteristics they need ,reflect their realty which the novelist desires to deliver to the receiverthroughout the personality's characteristics , its acts and ways of itsthinking .It is not only associated with a story personal type or other inthe process of delivery and connection whether it would be a mainpersonality or a personality of a the hero or it was one of the secondarypersonalities with its all kinds , samples , roles and diversities , atsometimes the personality appears in Jamal Nuri's story as if it was thestory itself in terms of attendance and importance which there is nothingin the story outside the portrait of this personality , its work and itsnarrative act .The story personality stands out in the stories of Jamal Nuri in all of theirshapes , diversities and educational and social cases which they arecharacterized for their being an important tributary of his storyexperiment tributaries making his story personalities close to thereceiver's spirit and his interests as well as his stories which are serious ,active and a real embodiment of the realty at the artistic and generalaesthetic level in a magnificent lovely story narrative style where hisstories are made a picture of the realty moved and embodying it perfectly, within established contexts in building the personality and forming thestory .111The way which the novelist / narrator Jamal Nuri adopts in building hisstory personalities and its relation to other elements of Composition is anartistic and aesthetic way most accurately in terms of photography ,language and idea and this way makes him one the Iraqi novelists who haswide audience and severe attendance in the Iraqi and Arab story areathroughout the many studies which the stories enjoy at the academic andcritic level together .Finally , it can be said the Iraqi novelist ( Jamal Nuri ) is a distinguishednovelist in building the short story and very short story , his interest aboutthe personalities comes in the beginning of his different narrativeinterests about the elements of the story structure for what thepersonalities express a main and a central role in his stories where it is anarrative structural character characterized by the novelist .