Bursa kazasındaki Rumlar üzerinde Megali İdea`ya yönelik faaliyetler ve sonuçları (1856-1922)
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ÖZET%X DUDúWÃUPDGD %XUVD .D]DVÃ'QGD /DúD/DQ 5XPODU Â]HULQGH ³0HJDOL ødea?ya/QHOLNIDDOL/HWOHULLQFHOHQPLúWLU%LULQFL EOÂPGH <XQDQ øV/DQà YH EX LV/DQOD EHUDEHU RUWD/D oÃNDQ 0HJDOLTanzimatødea'QLQ JÂQÂPÂ]H GH÷LQ JHOLúPH VDIKDODUà DoÃNODQPD/D oDOÃúÃOPÃúWÃU839gayrimüslim tebaa sosyal ,siyasi ve)HUPDQà LOH 2VPDQOà WRSUDNODUà Â]HULQGH /DVDyanKonunun önemine binaen ikinci ve üçüncüGLQL DODQGD ELU oRN D/UÃFDOÃN HOGH HWPLúWLUEOÂPGH 7DQ]LPDW¶WDQ LWLEDUHQ HOGH HGLOHQ D/UÃFDOÃNODU YH EX ED÷ODPGD %Xrsa.D]DVöQGDLNDPHWHGHQ5XPODUÃQVRV/DOHNRQRPLNGLQL/DúDPODUÃHOHDOÃQPÃúWÃUXIX /Â]/ÃOÃQ LNLQFL /DUÃVÃQGDQ LWLEDUHQ /HUOL 5XPODUD PLOOL/HWoLOLN ILNLUOHULHPSR]H HGLOHUHN 2VPDQOà /QHWLPLQH NDUúà NÃúNÃUWÃOPÃú YH ROXúWXUXODQ JL]OLörgütlenmelerle daha da ileri gidilerek kilise, okul gibi kurumlar silah deposunaGQÂúWÂUÂOPÂúWÂU 'UGÂQF EOÂPGH <XQDQLVWDQ¶ÃQ 5XP RNXOODUÃQÃQ YH 2UWRGRNV.LOLVHVL¶QLQJLULúWLNOHULEXIDDOL/HWOHUDoÃNODQPD/DoDOÃúÃOPÃúWÃU6RQ EOÂPGH LVH %XUVD¶QÃQ <XQDQOÃODU WDUDIÃQGDQ LúJDOL YH <XQDQ LúJDONXYYHWOHULQLQ /HUOL 5XP KDONOD EHUDEHU JLULúWLNOHUL OGÂUPH /DUDODPD JDVS YHWHFDYÂ]OHUIRWR÷UDIODUODEHOJHOHQGLULOHUHNHOHDOÃQPÃúWÃUABSTRACTIn this research, the activities concerning ?Megali Idea? done by the Greek ofTurkish nationality, living in administrative district of Bursa in The Ottoman Era, werestudied.In the first section, The Greek revolt against the Ottoman Turks and stages ofthe progress of Megali Idea that appeared along with this Revolt were explained. Uponthe Administrative Reforms of 1839 many privileges about social, political andreligious matters were given to non-Muslims subjects living within the Ottomanborders. In the second and third sections some privileges given to the Greek of Turkishnationality since the Administrative Reforms of 1839 and the social, economical as wellas religious lives of the Greek living in administrative district of Bursa were examined.As from second half of the nineteen century the Greek of Turkish nationalitywas instigated against Ottoman Empire by being imposed nationalism on them andsome facilities such as church, school were turned into an ammunition store via secretorganizations. In the fourth section the activities done by Greece, the Greek Schools andOrthodox Church were explained.In the last section, Greek occupation of administrative district of Bursa andkilling, wounding, seizure by violence and rape carried out by the occupying forces ofthe Greek with the help of Greek of Turkish nationality were documented withphotographs.$1$+7$5.(/ø0(/(5.(< WORDS)Rum, Bursa, 2VPDQOà 0HJDOL øGHD *D/ULPÂVOLP 7DQ]LPDW )HUPDQà .LOLVH(÷LWLP 5XP %XUVD 2ttoman, Megali Idea, non-Muslim, Administrative Reforms,church, education)III ÖZET%X DUDúWÃUPDGD %XUVD .D]DVÃ?QGD /DúD/DQ 5XPODU Â]HULQGH ³0HJDOL ødea?ya/QHOLNIDDOL/HWOHULLQFHOHQPLúWLU%LULQFL EOÂPGH <XQDQ øV/DQà YH EX LV/DQOD EHUDEHU RUWD/D oÃNDQ 0HJDOLTanzimatødea?QLQ JÂQÂPÂ]H GH÷LQ JHOLúPH VDIKDODUà DoÃNODQPD/D oDOÃúÃOPÃúWÃU839gayrimüslim tebaa sosyal ,siyasi ve)HUPDQà LOH 2VPDQOà WRSUDNODUà Â]HULQGH /DVDyanKonunun önemine binaen ikinci ve üçüncüGLQL DODQGD ELU oRN D/UÃFDOÃN HOGH HWPLúWLUEOÂPGH 7DQ]LPDW¶WDQ LWLEDUHQ HOGH HGLOHQ D/UÃFDOÃNODU YH EX ED÷ODPGD %Xrsa.D]DVöQGDLNDPHWHGHQ5XPODUÃQVRV/DOHNRQRPLNGLQL/DúDPODUÃHOHDOÃQPÃúWÃUXIX /Â]/ÃOÃQ LNLQFL /DUÃVÃQGDQ LWLEDUHQ /HUOL 5XPODUD PLOOL/HWoLOLN ILNLUOHULHPSR]H HGLOHUHN 2VPDQOà /QHWLPLQH NDUúà NÃúNÃUWÃOPÃú YH ROXúWXUXODQ JL]OLörgütlenmelerle daha da ileri gidilerek kilise, okul gibi kurumlar silah deposunaGQÂúWÂUÂOPÂúWÂU 'UGÂQF EOÂPGH <XQDQLVWDQ¶ÃQ 5XP RNXOODUÃQÃQ YH 2UWRGRNV.LOLVHVL¶QLQJLULúWLNOHULEXIDDOL/HWOHUDoÃNODQPD/DoDOÃúÃOPÃúWÃU6RQ EOÂPGH LVH %XUVD¶QÃQ <XQDQOÃODU WDUDIÃQGDQ LúJDOL YH <XQDQ LúJDONXYYHWOHULQLQ /HUOL 5XP KDONOD EHUDEHU JLULúWLNOHUL OGÂUPH /DUDODPD JDVS YHWHFDYÂ]OHUIRWR÷UDIODUODEHOJHOHQGLULOHUHNHOHDOÃQPÃúWÃUABSTRACTIn this research, the activities concerning ?Megali Idea? done by the Greek ofTurkish nationality, living in administrative district of Bursa in The Ottoman Era, werestudied.In the first section, The Greek revolt against the Ottoman Turks and stages ofthe progress of Megali Idea that appeared along with this Revolt were explained. Uponthe Administrative Reforms of 1839 many privileges about social, political andreligious matters were given to non-Muslims subjects living within the Ottomanborders. In the second and third sections some privileges given to the Greek of Turkishnationality since the Administrative Reforms of 1839 and the social, economical as wellas religious lives of the Greek living in administrative district of Bursa were examined.As from second half of the nineteen century the Greek of Turkish nationalitywas instigated against Ottoman Empire by being imposed nationalism on them andsome facilities such as church, school were turned into an ammunition store via secretorganizations. In the fourth section the activities done by Greece, the Greek Schools andOrthodox Church were explained.In the last section, Greek occupation of administrative district of Bursa andkilling, wounding, seizure by violence and rape carried out by the occupying forces ofthe Greek with the help of Greek of Turkish nationality were documented withphotographs.$1$+7$5.(/ø0(/(5.(< WORDS)Rum, Bursa, 2VPDQOà 0HJDOL øGHD *D/ULPÂVOLP 7DQ]LPDW )HUPDQà .LOLVH(÷LWLP 5XP %XUVD 2ttoman, Megali Idea, non-Muslim, Administrative Reforms,church, education)III