I rt this study, Redhavets, Cresthaver., J.H. Hale and Sio-Oso-GeE peach varieties which are. extensively cultivated is Bursa region have been chesses as raw Material for cs.Tine:d peach production.. In canning, three different set hods of peeling have be&a applied. As filling liquids, water and syrop were used, Each was prepared; to contain no additives, ccrataising 1 g/1 citric acid sad 1 g/1 ascorbic acid, 0.2 g/1 CsiCl-2 and finally 0.2 g/l SassEBTâ. Filling liquids were filled hot into cans and glass jars. Pasteurizatiaa process was carried oat is a vertical autoclave while it was open, by iraersisg tia cobs iffi water at 90*C and jars 95`C for a period of 12 asinutes and 15 aicutes respectively. The canoed peach samples have been stored for a period of sis months, ât the end af this period physicals cheaical asd seasory analyses are conducted os the samples. The autcoss of the Beatioaed analyses reveals that the peach varieties used are appropriate for cauniag, syrup as filling liquid and tia caKS as packaging material are sore preferable to water and glass jarss that the acid contest affects the color of the fruit pulp aad CaCla has an active role ia hardaaing of fruit texture» and finally that the samples pasteurized for 12 ainutes retain their quality criteria to as i sport as t extent.