Kıyı alanlarında turizm planlamasına yönelik bir araştırma
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Günümüzde kitlesel bir özellik gösteren turizm hare ketlerinin fiziksel planlamayı etkileyecek en önemli özellikleri: o Turizm hareketlerinin turizm mevsimi olan yaz aylarında yoğunlaşması ve o Dinlenmek ve eğlenmek amacı ile yapılan seyahatlerin çoğunlukta deniz kıyılarındaki alanlara yönelmesidir. Kıyı alanlarında yaz aylarında artan turizm kullanımları, bu alanlardaki doğal dengeyi bozabileceği gibi doğal ve yapay değerlerin de gelecek kuşaklara iletilmesini güçleştirmektedir. Turizm gelirlerini maksimize etmek için, çoğu zaman bu alanlarda yatak kapasitelerinin artırılmasına gidilmektedir. Böyle bir tutum, kısa dönemde kârlı görünse de uzun dönemde dönüşü olmayan tahribatlar yaratabilir. Günümüzde, Türkiye kıyılarında gözlenen turizm gelişi mi tarihi değerler ve doğal kaynaklar açısından çok tehlikeli boyutlara ulaşmamıştır. Zira, turizm kullanımı için uygun olan tüm kıyı alanları kullanıma açılmamıştır. Fakat, bu alanlara olan turistik ilginin günden güne artması ile bugün kullanıma açılmamış bu alanların korunması ve gelecek kuşaklara iletilmesi güçleşmektedir. Bunun için de bu alanlarda gelişecek turizm faaliyetlerini çevre değerlerini de gözönüne alan çok kapsamlı bir Turizm Planlamasının yönlendirmesi zorunludur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, günümüze kadar geliştirilen teorik bilgiler ve yapılan bazı uygulamalar ışığında, Türkiye koşullarında kıyı alanları için uygulanabilecek bir turizm planlama yaklaşımının geliştirilmesidir. Yedi bölümden oluşan çalışmanın birinci bölümünde, konunun tanıtımı yapılmış, amaç ve çalışma yöntemi belirtilmiştir, îkinci bölümde konu ile ilgili tanımlamalara; üçüncü bölümde de turizmin gelişim nedenleri, turizmin, boş zamanları değerlendirme, rekreasyon ve çevre ile ilişkileri, turizm faaliyetlerinin kademelenmesi ve turizm olgusunda zamansal ve alansal yoğunlaşma konuları incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde turizm politikaları ve planlaması, beşinci bölümde de Türkiye'de turizm politikaları ve plan laması konularına yer verilmiştir. Marmara, Ege ve Akdeniz kıyı bölgelerindeki belediyeler üzerinde yapılan özgün an ket araştırması ve sonuçlarını içeren altıncı bölümde, Türkiye kıyılarında, turizm gelişimini ve planlamasını etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Sonuç bölümü olan yedinci bölümde kıyı alanlarında turizm gelişimini yönlendirecek bir planlama yaklaşımı geliştirilmiştir. xii Every year in the world millions of people are travelling for a temporary period within a country or between the countries in order to rest, to see a new place, or to have a new experience and they form the tourism action which has wide economic and social effects. According to rough estimations, in the world, at the early 20th century, only one person out of 2000 particaped to internal or external tourism; whereas in 1970' s one person for every six» i.e. 600 million people participated to tourism activities. World Tourism Organization estimated that, in 1990 at least 1 billion people in the world will be moving for tourism purpose. Tourism is such a mass activity and the most important characteristics of it is that the demand for tourism differs among the months and it concentrates in definite periods. The period with the most dense tourism demand forms the tourism season. The fact of concentration caused by the people's demand of travel at the same time with the same reasons, observed at most in accommodation and transportation. The second important characteristic observed is that the travel for recreation purpose are concentrated at coastal areas. The factors speeding up this concentration are that some definite coastal centers are widely known for years, they are more in service of tourism, and development of infrastructure. Tourism is an activity highly depended on environmental characteristics. But it is known that the development of tourism has some negative effects. If the development of tourism is not controlled, it will be dangerous both for natural and wild life and it may lead to deterioration of aesthetic and physical aspects of natural environment. These changes sometimes can reach to such a dimension that in tourism areas the specific characteristics attracting tourists may disappear. In order to keep the tourist's attention for a longer period of time, it is necessary to determine the size of optimum capacity of natural resources. It is important to determine the tourism and recreation carrying capacity of natural resources at tourism areas. xiiiThe coastal areas are sensitive spaces due to their natural and artificial characteristics. Misuse in such areas may lead to immediate natural and aesthetic imbalance. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the factors effec ting tourism development and planning and to find out the relationship between the factors. It is known that, the physical, social and economic structure of the areas has a role effecting tourism. So it is necessary to define the tourism activities and to determine land use principles in relation to characteristics of the site. This will be possible by tourism planning. The touristic interest to Mediterranean Region where Turkey is located is increasing rapidly due to its sea and climate characteristics. Therefore, to preserve the natural balance and to protect the natural and artificial resources for future generations becomes increasingly difficult. In some Mediterranean countries where a high priority given to economic benefits, natural resources are in danger. Nowadays, the development of tourism at Turkey's coasts hasn't reached to dangerous dimensions in relation to natural and artificial resources. But, the recent developments has some specialities that can form the start of such process. The main thesis of the present research is that it is probable to avoid undesired tourism development at coastal areas by an appropriate planning approach. The objective of this study is to develop a tourism planning approach applicable to Turkey's coastal areas. The methodology of the study is area analysis. A survey and a questionnaire applied to settlements in Turkey's coastal areas. Positive impacts of tourism phenomenon and related problems are examined. The thesis consists of seven parts. In the first part, general definition of the subject, purpose of the study and methodology are defined. In the second part, the concepts of tourism, tourist, touristic region, touristic area, tourism complex, tourism center, and tourism facilities are explained. In the third part, general information explaining the tourism phenomenon is given. Especially differences between the concepts of tourism, leisure, and recreation are emphasized and the relationship between tourism and environment are examined. The hierarchy, seasonal charac teristics, and the concentration areas of tourism activi ties are explained. In the fourth part, the topics of tourism policy and planning are examined; tourism physical planning is explanied considering the planning hierarchy of World Tourism Organization (WTO). XIVIn the fifth part, the policies directing the tourism development in Turkey and legal regulations are searched and the approaches of tourism planning are studied. In the sixth part, the results of the questionnaire applied to municipalities in Marmara, Agean and Mediterra nean coast are evaluated. There are two factors affected the choice of Marmara, Agean, and Mediterranean coast for the research. The first factor is that Licenced Accommodation Establishments are concentrated in Marmara, Agean, and Mediterranean region with a highest ratio. The second factor is that 1:25.000 scale Environmental Physical Plans are prepared mostly for these regions. The questionnaire form send to municipalities consisted of the following titles: o The general characteristics of the settlement, o The factors directing the development of tourism, o The spatial distribution of tourism establishments,, o The development of existing coastal settlements for tourism purpose, and o The problems of planning and implementation. Some general findings acquired by evaluation of questionnaire are as follows: o In Turkey as in most other countries, tourism activities are concentrated at coastal areas which have convenient seasonal conditions. o Settlements of coastal areas, are developing more rapidly in comparison to inland settlements. The average of the population increase of the coastal settlements for 1980-85 period is 29.9 5 %, whereas the percentage is 21.27 % for inland settlements. o Tourism entrepreneurs prefer mostly coastal areas. o Accommadation establishments in most of the cases concentrated on areas where an urban settlement exists on coast. 80 % the accommadation establishments are around the settlements at coastal areas and only 20 % of the accommadation establishments are around the settlements away from coast. 76.46 % of the coastal settlements develop paralel to coast and only 23.53 % of such settlements develop radially. o The average of winter-summer population increase of coastal settlements is 409.44 %, whereas for inland settlements the increase is 69.36 %. o Existing coastal tourism season is 4.84 months whereas there are possibilities of longer tourism season. The findings mentioned above explains the concentration of tourism activity at coastal areas in Turkey as well as the reasons of preferences of such areas. xvThe seventh chapter which forms the last part of the thesis consists of a specific planning approach developed in order to direct the tourism development at coastal areas in the light of theoretical knowledge and some implementa tions that are evaluated. The factors to be considered in this planning approach and the relationship between these factors are shown in Figure 1. o The prime mover of the proposed planning approach is the relationships between tourism and its environment The capacity and number of tourism establishments that are to be developed at coastal areas are determined basically by the characteristic of natural resources. If the proposed tourism development has to be realistic then, the capacity and type of use derived by the evaluation of natural resources, has to be harmonious with internal and external tourism demand structure. o The second important subject is that the decision of land use has to be taken in accordance with macro decisions. The spatial distribution of tourism investments has to be considered in national or regional scale for the balanced distribution of tourism investments on interregional level and the formation of balanced relationship between tourism and other activities. o The third important subject is that for the realiza tion of economic objectives of tourism, instead of concent ration at coastal areas, it has to be placed at inland areas. In this context, the tourism activity at coastal areas, that depends on sea, has to be considered together with all the other tourism activities. Here again, the planning of coastal areas on regional scale is necessary. Considering both the planning approach defined in Figure 1, and the findings of the questionnaire, the factors to be considered in tourism planning at coastal areas of Turkey are summarized as follows:. Up to now, there has been too many legal preventions for the use and conservation of coast. In most of the cases, legal arrangements brought contradictory decisions, and due to this fact the implementations were not lasting. It has seen that only in 33.33 % of the plans »natural resources of the area were considered. This is resulted from the fact that till now coast areas were not evaluated to a large extent. Lately, some coasts have been declared as Special Environment Conservation Zone. Such initiatives are partial and are inadequate. In addition, it hasn't been defined clearly how to preserve such areas and how to proceed with implementations. It is not true to use the areas that are to be definitely conserved. It is necessary to determine the type of use and density of the tourism areas by an approach emphasizing the natural resources of such areas. Aesthetic pollution also has to be prevented in such areas. On this subject, in place of lineer xv i3ÎS 3 3; ti.t 'I -r^n- * peuon sınanırı SI 5 1 E3L, ?o a 25 it 6uîUBXd t«J°^3dS UT* 0 C t- «ı -* m o. a. 8- Kİ m u - O 3 tek, « ta -3 u. *a H'S3'` ?i i ta 4U ^ - _. a o o o n Si w û â C ü s5 YY 5 -3 YYYY.T «aıy I»l«BO0 -4 U. * o (H ımıoa.i s' ÜT: *t U-.*. 3. 3 O ı pu«1 ntsianox o-* O u I! <3 u u o. O «d w o jo AvfasCha fitijAxno uıgjmfu. pun pıuaf^BBJneM uiaianox xaj pa an oq 03 asajy -[v^aecO en (0 o < (d +J 03 RJ O u 4-) CO fi O.H 4-> ü (0 n d) 4-1 fi H O 4-» ü fa.O c (ö co u o 4-> u (d fa CJi fi.H fi rH S.H d o -juiwiuoijAUa puo uıajjncy. M Öl.H fa XVI 1development of tourism areas, it may have positive results to leave some areas with determined space, and not to use. It is promising that, Turkey's coast nowadays has not been reached to mass development as observed in some other Mediterranean countries.. It is necessary to consider the planning on regional scale due to the necessity of organization of tourism activities depended on sea at coastal area and other tourism activities. The lack of Regional Plans in Turkey tried to be filled by 1:25.00 0 Environmental Development Plans. But such plans considers coast as areas of 3-10 km. width, therefore the relationship between coast and inland is not considered as expected. The tourism development in Turkey is directed by 5 Year Development Plans. Tourism approached from economic aspect in Development Plan, and the spatial distribution of investments are not explained. In these plans the. relationship between tourism and other sectors are only at the level of investment. In order to overcome such difficulties it is inevitable to prepare Regional Plans proposed by Reconstruc tion Law no: 3194 and that defines; o The protected values at coasts, o The spatial distribution of tourism investments, and o The relationship between tourism activities and other land use types.. In Turkey's coasts, tourism activity, shows a development tendency of having the benefit of coasts. Therefore, coasts are densely used and are demolished comparing to inland. On the other hand, the research pointed out that the coastal areas are rich with many tourism attractions other than sea. 70.83 % of such areas are rich with historical sites and 41.67 % are with archeological sites this becomes the strong reason of touristic attraction to inland. At coastal areas there are also some other additional attractions such as the existence of forests, the relationship with the mountain, national parks, spas and hunting possibilities. But it is observed that the existence of such possibilities have not been used adequately. In order to decrease the pressure on coastal areas a planning approach is needed which emphasizes an integration of all tourism activities. On the other hand, the variety of tourism establishments and facilities that will be provided by comprehensive tourism planning will increase the length of stay of tourists and tourism season respectively. xvm