Türkiye`de yeni kent politikası için bir araştırma, örnek:Eskişehir
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DZET 195G'lerden sonra kentleşme hızının çok artması, kentleşmeye yeni boyutlar getirmiş, gerekli kurumsal ve teknik yapı kuvvetlenmediği için hızlı kentleşme, özellikle büyük kentlerimizde kontrolsuz, plan dışı gelişmeler şekline dönüşmüştür. Bu kontrolsüzlüğün olumsuz sonuçla rını ortadan kaldırmak, yeni kontrol mekanizmaları geliştirmek ama cıyla özellikle Kalkınma Plânları hedef ilke ve tedbirleriyle geliş tirilmeye çalışılan politikalar. da gecekondulaşma sürecini ülke mekânının organizasyonu yönünde daha olumlu bir duruma yöneltmemiştir. Bu durum, kentleşme sürecinde gecekondu ile konut edinme ve yerleşme konusunun kesinlikle değişik bir biçim, içerik ve yöntemle ele alın ması gerekliliğini önemle ortaya koymaktadır. Hızlı kentleşme süre cinde, kentsel büyüme ve yayılmanın birçok sorunlar yarattığı büyük kentlerimizin daha fazla büyümesini önlemek, sanayi ve sanayi nüfusunun dengeli yayılmasını sağlamak ve yeni çekim merkezleri yaratarak bölgelerarası farklılığı en aza indirmek ve gecekonduların organizasyonunu sağlamak üzere yeni yerleşme yerlerini `Yeni Kentler` de çözüme kavuşturmak, kentleşme sorunlarının çözümünde uygun bir yöntem olacaktır. Türkiye'de `Yeni Kent` politikasının uygulanabilirliğini araştırmak amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada; ülkemizin çeşitli kentlerinde ortaya çıkan ikili yapının bir yanını oluşturan gecekondu kavramıyla neyin ifade edildiği, gecekonduların doğmasına neden olan sosyal ve ekonomik etmenler bu konutlara ilişkin politikalar ve politikaların uygu lama sonuçları irdelenmeye çalışılmış, yeni kent olgusu, kuruluş amaçları ve çeşitli ülkelerde kurulan yeni kentlerin planlama ilkeleri ve uygulama sonuçları karşılaştırma yapmak üzere incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, `Yeni Kent` uygulamasını kolaylaştırıcı ve üçüncü bölümde ayrıntılı olarak ele alınan birçok olumlu faktörlere sahip olması nedeniyle örnek olarak seçilen Eskişehir kentindeki gecekondu alanlarında yeralan konutların nitelikleri, mülkiyet durumu, hanehalkı yapısı, sosyal do natı yönünden istekleri, imar mevzuatına ve şehircilik yerleşme ilkelerine uygun bir konut sahibi olmak için tercihleri anket soruşturma sı ile incelenmiş, `Yeni Kent Politikası` savunularak Türkiye'de uygulanabilirliği araştırılmış ve Eskişehir bünyesinde bu politikanın uygulanması denenmiştir. ıx SUMMARY RESEARCH FGR NEW TOWN POLITICS IN TURKEY. SAMPLE: ESKİŞEHİR One of the most distinctive developments of our century is the rapid urbanization of the world population. Industrialization and moderni zation in agriculture combined with a whole range of other factors have resulted in the concentration of ever larger portions of the population of developed countries in cities and metropolitan areas. Rapid urbanization is also a characteristic of developing countries although industrialization in these countries is still working itself out and has not yet reached its highest level and modernization in agriculture is lagging for behind. Therefore, urban living has beco me a way of life for an increasing number of human beings on a global scale. Turkey is not exempt from the rapid urbanization trend of our century. As a developing country, its rate of urbanization is much faster than its rate of industrialization. In fact, the urban population which was 21.6 million in 1983 has become 22.6 million in 1984 and the ra tio of urban population has increased from 45.2 % to 46.3 % in the same period. The rate of urbanization increases continuously and will surely con tinue increasing in the foreseeable future due to internal migration from rural to urban areas in Turkey. This phenomenon is the most im portant reason for the formation of the present overall housing need of the country. Housing demand has been increasing particularly in urban centers, together with an insufficient housing production to meet the need. As a conseguence of the large deficit between the an nual housing demand and supply, uncontrolled sguatter housing cons truction is the major means for shelter for low-income families who can not have their place in the housing market as buyers and for whom the constructor does not at all produce. Therefore, the number of sguatter dwellings has increased parellel to the rapidly growing ur ban population. Such uncontrolled settlements, built by these untimely and unaccom modated urban citizens are full of problems ranging from poor physical living conditions to social disorganization. As a result of the recognition of these problems and the development of a willingness to remedy them, many of the developed nations and some developingcountries have been engaged in devising national and regional econo mic development policies and urban growth strategies and programs, within the framework of these policies, building new towns in both metropolitan areas and potential development regions has been given great importance by several nations, such as England, France, U.S. A, USSR, Israel, Hungary, Poland etc., and as a result, new town polici es have been formulated and put into effect. Since the beginning of the 196G decade, Turkey has been in the pro cess of devising a national urban growth and regional development po licy in conjunction with its economic development planning efforts. The seriousness of the nation-wide urbanization problems, the variety of difficulties faced in the metropolitan areas and the grave socio economic disparities among the regions of Turkey have been well re cognized and accepted and most importantly there has been a conside rable increase in the willingness and commitment on the part of the national government to systematically and rationally deal with these problems. In formulating population distribution and urban growth and settle ment policies, a country must, first of all, determine the general goals which will be attained by these policies. These broad goals include the fallowing; 1) Balanced economic, social and physical development of all regions of the country. 2) Effective regulation and/or limitation of the growth of major central cities and metropolitan areas. 3) Stimulation of the development of existing small and medium sized towns located in both metropolitan areas and in other regions. k) Utilization of urbanization process to the advantage of industri alization and i modernization of the country and to create a new urban form and settlement pattern. 5) Improvement of living conditions in both urban and rural areas so as to reduce the gap in standards of living between these two areas. 6) Limitation and control of the massive out-migration of the popula tion and capital resources of rural and under developed regions to other regions. To achieve such broad national goals for Turkey, we convinced that building of new towns must be assigned an important rale in the na tional urban growth and economic development schemes, because a well-prepared new towns program has the potential to offer several advantages: 1) It is an important way of organizing economic, social and physical development. 2) It is a method of channelling and controlling the peripheral growth of metropolitan areas and central cities. xi3) It is an instrument far coping with special urbanization problems such as redistribution of population and economic activity, ope ning up of the resource development regions, handling of boom towns and replacement and reconstruction of blighted areas and disorderly developments. According to the 5 Five Year Development Plan goals; economic ac tivities will be focused on medium-scale cities of economic potenti al in order to ensure a balanced diffusion of urbanization. To achieve this goal, financial and physical incentive measures will be directed towards cities of 50. DOG - 500. ODD population for revitali sing their economic activities. The economic activities of major cities will be extended as far as possible to smaller provinces by taking some deterrent steps. Parallels can be drawn between these goals and new town programs. In this context, the main purpose of this dissertation can be stated as determining the most appropriate problems and purposes for which new towns may be built in the Turkish context given the overall national rapid economic development and balanced regional growth policy principles established in the Five Year Development Plans. Eskişehir has been selected as a sample city for the application of `New Towns Politics`. There are several reasons for Eskişehir being chosen in this dissertation. These reasons are; Existence of a railway and a highway connection in Eski şehir which are approximately at egual distance from the Primary Metropolitan City İstanbul and the capital Ankara. Existence of the first Economic Enterprises and Public Economic Associations. Presence of a certain level of industry and infrastructu re and the tendency of an increase in future investments, parallel to the city's benefiting from the encouragement for developing regions Df secondary inportance, according to the 5 Five Year Development Plan, areas convenient for industrial settlement will be chosen and announced in settlement centers with an industrialization potential and in need of being developed. The fact that Eskişehir is ahead of other cities in the region with respect to industrialization and urbanizati on suits the purpose of new town developments which is to enable abalanced settlement policy throughout Turkey and a balanced expansion of industry and industrial po pulation. There is a great possibility of establishing new towns in Eskişehir, because Eskişehir is a center for workers and thus there is a tendency to establish cooperatives; furthermore people living in squatter settlements have a great demand for home-ownership in mass-housing pro jects. xnThe majority üf buildings in Eskişehir have been constructed on plots divided into shares. Since most of the deve lopment area consists of undivided fields which have not been converted into building plots, the drawbacks of re sidential development areas with divided ownership, such as decreasing the speed of application, are eliminated and thus the establishment of new towns are faciliteted. Questionnaires were used to analyze the squatter settlements in Eski şehir and the application of IMew Town Politics was tested. The study is composed of four sections: The first section is introduction. The cecond section deals with the urbanization process, the reasons for urbanization in Turkey and the problems of rapid urbanization. Furthermore, the definition of squatter settlement, the social and economic reasons for these settlements and finally policies aiming to solve the squatter housing problems were also discussed. In the third section, the concept of IMew Town, the aims of these towns, planning techniques of new towns in England, France, U.S.A., and USSR and the results of these applications were analyzed. Finally, whether IMew Town Politics can be used in Turkey to achieve Fifth Five Year Development Plan goals was discussed. The fourth section consists of two part. In the first part, Eskişehir which has been chosen as a sample city for the application of The New Towns Politics to organize squatter settlements in Turkey was introdu ced. Discussing the social, economic and demographic structure of the city, we have tried to bring up the qualitative and quantitative properties of the physical space. In the second part of the fourth section; Squatter settlements in Eskişehir were defined, social and economic structure and the demand for home ownership, of its residents, physical space structure of these settlements were analyzed and compared with squatter settlement in other cities. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the questionnaires. At the end of the study, the results of the research and thesis were discussed and some of the proposals were made. The New Town building experience has shown that size of new towns varies not anly from one country to the other but also within the some country. Existing national and local conditions and the purpose of the new town itself would determine the size of a new town. Turkish new towns to be built in metropolitan areas and growth poles should have a population size of 50.000 or more, Regularity of legislation is needed. XlllDesignation af master plan should be made by State Planning Organiza tion. Ministry of Reconstruction and Public Works, municipalities, Social organizations, Real Estate Credit Bank, public sector and New Town Corporations should be constructed the new towns. Town Corporation uill coordinate the ongoing govermental operations and financing arrangements for various elements of the neu town project. When people and industry start to move in, the income from rental housing, leased land and sale of buldings should be used to pay back the loans. XIV