Mimaride estetik olgusunun `mutlak-değişmez` ve `bağımlı-değişken` özellikler açısından irdelenmesi
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Görsel nitelik açısından olumsuz yönde gelişen mimari ve çevre şartları, bu yöndeki bir çalışmanın araştırma alanı `mimari estetik `te bir çalışma ve araştırma yapmanın yolunu açmıştır. Amaç, `görsel nitelik ve beğeni düzeyi yük sek mimari ve çevrelere` ulaşabilmek üzere bazı sonuçlara varabilmek, öneriler geliştirebilmektir. Görsel açıdan olumsuz, beğenilmeyen bu mimari örneklerine karşın diğer bazı mimari örneklerinin hemen herkes tarafından, zaman ve mekan ayırımı olmaksızın beğenilmesi bir çıkış noktası olarak alınmış; bu beğeninin niteliğine ve hangi niteliklerin bu binaları beğeniler kıldığına ilişkin bir belirlemenin konuyu aydınlatabileceği ve bazı sonuçlara, önerilere varılabileceği düşünülmüştür. Böylece çalışma, `mimaride estetik olgusunun `mutlak-değişmez` ve `bağımlı-değişken` özellikler açısından irdelenmesi` başlığı altında, tüm boyutlarında ve ilişkilerin de ele alındığı bir araştırma yöntem ve planı içinde yürütülmüştür. Bu doğrultuda: Konunun `estetik` ile olan yakın bağlantısı doğrudan `estetik` alanının araştırma kapsamına alınmasını gerektirmiş ve estetik alana ait gelişmeler kavramsal, kuramsal ve pratikteki sonuçları ile ele alınmıştır. Asıl araştırma alanının `mimarlık` olması, mimari-estetik iliş kilerinin mimarlık tabanında ve bağlantılı olduğu çevre sistemi, mimarlık tarihi alanlarında incelenmesini gerek - tirmiş ve bu bölümde özellikle`mimaride estetik arayışlar olarak üsluplar` ve `mimarlık kuramı-estetik ilişkileri` araştırılmıştır. Binanın görsel niteliğine ilişkin olarak mimarinin görülebilen yüzeylerinin ve ifadesinin baskın eleman olma özelliği `mimaride estetik olgusunun` ayrıca `biçim` temelinde araştırılmasını gerektirmiştir. Estetik alanındaki araştırmaların odak noktası `estetikte değerlendirme` işlemi özellikle `güzellik` yargısı ve beğeninin oluşmasındaki öneminden ve bu işlemin niteliğine ilişkin tartışmalardan dolayı mimari estetik alanında da bir odak noktası oluşturmuş ve konunun tüm boyutlarında ele alınma sı gereği ile birlikte araştırmaya bu alanda devam edilmiş tir. Ve uygulamaya ait pratik sonuçların da ortaya konula bilmesi açısından araştırma sav doğrultusunda deneysel bir çalışma ile sonuçlandırılmıştır. Böylece kuramsal alanda ortaya konulanlarla pratikte elde edilenlerin karşılaştırılması ve bir sonuca gidilmesi olanağı elde edilmiştir. Sonuçta belirlenen mimari estetik alanında `bağımlı-değişken` özelliklerle birlikte nesnel bir yapıyı ve ideal doğrultusunda bir `güzellik` değer ve yargısını ortaya koyan `mutlak-değişmez` özelliklerin var olduğudur. Bu özellikler doğrultusunda yapılacak bir bilinçlendirme ve formasyon kazandırma işlemi ise `görsel nitelik ve beğeni düzeyi yüksek mimari ve çevrelere` ulaşmada çözüm yolu olabilecek tir. The main purpose.of choosing this research topic is the dissatisfaction of the progressing architectural and the environmental conditions from the view of visual quality. The intention is to reach some results for regarding an architecture and an environment that has a high level visual quality and aesthetic sense. This reason and purpose created a need of study and research in the field of architectural aesthetics. Therefore, although some examples of architecture are not liked aestheticaly by everyone and negative in appearance, some other examples of architecture are liked aesthetically by everyone without the influence of place and time. This was taken as a starting point. In the direction of this observation, the definition of the reason of why everybody likes these buildings and which qualities make them aesthetically desirable are considered to enlighten the subject. Apart from this statement, making another obser - vation has been the common thought by everyone related the changeability and subjective character of the aesthetic sense regarding architecture. As a result, an investigation on two such conflicting observations is considered necessary to make a full definition about the fact; and thus the subject is examined by the topic of `examination of the aesthetic phenemenon in architecture related to `absolute- unchangeable` and `dependent -changeable` properties` with all related dimensions and aspects. In that direction, the subject is taken in the thesis plan in the following headings: - The concept of beauty and aesthetic phenomenon in the course of the history of humanity and philosophy. - Architecture and aesthetics. - Examination of the aesthetic properties within the elements of `plastic form` (related to the pure form) and `expressional form` (related to the meaning) in architecture as a design phenomenon. - Examination of the aesthetic properties in architecture: `objectiveness-subjectiveness`, `relativity`, `education` arguments in the evaluation of architectural form as a value and evaluation phenomenon. viii- Examination of the aesthetic phenomenon in architecture related to the `absolute-unchangeable` and `dependent- changeable` properties in an experimental study. The main hypothesis proposed here is that; there exist some person, place and time independent properties, value and judgements in the field of architectural aesthetics, In this way, the objectiveness that can be reached on the base of this thought and thus emerging concrete properties teachability and learnability of the subject would be a way of `reaching a high level of aesthetic quality in architecture and environment`. In the method of research of the thesis, especially emphasized point is to examine the subject with all of its dimensions and all of its related fields. Thus a research. method that is from general to particular, from whole to parts is traced. This is accepted as a pre-reguisite for a correct definition of this subject. By this method, while every part or sub-part is independent of the whole, the sense of some deficiency or question marks from the preceeding part is explained in the latter part for the continuity of the subject throughout the thesis. Research in the whole of the thesis in the theoretical and in the empirical fields is based on a need for explaining the subject with all of its dimensions;. This also enables various comparisons to be made. Moreover, the aesthetic phenomenon in architecture is taken in the sense of `human` and `architectural` bases and examine in the related areas that are social life, philosophy, history of architecture, environment, architectural form, evaluation- and practice. In the first part, under the heading of `The Concept of Beauty and Aesthetic Phenomenon in The Course of The History of Humanity and Philosophy`; the concept of beauty and aesthetic phenomenon are taken firstly as a conceptual and perceptional-psychological phenomenon then from a view of its place in the socio-cultural life. Secondly in order to define the theoretical developments in this field, the concept of beauty and aesthetic phenomenon are examined in the field of philosophy under the name of `aesthetic theories in philosophy`. The findings of this part: In this connection `aesthetics` is defined as the science of beauty. Beauty is a phenomenon that is pleasing visually as a concept; happiness, anxiousness, excitement etc. as an emotion; an innate, instict as a formation and it is included in the field of aesthetics by all of these components and relationships. The important finding of this part: There are the property of `structural similarity` and the property of `cycle system`, which become infine reputation of the structure of formation process, outcoming related to the formation process of the sense of beauty (the sense of aesthetic IXtaste) and formgiving process including the art and the culture. Moreover, despite the fact that very different products are reached at the end of the formgiving process, the nature and the structure of the process do not change and this unchangeability includes different person or society, place and time. And this structural similarity points to some of `absolute-unchangeable` properties and gives direction to the existence of their being. The other finding of this part: Dealing with the develop -. ment of aesthetic theories in the field of philosophy} the development is presented in a chronological order and within an analitical and systematical classification. The aesthetic theories maintaining unchangeablenesses in the hypothesis of `objectiveness and universality` vs the aesthetic theories maintaining changeablenesses in the hypothesis of `subjectiveness and relativity` have been dominant positions since the establishment of the first aesthetic philosophy system. Nevertheless, today's aesthetic opinion is the one that comprises both the objective and subjective qualities connecting the object and subject. After the examination and definition on the concept of beauty and the aesthetic phenomenon, the research is carried out with the similar conceptional and theoretical discussion in the field of architectural aesthetics under the heading of `Architecture and Aesthetics`. On this part, architecture is examined in the system of environment related to its formation and visual quality under the name of `environment, architecture and aesthetics`? and in the historical perspective of the development of architecture and on the bases of its forms and theories. That is the main theme of the relationship between architecture and aesthetics under the name of `a view to architecture in the direction of aesthetics`. The findings of this part: The properties, `structural similarity` and `cycle system`about the sense of beauty, the formation process in the culture and the periods of the art, which appear in the last part, have arisen in the formation of the environment that includes all of the systems above. The properties of `structural similarity` and `cycle system` including all of environmental system also come out as a result of `orientation-creation` dilemma of human being connected to the sense beauty of human nature. Human or society creates some characteristic formal periods that appear in the form of styles, movements, modes in the formation process belonging to the environmental system. Dealing with the development of architectural theories and styles from a view of aesthetics is also presented in a chronological order and within analitical and systematical classification. The important finding of this part is that all evaluations, critiques and new suggestions appear in the form of `form`, `formgiving` and `aesthetic dimension of architecture` related the theories and the styles. xThe arise of the `form` that kind of a concrete and objectival phenomenon as a dominant element in the field of architectural aesthetics, and the properties of `structural similarity` and `cycle system` again support the idea of aesthetical properties being of the `absolute- unchangeable` properties. At this part, under the heading of `Examination of The Aesthetic Properties Within The Elements for `Plastic Form` (related to the pure form) and `Expressional Form` (related to the meaning) in Architecture As a Design Phenomenon` j `form`, which comes into being as a dominant element as a result of making all visual evaluation in the direction to the form since the form has properties of the tip-product and the representation element of architecture, is examined. In this connection, `plastic form` elements, namely, the size, scale, proportion, the principles of composition, light and color; and `expressional form` elements, namely, the sign, symbol, code, message, language as levels of meaning, are taken into account from the view of participation into the architecture and its aesthetic diment ion. The salient finding of this part: The visual qualities of the buildings which account for succesful and beatiful belonging to almost every period and place are constructed on the generalities that `plastic form` and `expressional form` elements should carry in the wholeness of architecture. Aesthetic success is based on carrying of these general - ities completely. The main generalities that an architectural object should contain in order to assure aesthetic success becomes `compatible to human size and scale, harmonic with itself and the environment, wholeness, contiunity (formal and expressional), easy understandableness (together, from a view of plastic form and expressional form), modernity- novelty, contemporariness and the influence of tradition and culture (sending to a common and correct cod®)`. On this direction, the findings supports ones time the hypothesis that claims the existence `absolute-uhchangeable'1 properties concerning the architectural aesthetics which are independent. The focus of the researchs in the field of aesthetics `evaluation in aesthetics` also become the focus of the researchs in the field of architectural aesthetics because of its importance in the formation of beauty judgement and aesthetics taste and also its structure. For this reason, in this part the research takes the heading of `Examination of The Aesthetic Properties in Architecture: `Objectiveness- Subjectiveness`, `Relativity`, `Education` Arguments in The Evaluation of Architectural Form`. The interpretations of value and evaluation in aesthetics including architecture too is examined firstly in a conceptual way and secondly the view of `objectiveness-subjectiveness`, `relativity`. They are argued in view of the quality and quantity perspectives and also `the sense of beauty`, ` socio -cultural XIinfluences` and `the place of education` that is engaged in the formation of this action. The evaluation process in aesthetics that appeared as a positive or negative aesthetic taste related with the visual quality of the architecture and the environment shows as a subjective characteristics based on induvidual decisions, yet, this also shows an objective structure in the way of generalities belonging to individual decisions, which are partly innately partly socialy obtained. Accordingly, there exist `dependent-changeable` decisions (value and judgement) which come from subjective character of the evaluation process and `absolute-unchangeable` decisions which come from being able to be objective structure of the evaluation. The important outcomes of this part:. while the `dependent-changeable` decisions which have subjective quality are pointing out to the emotional or socio-cultural effects, they bring up individual attitudes,. `absolute-unchangeable` decisions which have objective quality point out to the pure-perceptional or socio- cultural effects again and reveal the general attitudes. These properties all together construct structure of `evaluation in architectural aesthetics` and point out to its objective bases. At the last part, under the heading of `Examination of The Aesthetic Phenomenon in Architecture Related to `Absolute- Unchangeable` and `Dependent-Changeable` Properties in an Experimental Study`; a field study is carried out to maintain the transference of the research and argument from the theory into the practical world. In this study the beauty concept and the evaluation of aesthetic phenomenon in architecture are examined from the view of designers and users towards the definition `absolute-unchangeable` and `dependent - changeable` properties. For this purpose, a questionnaire is prepared with some questions and some pictures. Different building pictures are presented to people for their preferences with a direction at the aesthetic taste by asking explanations for their preferences. Tests are given tO/40 architects and 40 non- architects during an interview with each. Among the most salient findings are the following: - People have evaluated the architecture visually according to whether having some qualities or not, which are recognized conciously or unconciously, and which are attributed to as a beatiful or not. - The evaluations are made in the direction of the appearance of buildings related to their form. - In that direction, people describe the aesthetically pleasing architecture briefly within the following attributes: `fittness to human size or scale, harmoniousness, wholeness; novelty-modernity and contemporariness together with the express ional value of tradition and culture. xii- The generalities that are seen in the evaluation related to the formation of aesthetic taste and especially the visual qualities of buildings are constructed apart the properties gained from the society and education, they appear as the `absolute-unchangeable` properties in the form of a faculty of human nature and object in itself. - There also exist `dependent-changeable` properties which are person and object dependent. However, these becomes appearent when a distinguishing among the things that have the same or similar visual value more than a distinguishing the positive from the negative. - Finaly, If the people live in the places that they describe as a beatiful, they would be happier and more creative either their emotional or intellectual lives. At the end of all of the conceptual, theoretical and experimental studies, the following conclusions are reached: There exist some `absolute-unchangeable` properties free from person, place and time and that bring up an objective character, together some `dependent-changeable` properties connected to person, space and time and that bring up a subjective character. However, especially, emphasized in the content of the thesis are the existance of `absolute-unchangeable` properties, the necessity of knowing them comletely and the necessity for paying attention to them, and their transference into pratice. If the aesthetic understanding related to the architecture that is brought up in the direction of ideal and in an objective structure is taken evident conscious state, It will be possible to reach architectural designs and products in the direction of the properties that people to see aesthetically; and also will be possible to reach a high level of visual quality in architecture and environment. The outcoming suggestion is that such a consciousness and formation is to be gained firstly by architects who have an authority to design and to form to architecture and the other professionals related to architecture, as well as the rest of the society. Gaining such an aesthetic consciousness and formation will be a solution `reaching a high level of aesthetic quality in architecture and environment`.