19. yüzyıl başından cumhuriyete kadar Boğaziçinde yalı nitelikli yapılar
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TÜRKÇE ÖZET 19. yüzyıl basından Cumhuriyet * e kadar yalı nitelikli yapılar konulu tez, yedi ana bölümü kapsamaktadır. Tezin birinci bölümü, giriş bölümüdür ve burada konunun seçilme nedenlerine, Boğaziçi'nin neden ` moda yaratan ' bir özel bölge olduğuna, tezin amacı ve hazırlanmasında ' izlenen metod ile çalışmalara, bu esnada karşılaşılan zorluklara değinilmiştir. î ki ne i bölüm tarihçe bölümüdür. Burada, Boğaziçi *ni ta nıtıcı genel bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Öncelikle coğra fi özelliklerine, bazı sayısal değerler de verilerek de ğinilmiştir. Bu bölümde ayrıca Boğaziçi'nin ilk yerleş meler, Bizans İmparatorluğu ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu dev rindeki durumundan ve mimari qel içmelerden sözedi İmişt ir. üçüncü bölümde, tez konusundan daha önceki devir olan İS. yüzyıl öncesi Boğaziçi yapılarının o döneme ait tipik ö- zellikleri, saray, cami, sefaret ve yalı olmak üzere 4 yapı tipi altında ve verilen bilgileri örnekleyecek yapı lar seçilerek açıklanmıştır. Böyle bir bölüme yer veril mesi, tez konusunun incelediği dönem öncesi genel özel liklere dikkat çekmek ve iki devrin mimari tutumları ara sında kıyas yapabilmek için gerekli görülmüştür. Dördüncü bölümde, konuyla ilgili olması sebebiyle, Osman lı İmparator luğu' nda Batılılaşma Süreci'ne yer verilmiş tir. Bu bolümde, Batı lı laşma* nı n. izlerinin ilk görülme ye başladığı 18. yüzyıldan 20. yüzyıl basına kadar geçen sürede, her padişahın Batı lı laşma'ya bakış açısından, dö nemlerinde meydana gelen değişikliklerden, geleneksel mi marimizi etkileyen yabancı üsluplardan ve Batılılaşma'nın Osmanlı İmparatorluğu topraklarında gelişmesinde ve ya yılmasında büyük pa.y sahibi olan gayrimüslim ve yabancı mimarlardan bahşedilmiştir. Beşinci bölüm, tez başlığı olan 19. yüzyıl başından Cum huriyetle kadar Boğaziçi * nde yalı nitelikli yapıların in celendiği katalog bölümüdür. Katalogda tüm ilgili yapı ları ele almak mümkün olmadığından, sadece dönemin, tez konusunu açıklayıcı bazı saray, cami, sefaret ve yalı örneklerine yer verilmiştir. Yapı tipleri ayrıca kendi içlerinde varolmayan örnekler ile günümüze ulaşan örnek ler olmak üzere iki alt baş lı kta toplanmışlardı r. Altıncı bölüm, değerlendirme bölümüdür. Burada, tezin kapsadığı döneme ait B&rsy, cami, sefaret ve yalı örnek lerinde uygulanan yenilikler ve değişiklikler, plan düze ni ile cephe-bezeme-iç tezyinat özellikleri açısından ol mak üzere iki alt başlıkta incelenmiş, bu özellikler ay rıca her yapı tipi için ayrı ayrı gruplanmıştı r. XIITezin yedinci ve son bölümü, sonuç bölümüdür. Bu bolum da, 19. yüzyıldan Cumhuriyete kadar geçen devirde Boğazi çi'nde yalı nitelikli yapılar, gruplama yapmaksızın, ge nel bir değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur» Doneme ait mi mari yaklaşımlara genel olarak değinilirken, farklı 4 ya pı tipinin gerek plan düzeni, gerekse cephe karakterle rinde zaman zaman benzerlikler taşıdıklarından bahsedil miştir. Bu bağlamda, farklı yapı tiplerindeki ortak nok talar ile Boğaziçi'nin kendine has, ` moda yaratan ` ka rakterde bir bölge olması arasındaki ilişki incelenmiş tir. XI 1 1 İNGİLİZCE ÖZET t SUMMARY) Our thesis study is named as ` The Buildings of Bosphorus with Yalı Character Constructed Between The Beginning of 19th Century and The Foundation of the Turkish Republic`. This study mainly covers and discusses four types of buildings that had been constructed within the period mentioned above: Palaces- residences built for the Ottoman Sultan= and for other members of the Sultan's family; mosques- as examples of the ecclesiastical archi tecture on Bosphorus; foreign consulates- built as the summer residences for some foreign consuls and their fa mily members, including bureaus for the consulate offi cers and rooms for the consulate servants; ` yalis `, the waterside residences of the public, often owned by important statesmen, bankers, etc. This thesis study aims to discuss and point out the common or similar ar chitectural characteristics of these four building types of the Bosphorus, peculiar to this very period. Thus, the study is carried out in seven main chapters. The first chapter is the introductory part of the thesis, like a foreword, explaining the importance of Bosphorus since the conquest of Istanbul and its progress in the following centuries of the Ottoman Empire. This chapter also mentions the aim of the thesis, which is to examine these four types of buildings, their architectural cha racteristics and the changes observed within this period, due to the influences of Western Architecture and Styles and how they had affected tne ` traditional design con cept`. This first chapter also mentions the reason why the Bosphorus had become the ` trend- setter ` region of the city, beginning with that period. Finally, this in troductory part refers to the difficulties encountered during the study and examinations. The second chapter is an introductory presentation of the region itself, i. e., the Bosphorus. This part informs us about the geographical characteristics of this grand strait and canal, naming its borders at both ends, its widest, narrowest, deepest and shallowest points, giving some numerical data. It also discusses the underwater topography of the Bosphorus, mentioning the topographic maps prepared by some foreign specialists, the slopes and holes present, the movement of different types of cur rents'. This section also points out the geological and climatic characteristics of the Bosphorus» In this second chapter, the different settlements on the Bosphorus observed through history &rs also discussed. Here, =c<me mythological tales, indicating the importance XI vof the Bosphorus are told* Then, the names of the ear liest communities and the very first settlements, of whose traces have been found, are mentioned with the re lative dates. These communities and colonies had often dealt with trade and sailing, they had built many sacred shrines and temples on both sides of the strait, these constructions being realised because of their fears from the storms and thus, as a sacred precaution. One important community that had lived alongside the grand canal is the Byzantine Empire. Regarding the limi ted resources on the empire, we learn that some small villages had been formed and some temples and abbeys had been constructed during the reign of the empire. Yet, these examples are small in number and are not sufficient to call Bosphorus as a ` completely dwelt region ` during the Byzantine Empire. Since the Byzantions had always lived under the threat of an attack or siege possible to be realized by any of the naval forces of the communities that they had often fought with, like the Venetian, Genoese, Ottoman naval forces, they had not dared to move beyond the fortresses of Istanbul. The fights they had had during the last years of their reign had often. ended with severe casualties and losses. Therefore, a `Bos phorus Civilization ` couldn't be formed during the Byzantine Empire. The Ottomans` period on Bosphorus begins after the Byzan tions. Although some Turkish settlements are seen on the Anatolian side of the strait during Sultan Yıldırım Baye- lit, the real starting date of the Turkish period on Bos phorus is with the defeat of the Empire to the Ottomans, which had ended with the conquest of Istanbul by Sultan Mehmed II, Mehmed the Conqueror, in 1453. During the centuries following the conquest, there had been an in crease in the construction activities on Bosphorus. Af ter the conquest, the first settlement had been Tophane on the European side, as a result of the foundabion of a cannon factory by Fatih. Following these developments, the Turkish public had begun to settle down outside the city fortresses and Istanbul was no longer a city res tricted within these fortresses. In this section about the Ottomans, the different settle ments on Bosphorus, the formation of nsw neighborhoods and the dispersion of the Turkish communities and the mi nority groups within these neighborhoods are discussed with regard to the order of the centuries. It had been the 17th century to start the ` Bosphorus Civilization ` as far as the increase in constructions and settlements are concerned. In the 18th century, due to the increase xvin population, Bosphorus had had a high density in se ttlements. With this period, the Saltans and their fami lies had had an increasing interest in the region; which had ended with the construction of their palaces, kiosks and their settlements on Bosphorus. Many other new buil dings and settlements were to be realised during 18th and 19 th centuries, old wooden palaces of the Sultans being demolished and replaced by new magnificent examples out of stone. Naturally, with such developments, there had been the need for the improvement of sea transportation, so, a new company called ` Sirket-i Hayriye ` was founded by two enterpreneurs, thus facilitating the transporta tion between the two sides through ships instead of the old boats. The third chapter of the thesis refers to the characte ristics of the pre-18th century buildings of the Bospho rus. This section discusses the architectural design tendencies for the palaces, mosques and yâlıs, common for tne period before the ISth century. Naturally, the fo reign consulates' summer residences has'e been omitted in this section since the very first examples of these resi dences had been built in ISth century and there is no trace of such a building type on Bosphorus before 18th century. This third section is added to the thesis in order to be able to make a healthy comparison and discu ssion with the buildings of the thesis' title period. The fourth chapter of the study gives a very broad out look of the ` Westernization Periqd of the Ottoman Empi re `. This section starts with the first steps towards Westernisation in 18th century, when the commercial rela tions with foreign countries had started to be carried out, an important ona being France, and when the Ottoman lands had become the open market for all import goods. Before its effects on architecture, the Westernization first shows up in decorations and embellishments, in the use of European motifs on fabric designs, and in all small goods, furnishings, glass objects and fabrics that had been imported from Europe during Lale Devri (the Tu lip Period) in ISth century. In this section, the influ ence of the Baroque and Rococo styles on Ottoman Archi tecture in the second half of the 18th century, the adap tation of these styles to the Ottoman Architecture in its peculiar manner rather than an imitating one until the end of the reign of Sultan Mustafa III and the beginning of complete imitation with the sovereignty of Sultan Ab dul hami d I, the European influences on state and military matters, the introduction of the Empire style in our ar chitecture as a result cf the relations with France where this very style shows i:>p after Napoleon's Egypt.journey XVIare evaluated- Afterwards, the beginnig of Eclecticism in our architecture as a result of total admiration of the l-Jest, the ` strangeness ` it brings as a result of its direct imitation from the West, the anti-Eclectic and anti-Western movement of some Turkish architects which had ended up with the ` Revival of the Classical Ottoman Architecture `, and the importance of another style, Art Nouveau, which had showed up in some important and typi- cal-to-î stanbul examples, are discussed here in this fourth chapter. Also, together with the foreign styles» influencing our architecture, the non-Muslim Turkish ar chitects and foreign architects that had come to work in Istanbul, are mentioned, pointing out their contribution to the spreading of these Western styles within the country. The fifth chapter covers the example building catalog of the four different types of buildings» Examples chosen in each type of building airs evaluated under two subti tles: first subtitles mentioning some of the devastated and non-existent examples, the second subtitles discu ssing some of the existent examples of these four types of buildings» The explanations on these example buil dings are accompanied by some plans, pictures, photog raphs, and landscape pictures derived from some resource books and by the photographs taken on the site of some of these buildings by the student» The sixth chapter is the general evaluation section of all the buildings of the period mentioned in the thesis' title» Again, this chapter is diyided into two subti tles: under the first subtitle, all these different types of buildings are evaluated separately, according to the new design concepts of the period and according to the changes that had been observed in their plans. While discussing the changes in the yalı plans, some elements that a.re important parts of the plan, such as the stair way, the rooms, it he ` sofa ` <big halls that rooms open out to), the corridors, etc. ; under the second subtitles these four building types are evaluated again separately, according to their peculiar facade characteristics, deco ration';; and embellishments special to this period. All these -valuations are done by mentioning the relative building examples in order to facilitate the understan ding of the explanations on the period's qeneral charac teristics. The seventh chapter, 'which is the final section of the thesis, is the final evaluation part on the topic. Here, Bosphoi'us is again nenl ioned avi a special region of the city which had always been a popular settlement destina tion by different groups of the community. XVi 1In this final part, the architectural tendencies of the period in Bosphorus are evaluated and analyzed in a gene ral manner j rather than going into many details about the typical characteristics. This last evaluation once again points out the aim and the reason of the thesis title studied. Moreover, along with this evaluation, this part mentions the peculiarity of the tendencies encountered in this period in Bosphorus and also refers to the peculia rity of Bosphorus itself as a region, by giving the nece ssary explanatory reasons behind it. XVI i 1