Yapı Bilgi Modellemesi benimsenme sürecinin işveren açısından incelenmesi
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BIM işveren firmaların yürüttükleri inşaat yatırım faaliyetlerindeki tasarım, yapım ve işletme süreçlerinde önemli bir çözüm haline gelmiştir. Bundan dolayı işveren firmalarda BIM uygulamaları için yatırımlar artmakta ve BIM kullanımı yaygınlaşmaktadır. Kullanımın yaygınlaşması için BIM'in bu işveren firmalarda olgunlaşma aşamalarını tamamlayıp benimsenmesi gerekmektedir. Birçok ülkede BIM halen işveren firma organizasyonlarında benimsenme ve olgunlaşma sürecini tamamlayamamıştır. BIM'in büyük işveren organizasyonları tarafından benimsenmesi ve olgunlaşması karışık ve zorlu bir süreçtir. BIM'in işveren firmalarda benimsenme ve olgunlaşma süreci birçok ülkede çeşitli engellerle karşılaşmaktadır. Bu engellerin aşılması için işveren firmaya ait BIM ihtiyaçlarının iyi belirlenmesi, kültürel ve organizasyonel değişim için bir model üretilmesi gerekmektedir. Tez çalışmasının amacı BIM'in gelişmekte olduğu ülkelerde faaliyet gösteren işveren firmalarda BIM'in benimsenmesi konusunda edinilmiş dersler sunmak ve diğer çalışmalarda rastlanmamış konut projesi vaka örneği üzerinden BIM benimsenme sürecini ele almaktır. Tez çalışması BIM'in benimsenme ve olgunlaşma sürecini incelemek için Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren büyük bir işveren firmanın BIM'i benimseme ve olgunlaşma aşamalarını bu işveren firmanın iki farklı projesinin sonuçları ve çıktıları üzerinden derinlemesine ele almaktadır. Araştırmada işveren firmaya ait BIM uygulanmamış projeden yola çıkılarak iteratif bir yaklaşım ile ihtiyaçların tanımlanması sağlanmış ve kavramsal bir çerçeve oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsamda öncelikle BIM'in olgunlaşacağı işveren firmaya ait mevcut organizasyonel yapı detaylı bir şekilde aktarılmış ve firmanın iş yapış biçimi incelenmiştir. Devamında BIM uygulanmamış proje üzerinden işverenin BIM ihtiyacına yönelik analizler yapılmış ve bu ihtiyaçlar BIM'in kullanılacağı ikinci proje üzerinde kurgulanarak detaylı bir çalışma yürütülmüştür. Ayrıca bu olgunlaşma sürecinde diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak BIM'in benimsenmesi için özel bir model olan ve geleneksel 2D ile birlikte BIM'in birlikte yürütüldüğü hibrit bir model ele alınmıştır.Tez çalışması kapsamında firma çalışanları ile görüşmeler sağlanmış ve ayrıca araştırma sürecinde bizzat firma içerisinde aktif gözlemci olarak görev alınmıştır. Araştırma ile BIM'in işveren firma organizasyonlarında benimsenme ve olgunlaşma süreci için detaylı bir durum tespiti yapılmış ve buradan çıktılar elde edilmiştir. Bu çıktılar ile birlikte BIM'in işveren firmalarda olgunlaşma ve benimsenme süreçlerine incelenen hibrit benimsenme modeli ile önemli bir destek sağlanması hedeflenmiştir. İnşaat sektörü BIM'in benimsenme ve olgunlaşma sürecine hızla devam etmektedir. Bu araştırma işveren firmalarda BIM kullanımı için ihtiyaçlar belirlendikten sonra BIM'in teknik, kültürel ve organizasyonel olarak benimsenmesi ve olgunlaşması konularında bilgi vermekte ve edinilmiş dersler sunmaktadır. Owners are the top management groups at the head of their organization. Owners are the main executives in the sector. Traditionally, owners have not been agents of change in the construction sector and have long overlooked typical construction project problems such as cost overruns, timing delays and quality issues. Many owners see construction as a relatively small capital expenditure compared to life cycle costs or other operating costs accrued over time. However, changing market conditions force owners to change their views and pay more attention to their impact on building delivery and operation. For this reason, owner firms are changing their traditional business practices with the innovations they can use in the construction sector. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a set of approaches, technologies and methods that enable the management of different and complex processes throughout the building life cycle. BIM provides important solutions to the needs of owners. Owners can greatly benefit from BIM to develop higher quality and better performing structures. BIM; It provides important potential solutions for increasing sustainable building performance, reducing financial risks, accelerating the construction process, making accurate budget forecasts and building management. In order to spread the use of BIM, BIM needs to complete and adopt the maturation stages in these owner companies. In many countries, BIM has not yet completed the adoption and maturation process in owner firm organizations. The adoption and maturation of BIM by major owner organizations is a complex and challenging process. The adoption and maturation process of BIM in owners faces many obstacles in many countries. In order to overcome these obstacles, it is necessary to determine the BIM needs of the owner firm and to produce a model for cultural and organizational change.In order for owners to benefit from all the opportunities and solutions provided by BIM, the adoption and maturation processes of BIM in the owner company must be completed efficiently. The productivity to be obtained from the adoption and maturation process of BIM in owner companies is primarily; design, construction, delivery and subsequent asset management. After identifying these needs, owner companies prepare and implement their own BIM plan according to the way of doing business and project type. Since each owner or project may have different needs in this process, it is not possible to prepare a common guide for all firms and projects. In addition, since the projects are carried out by different sub-organizations, this process has a multi-faceted structure for the owner.In order to expand the use of BIM in owners, adoption and maturation processes have to be completed. In order to do this, it is necessary to conduct case studies with the method of `learning by experience` and to create new outputs and guidelines with the information obtained from these case studies. Owners will further improve their transition to BIM with the lessons learned from these outputs and complete them at a low cost and time.Particularly in developed countries, the adoption process of BIM in large owners and contractors has developed rapidly. This process, which started to develop with owner companies, was later adopted by public and official administrations over time. In most of the countries that have completed the adoption of BIM, a number of specifications and guidelines have been established, even mandated by official authorities.With the use of BIM by the owner, the experience and gains gained over time are combined with the cultural and sociological structure of the company and become an indispensable whole. It is not easy to complete this process on behalf of owners and stakeholders. There are many owners and contractor firms that have completed this process when the literature and practices are examined on a global scale. These companies have completed the BIM adoption process in line with the conditions and socio-cultural structure of the country concerned. However, the articles and researches in which these companies explain their experiences and acquisitions and offer acquired lessons are limited.In developing countries where the maturation stages of BIM have not yet been completed, the most important stakeholders in BIM development are the contractors. The main reason for this is that many of the contractors doing business abroad act with BIM according to the conditions and norms of the country concerned. Some of the contractors were involved in BIM-related activities through public tenders. BIM has been able to adopt to a certain extent with the consultations they have taken during the project processes. In this way, staff and company culture has been able to improve in the field of BIM. In Turkey, the proportion of those using BIMgenius prepared by Turkey BIM projects according to the survey report 2018 has increased 54%. Sector housing sector is showing the most intense activity in the construction sector in Turkey. BIMgenius Turkey BIM Report (2018)'s participation in the survey indicated that the housing sector remains extremely limited and the use of BIM was also highlighted as a very low level. BIM is located at the beginning of this aspect of the adoption process is still in Turkey.The aim of the thesis is to present the lessons learned about the adoption of BIM in owner companies operating in the countries where BIM is developing and to discuss the BIM adoption process through the case study of a housing project that has not been found in other studies. Thesis to examine the BIM adoption and maturation process of a major owner firms operating in Turkey, BIM adoption and maturation stages of the owner company is discussed in depth over the results and outputs of two different projects. In the research, it is provided to define the needs with an iterative approach based on the BIM not implemented project of the owner firm and a conceptual framework is tried to be formed. In this context, firstly, the current organizational structure of the owner firm to which BIM will mature has been explained in detail and the way of doing business of the firm has been examined. Afterwards, the BIM needs of the owner were analyzed through a non-BIM project and a detailed study was conducted on the second project in which BIM will be used. In addition, in this maturation process, unlike other studies, a hybrid model, which is a special model for the adoption of BIM, is carried out with traditional 2D and BIM together.Within the scope of the thesis, interviews were made with the employees of the owner companies and active observers were also involved in the research process itself. With this research, a detailed due diligence was made for the adoption and maturation process of BIM in owner firm organizations and outputs were obtained. Together with these outputs, it is aimed to provide significant support to the maturation and adoption processes of BIM in owner firms with the hybrid adoption model examined. The construction sector continues to rapidly adopt and mature BIM. This research provides information on the technical, cultural and organizational adoption and maturation of BIM after identifying the needs for the use of BIM in owners, and provides lessons learned.