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ÖZETDokuma sanatı, insanoğlunun varlığından günümüze kadar var olan kültürelfaaliyetleri ile birlikte ilerleyen bir anlayış olmuştur.Dokuma sanatı ile ilgili tarihibulgulara bakıldığında, günümüze kadar ulaşan dokuma parçasının sayı olarak azolduğunu görmekteyiz. Bunun nedeni dokuma ürünlerinin arkeolojik bulgulardadayanıksız olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Ancak arkeolojik bulgular doğrultusundagünümüze kadar ulaşan bulgular insanlık tarihi ve tekstil tarihi açısından tarihi belgelerolarak değerlendirilmektedir.Dokumanın, sanat kavramı olarak nitelendirilmesindeki ilk eserler Tapestry(dokuma Resim) olarak karşımıza çıkmıştır.Bu sanat anlayışı Arts&Crafts ve Bauhausesanat anlayışları ile gelişim göstererek yeni dokuma sanatı kavramlarını ortayaçıkarmıştır. Sonraki dönemlerde Lozan Bianeli ile dokuma sanatına farklı yaklaşımlarve yenilikler getirilerek lif sanatı anlayışı doğmaya başlamıştır.Çağdaş tekstil sanatı bir diğer adlandırması olan lif sanatı anlayışı özgündokuma tekniklerini geleneksel dokuma teknikleri ile kombinasyon yapılarak birçokfarklı malzemelerin kullanılması ile sanatçının özgün yorumlarına dayanmaktadır.Tekstil teknolojisinin ilerlemesi ile lif sanatı kendi içerisinde yeni bir boyutkazanarak endüstriyel dokuma üretiminde konsept açısından kaynakoluşturmaktadır.Farklı yorumların ve malzemelerin gelişen üretim ekipmanları ileortak kullanımı endüstriyel dokuma üretiminde çığır açmaktadır.Günümüzde buetkileşim hem sanatsal alanda hem de endüstriyel üretim açısından ekonomik vekültürel gelişmeler sağlamaktadır.Araştırmamda geleneksel dokuma sanatına özgü tarihsel gelişmeleri, konu ileilgili teknik bilgilerin ve örneklendirilmesini dokuma tasarımları ile oluşturmayaçalıştım.ABSTRACTWeaving art has been a comprehensive under from existing of the human beingtill today together with the culturel activities. As looking at historical findings concern toweaving arts, we have been seeing that the number of weaving pieces is only few as avolume reaching up today.the reason of that is coming from the weakness of the weavingproducts during archaeological findings .But , during that archaeological , discoveriesreaching to these days has been evaluated as historical documents for human and textilehistory .The first Works of art in history stated as a weaving concepts is tapestry . Thatart concept together with the Arts&Crafts and Bauhause exposed , intraduced newweaving art concepts. At later periods Fiber Art concept had started coming on sceneproviding different approaches regarding weaving art by Lozan Bianeli.Fiber arts concept called as modern textıle art consist of authentic interpretationof artists with to be used lots of different materials by being made comination betweenauthentic weaving technics and traditional weaving technics.In inproving in textile tecnology ,fiber art is composed of source concern toproduction dimension itself as a concept . Sharing of different commends and materialstogether with improving production equipments has been blazing a trail in theproduction o the industrial weaving.In these days , that activicism has been providing economic and culturelimprovements for both in art field and industrial production.In my study , I have tried performing historical improvements unique to thetraditional weaving arts, tecnhnic acknowledges and their illustrations concern to thehand made weawing designs. ABSTRACTWeaving art has been a comprehensive under from existing of the human beingtill today together with the culturel activities. As looking at historical findings concern toweaving arts, we have been seeing that the number of weaving pieces is only few as avolume reaching up today.the reason of that is coming from the weakness of the weavingproducts during archaeological findings .But , during that archaeological , discoveriesreaching to these days has been evaluated as historical documents for human and textilehistory .The first Works of art in history stated as a weaving concepts is tapestry . Thatart concept together with the Arts&Crafts and Bauhause exposed , intraduced newweaving art concepts. At later periods Fiber Art concept had started coming on sceneproviding different approaches regarding weaving art by Lozan Bianeli.Fiber arts concept called as modern textıle art consist of authentic interpretationof artists with to be used lots of different materials by being made comination betweenauthentic weaving technics and traditional weaving technics.In inproving in textile tecnology ,fiber art is composed of source concern toproduction dimension itself as a concept . Sharing of different commends and materialstogether with improving production equipments has been blazing a trail in theproduction o the industrial weaving.In these days , that activicism has been providing economic and culturelimprovements for both in art field and industrial production.In my study , I have tried performing historical improvements unique to thetraditional weaving arts, tecnhnic acknowledges and their illustrations concern to thehand made weawing designs.