Mütarekeden işgale İzmir`de rumlar
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Rumlar, İzmirin sosyo-ekonomik hayatõnda önemli bir yere sahipti. Rumlardilleri, dinleri, bayramlarõ, gazeteleri, okullarõ, hayõr kurumlarõ, hastaneleri ve dahasayamadõğõmõz pek çok yönüyle İzmire damgalarõnõ vurmuşlardõ. Megali İdea hedefineulaşmak için İzmirde örgütlenmeyi de ihmal etmemişlerdi.Büyük bir hõzla silahlanan Rumlar özellikle Salib-i Ahmerden aldõklarõdestekle çete faaliyetlerine hõz vermişlerdi. Diğer taraftan İzmire Yunan gemileriningelişini fõrsat bilerek taşkõnlõklar yapmaya, şehirde güvenliği bozmaya başlamõşlardõ.Bunlarõn yanõnda gasp ve hõrsõzlõk gibi suçlara da adlarõ karõşmõştõ.İzmirde güvenlik bu derece bozulmuşken valilik görevi sürekli el değiştirmiş,valilik görevini en başarõlõ şekilde yürüten Nurettin Paşa Rum-Yunan amaçlarõna tersdüşen hareketleri sonucunda görevinden alõnmõştõ. İşgale giden yolda Yunanlõlar adõnaen büyük yararlõlõğõ gösteren isim, İzmir Metropoliti Hrisostomostu. Hrisostomos Rumhalkõna her zaman bir yol gösterici olmuştu. Osmanlõ Devleti ise İzmirde yaşananolaylardan Türkler sorumluymuş gibi Heyet-i Nasihayõ göndererek halklar arasõndadaha õlõmlõ bir hava yaratmayõ uygun bulmuştu.Paris Barõş Konferansõnda İzmirin işgal kararõ alõnmõş ve Rumlar bu haberi elaltõndan almõştõ. Amiral Calthorpeun verdiği notalarõn ardõndan 15 Mayõs 1919tarihinde İzmir Yunan askerlerince işgal edildi. İşgalden daha kötü olan ise yaşananinsanlõk dõşõ olaylardõ. İşgalin ilk günlerinde Yunan güçleri İzmirde kontrolüsağlamaya çalõşsalar da pek başarõlõ olamadõlar. Ama Türk topraklarõnda ilerleyerekişgal sahalarõnõ genişletmeye başladõlar. The Greeks had an important place in the socio-economical life of İzmir.They had left a mark on İzmir with their language, religion, holidays, papers, schools,charity organizations, hospitals and many other aspects that we cant count. They alsohadnt forgotten to organize in İzmir in order to reach their goal of Megali Idea.The Greeks, who armed themselves with great speed, had sped up their guerillaactivities, especially with the help they got from the Salib-i Ahmer. On the other hand,making an opportunity out of the arrival of Greek ships into İzmir, they had begun to actunrestrained and violate security in the city. Beside these their names were involved incrimes like usurpation and thievery.While İzmirs security was at stake, the duty of governorship had changedhands constantly, and the most successful governor, Nurettin Pasha, was relieved fromduty because of his cations, which were not in consistency with the Greek plans. Thename that exhibited the greatest service on behalf of the Greeks on the way tooccupation was Hrisostomos, the Metropolitan of İzmir. Hrisostomos had always been aguide for the Greek people. The Ottoman State sent the Heyet-i Nasiha, as if the Turkswere responsible for events, in order to create a more temperate air between the people.The occupation of İzmir was decided in the Paris Peace Conference, and theGreeks got this information underhand. After the notes that Admiral Calthrope gave,İzmir was taken in May 15th, 1919 by Greek soldiers. What were worse than theoccupation were the inhuman events that took place. In the first days of the occupation,the Greek soldiers tried to maintain control in İzmir, but they werent very successful.They did, on the other hand expand their territory by progressing through Turkish lands.