Türkiye jeopolitiğinde askeri gücün yeri ve önemi.
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Tiirkiye, bulundugu cografya ve degi~en giivenlik ortammda kiiresel aktorlerinsiirekli izledigi, iizerinde oyunlar oynadlgl ve kontrol altmda tutrnak istedigi iilkelerdenbirisi olup, bu ozelligini gelecekte de muhafaza edecektir. Kritik bir cografyada yeralmamn kaymJlmaz sonuylanndan birisi de askeri giiciinii iist seviyede tutrnak ve milligelirinin onemli bir klsmlm bu alana aYJrmak mecburiyetidir.Gelecekte bu cografyada Tiirkiye'nin varhi/1m siirdiirebilmesi, sahip oldugu milligiiy unsurlanndan birisi olan askeri giiciiniin iyi analiz edilmesi ve yeteneklerinin iyitespit edilmesi ile ihtiyay duyulan diizeye getirilebilmesi imkiinma baghdlr.Bu ara~tmna ile Tiirkiye'nin jeopolitik olgulan yeryevesinde, askeri giiciine onemvermesi mecburiyetinin nedenlerinin ortaya konulmasl suretiyle, 21 nci yiizYJl vesonrasmda bu giiciin yeri ve oneminin TUrk Milleti tarafmdan daha iyi anla~Jlmaslamaylanml~tlr.Tiirkiye jeopolitiginde askeri giiciin yeri ve oneminin incelenecegi bu tezin birinciboliimiinde; Jeopolitik kavraml, jeopolitigin unsurlan, jeopolitik teoriler ve jeopolitikgiiy merkezleri hakkmda bilgiler verilmi~, ikinci bOliimiinde; Tiirkiye'nin jeopolitik vejeostratejik onemi ortaya konulmu~, iiyiincii boliimiinde; Tiirkiye jeopolitigi baglammdaaskeri giiy tanltllml~, savunma harcamalan ve savunma sanayi hakkmda aylklamalardabulunulmu~, asker! giiciin varhk nedeni ve onemi incelenmi~tir Because of its geographical position and changing security conditions, theRepublic of Turkey is one of the countries constantly being monitored; it is subject togames played upon it by global players and efforts are made to control it and thesecharacteristics will continue in the future. One the inescapable results of existing in acritical geographical area is the necessity for maintaining a high level military force andallocating a major part of the national income for this purpose.The future existence of Republic of Turkey in this geographical regIOn ISdependent upon a well done analysis and determination of the capabilities ofits militaryforce which is one of national power elements and being brought to the required level.The purpose of this study is to put forth the importance of military power withinthe geopolitical framework of Turkey, the place and importance of this force to theTurkish Nation in the 21 st century and beyond.In the first part of this dissertation the place and importance of the military forceIII Turkey's geopolitics will be examined and information regarding the scope ofgeopolitics, elements of geopolitics, geopolitical theories and geopolitical power centersare provided; in the second part the geopolitical and geostrategical importance ofTurkey is laid down; the third part consists of an introduction to the military forces inthe scope of Turkey's geopolicies, with comments regarding defense expenditures andthe defense industry, the reasons and the importance of the existence of the militaryforces have been studied.