75 numaralı Mühimme defterinin transkripsiyon ve degerlendirilmesi (s.1-171)
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Divan-l Hümayun Osmanlı Devleti'nin en onemli kurumlanndan birisidir. Devletigerisinde vuku bulan siyasl, askeri, iktisadl, hukukl ve sosyal i~lerinin goru~iiliip kararabaglanmasl hasebiyle bu giinkii bakanlar kuruluna benzemektedir. Divan-l Hfunayun'dan9lkan hiikfunlerin suretlerinin tutuldugu defterlere ise Miihimme Defterleri adl verilmektedir.Uzerinde 9ah~tIglmlz defter 75 numarah Miihimme Defteri olup, XVII. YiiZYll ba~lannda,Sultan I. Ahmed doneminde meydana gelen olaylan igermektedir. Defterde hakkmda en 90khiikfun bulunan konu ise CeHUi isyanlarl ve e~kIyahk olaylandlr. Defter sayesinde iilkeninhemen her tarafmda gorulen e~kIyahk olaylarl kolayca takip edilmektedir. C;ah~mamlzda 75numarah Miihimme Defterinin transkripsiyonu ve ~ekil ve muhteva yoniinden incelenmesiyamnda, genel olarak Divan-l Hfunayun ve Miihimme Defterleri ve sultan I. Ahmed devriolaylan hakkInda bilgiler de verilmi~tir. Ara~tIrmacIlara yardlillci olmak iizere hazlrlanankapsamh indeks, 9ah~manm sonuna ilave edilmi~tir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Divan-l Hfunayun, Miihimme Defteri, Sultan I. Ahmed, E~kIyA Divan-l HUmayun is one of the most important institutions of thr Ottomon Empire. Itresembled today's cabinets in that political, economic, military, legal and social matters of thetime were discussed and finalized. The defters which contained the copies of thr decisions ofDivan-l Hiimayun were called MUhimme Registers. The registers we studied is the numb ere75 MUhimme Register and is about the events that took place during the reign of Ahmet 1.The issue about which there are most decisions in the related registers is the Celali rebellionsand banditry. Thanks to the information in the register, it is easy to get informed about thebanditry events encountered almost everywhere at the time, in our study, the mentionedMUhimme Registers was transcribed and examined with respect to its form and content. inaddition, there is the information relating to Divan-l Hiimayun, MUhimme Registers andevents of period of Ahmed 1. A comprehensive index prepared to help the researcehes withtheir studies was added to the study.Key Words: Divan-l HUmayun, Registers ofMUhimme, Sultan Ahmed I, Bandit