- 118- SUMMABT CULTURAL LIFE AND LITERATURE IN ALGERIA IN TEE PERIOD OF TURKISH SOVEREIGNTY YEKHLEF, Houria ADVISOR: HİZMETLİ Sabri Our work comprises two chapters after an introduction. In the Preface, mainly the dimensions of Turco-Algerian common history and its furthest political and administrative parts are dealt with. It has been endeavoured to be exhibited the educational structure and its basic features of Algeria under the Turkish reign in the Introduction. In order to explain properly the educational level of the Country it is compared with the edu cational structure which was preveiling in the Ottoman capital. It is seen that the situation of -education' in Algeria was in a good level, that there were many educational institutions all over the country and that one of the main goals of educa tional policy was to make everybody educated. In the first Chapter, the cultural situation of Algeria is examined. Mosques, madrasas, zaviyas ( monastries), libraries end foundations are dealt with and their functions and goals are shown. It is learned that the education which is devided into three levels as `ibtidâiyya`, ` sanaviyya` and ` ulyâ` is fulfilled through these institutions. In the second Chapter, the literature and poetry activities in the Ottoman period are dealt with. Language,-119- literature works, `qasida`, `gazal` and other similar types of poems are researched. Some examples are given from reli gious, political, social and folk poems. In the conclusion, the cultural life and literature of Algeria under the Turkish sovereignty is evaluated in general.