SUMMARY Human rights are classified into three major groups with respect to the historical development. First grouped human rights that are:civil rights expressing a sphere that state could not interfere with the indi viduals, and political rights giving individual a share of the political structure of community he lives in. In the field of economical, social and cultural rights that are second grouped human rights, individual who has come at a point demands something from State and State's active support or its mediation are necessary tools for the realization of these rights. For the third grouped human rights, however, active support of State, of public-private sectors, and of individuals and the necessity of collaboration of all these sectors are required. That's why, third grouped human rights are called solidarity rights. The right to environment which is included in solidarity rights, is an human right. The right to environment which is discussed mostly in the doctrine of human rights, is found in many constitutions as well. Nowadays, the right to environment bringing limitations on many human rights, particularly on the ownership right, displays an expectant deve lopment. In Türkiye, there are expectant advancements in the development of the right to environment. The adoption in 1982 Constitution (Article, 56) and the right to environment; by adding sections related to environ mental considerations to the development plans, the adoption of the understanding of sustainable development in Sixth Five-Year Development Plan; after 1983, laws enacted with the view to safeguard the environ ment; the responsibilities related to environment which are approved by international conventions; the setting up of the Ministry of Environment are fundamental advancements with respect to the right to environment. 140In Türkiye, the approach of political powers to environment, however, has been insensitive. In implementation and legal regulations, indifference to environment has predominated and environmental values in our country have not been taken care of. The obstacles to the realization of the right to environment are to be seen at two levels:International and national. The most important obstacle with which is confronted at the international level, is unbalan ced economic development. At national level, the understanding of cent ral administrationrthe development as an end in itself; financial, adminis trative, personnel inadequancies of local governments; the environmental problems which are created by individuals as a producer, as a consumer and as the nature of ownership right, are the major obstacles to the realization of the right to environment. 141