SÜHHÂRY Halk Bank (Türkiye Halk Bankası) has been founded to meet `Financing` needs of craftsmen, craftemen, and small and medium-size industrial business enterprisces. Today, this insi tut ion not only serves as an expert bank for this sector, but also functions to provide contemporary banking services f or the whole society in general. Sources assingned by Halk Bank to `credits` are proprietary capital and foreign capital. Proprietary capitals are composed of capital, reserves, revaluation fund, foreign capitals, bank accounts. Central Bank's rediscount credits and various funds. There have been major elevations in these capitals. Halk Bank's credits can be divided into two specialization credits and nonspecialization credits. The first item in specialization credits is cooperative credits which are presented to craftsmen and artists under the guarantorship of `Craf ismen and Artists Cooperative`. The second one contains industrial credits submitted to small and medium-size industrial business enterprises with the purpose of maintaining the financial structure against new developments in economics, keeping in mind their importance of their contribution to use of technology, yt should also be recalled that these enterprises constitute a cardinal source to cure unemployment problem and to increase the overall level of production. Fund credits which have an 76unparalleled share in sustained economic development of Turkey, and which take their financing from national budget, form the third i t em. These fund credits can also be opened to small industrial sites and organized industrial enterprises in the form of investment credits or business credits. Non-specialization credits are basically commercial and personal credits. According to the definition of Halk Bank, small-size industrial enterprises are those which employ 100 workers at most, and whose machinery, establishment, equipment, vehicles, furniture and durable goods as registered in legal registration books have no more value than 2.5 billion TL.(excopt for building and land). Additionally, These enterprises should base their functioning partly on technical and partly on experimental work in order to be included within the context of Halk Bank's definition of small-size industrial enterprise. On the other hand, medium-size industrial businesses are the which employ 250 workers at most and whose total fixed investment in registered in legal registration books does not exceed 15 billion TL. Certificate of investment inducement is not required by Halk Bank for credits reserved to small and medium-size industrial enterprises. In order to assess the problems oncountered during the 77process of obtaining financial support from Halk Bank by small and medium-size industrial enterprises, 113 such enterprises, selected by random sampling have been applied a questionnaire OSTIM wich is the largest industrial site in Turkey. The results obtained from the analysis of the data collected indicated that small and medium-size industrial enterprises neglect to use substantial amount of credit. The majority of the enterprises that did use credits preferred Halk Bank's credit options. It has also been proved that the most significant problems spelled out by small and medium-size industrial enterprises are high interest rates, guarantorship and heavy warranty. In order for small and medium-size industrial enterprises to make use of Halk Bank's credits more, necessary measurements shall be taken to retrive Halk Bank to its primary function and to reorganize it as and only as `specialization bank`. Besides, credit limit should be taken, up, whereas interest rates and guarantorship requirements should be diminished. Halk Bank is not able to meet the demands because of insufficient sources. Small and medium-size industrial enterprises shall be presented new methods of finance while being equipped with necessary information about leasing and factoring. Such financing methods should be stressed and implemented more in Turkey. Venture capital companies, 78which have been dominant in the world for the last decades, shall be organized. Innovations should be supported and the projects produced there by shall be implemented in real life situations. In addition. Credit Guarantee Fund venture Capital Company, which will provide guarantee to the banks on behalf of small and medium-size industrial enterprises, might be encouraged to work more effectively and similar companies with this general aim might be founded. 19