118 SUMMARY The aim of this study is to research comperatively, behavior problems of handicapped and nonhandicapped child and adolescent, between the ages of 10-15. The sample consisted of 78 visually impaired, 75 hearing impaired, 75 mentally retarded and 100 nonhandicapped child and adolescent. To identify behavior problems, teachers were asked to rate students by using Revised Behavior Problem Checklist. As a result, between these four groups (visually impaired, hearing impaired, mentally retarded and nonhandicapped), mentally retarded group showed more behavior problems than other three groups, in terms of conduct disorder- hiperactivitiy / impulsivity and depression-attention deficit. Between groups this was the only statistically considerable difference. The differences between other groups were not significant. Sex differences were found between nonhandicapped students in all subscales. Visually impaired students sex difference was found only in socialized aggression subscale. No sex difference in other groups was found. In terms of age between visually impaired students age differences were found in all subscales. Another age differences were found between nonhandicapped students in conduct disorder- hiperactivitiy / impulsivity and depression-attention deficit119 subscales. In hearing impaired group, age difference was found only in socialized aggression subscale. No age difference was found in mentally retarded group.