dc.description.abstract | An experiment has been arranged in the Zeytinoğlu Feed Industryand E99 Layer Company in search of the feed !ncluding acid oilhas influences on the performance of brown commercial eqg layera, rorthis reason, 40 weeks olcl, 580 Welp Line brown commercial egg layershave been used. Feed !ncluding about 1,7 ı vegatabla raw oil and 1,7/ acid oil have been taken aa a tı·eatınent, weeks have been takcn aa arepetition. For each group 290 layers were placeö an~ !or each cage 5layers were placed.Layers have been accoııııııodated in a J.floor and öouple-s1de cages(Cal i forni.a type) whiclı furıı!shed w! th nipple dr inkar s and s emiautomatic feeders that ıııininıize feed spllage. Ventilation wasprovided naturally, but lllunıinatioıı was provided both naturally andartificially. ·During the testing , E or the f ir st group layers were gi ve n fe ed s!ncluding 1,7 ı 'vegetable raw oil, 17,5 ı protein, 2730 kcal/kgME,0,82 % Lysin, 0,61 % MtC, 0,20 % Trp, 3,4 %Ca, 0,46 %Pk, 0,15 %Na,for the second group layers, 1,7 ı acid oil , 17,5 %protein, 2730kcal/kgME, 0,82 1; Lysin, 0,61 % M+C, 0 , 20 % Trp, 3,4 %Ca, 0,46 % Pkve 0,15% Na. 'I'lıese feeds prepared during 5 weeks experimental periodwere g! ve n to experiıne ıı tcıl gt·oup as ad- lihi t um.At the end of this experiment 1 ton feec..l prepared for each groupwas consumed layers co nıpl ete ly. So tlıe layers in each group consumedaveragely, 100 gr. feeds a day.In respect of egg production and egg weight in the groups feedingby the feeds !ncluding 1 ,7 % vegetable raw oil and 1,7 % acid oilhave shown that egg production respectively 67,98 %, 67,04 % and eggweights 56,98 gr. anc..l 56,24 gr. The dif ferences between the groupswere not found to be significant (P > 0,05).In respect of c r acked egg ratio and mortality, in the groupsfeeding by the feeds !ncluding 1,7 ı vegetable raw oil and 1,7 % acidoil, have shown that cracked egg ratio respectively 1, 96 %, ı ,90 %and mortality 0,850 %, 0,842 ı The differences between the groupswere in s ignif i can tly ( P ) o, 05) .The result of this s tudy in egg layers, the addition ·of acid oilto the feeds have shown that the influe nce on the performanca of thelayers such as feed consunıption, egg production, egg weight, crackedegg ratio and mortality is the same as the feed which was added byVegetable raw oil. | en_US |