Kur`an`da cennet ve huriler
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ÖZET?Cennet?, metafizik bir olgudur. Bu sebeple Cennetle ilgili bilgilerin temelkaynağı nakil yani Kur'an'ın ifadeleri ve Hz. Peygamber'in sözleridir. Kur'an'ınCennetle ilgili ifadeleri azımsanmayacak kadar çok olup her seviyeden insana hitapetmektedir. Zira Kur'an'ın amacı insanın iç dünyasını etkilemek ve onu Cennetingüzellikleri vesilesiyle erdemli bir hayata yönlendirmektir.Kur'an'ın Cennet tasvirleri arasında en çok dikkat çeken unsurlardan birisi,?Hûriler? diye tabir edilen cennet kadınlarıdır. Kur'an Hûrilerden, maddû-manevû hertürlü güzellik ve temizlik vasfını taşıyan, her türlü kusurdan beri olan, eşleriylearalarında son derece muhabbet ve hürmetin bulunduğu cennet eşleri olarakbahsetmektedir. Dünya hayatında insanları meşru yoldan çıkarıp günaha sevk edenen büyük etkenlerin başında kadınlara karşı duyulan arzunun bulunması realitesindenhareket eden Kur'an, Cennette erkeklerle evlendirilecek olan bu kusursuz eşleri,özendirici bir vasıta olarak kullanarak insanları şehvetlerinin esiri olmaktankurtarmayı ve onların daha da erdemli olmalarını sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.Bir güzellik ve ahlak timsali olan Hûrilerin Cennete has özel bir varlık olduğugörüşü, her ne kadar yaygın olsa da tartışmaya açık bir görüştür. Zira kimi alimleregire Hûriler, dünya ehlinden olup da Cennete giren kadınlardır. Ayetlerdeki genelifadeler kesin bir tercihte bulunmaya engel olurken ilgili hadisler arasında ise her ikigörüşe de açık ifadeler bulunmaktadır.109SUMMARY?Heaven? (Cennet), is a metaphysical fact. Therefore information abouthHeaven are based on ?narration? (nakil) -statements of The Quran- and words ofProphet Muhammed (a.s). Statements of The Quran regarding Heaven are too manyand adresses to everyone at all level of society. Because the aim of The Quran is toeffect inner life of human being and to guide him to a virtuous life by beatuies ofHeaven.The most outstanding description of The Quran about Heaven is verybeautiful women called in word as ?huri? (houri). The Quran mentions about?houries? as partners who have all physical and spiritual bueauty, loving very muchtheir husbands and respect to them. One of the biggest factors which tempt peopleand fall them into sin is desire for women. For this reason The Quran uses theseperfect partners, whom will be married to those deserving of Heaven, as a attractiveto save human being to be slave for their lust and to make them virtuous people.However much common oppinion of their speciality to Heaven houries whoare symbol of beauty and morality this is an arguable issue. Because according tosome muslim scholars houries are from women of world who deserving of Heaven.General statements in The Quran prevent us from making a certain decision abouthouries. On the other hand there are statements can be interpreted to both opinion inwords of Prophet Muhammed (a.s).110 SUMMARY?Heaven? (Cennet), is a metaphysical fact. Therefore information abouthHeaven are based on ?narration? (nakil) -statements of The Quran- and words ofProphet Muhammed (a.s). Statements of The Quran regarding Heaven are too manyand adresses to everyone at all level of society. Because the aim of The Quran is toeffect inner life of human being and to guide him to a virtuous life by beatuies ofHeaven.The most outstanding description of The Quran about Heaven is very beautifulwomen called in word as ?huri? (houri). The Quran mentions about ?houries? aspartners who have all physical and spiritual bueauty, loving very much their husbandsand respect to them. One of the biggest factors which tempt people and fall them intosin is desire for women. For this reason The Quran uses these perfect partners, whomwill be married to those deserving of Heaven, as a attractive to save human being to beslave for their lust and to make them virtuous people.However much common oppinion of their speciality to Heaven houries who aresymbol of beauty and morality this is an arguable issue. Because according to somemuslim scholars houries are from women of world who deserving of Heaven. Generalstatements in The Quran prevent us from making a certain decision about houries. Onthe other hand there are statements can be interpreted to both opinion in words ofProphet Muhammed (a.s).