Türkiye ekonomisinin anayasal iktisat açısından analizi
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ÖZET Siyasi iktidarların ekonomi politikalarını istedikleri şekilde oluşturabilme yetkinlikleri, ekonominin politize olmasma neden olmaktadır. Kamu kaynaklarının popülizme ram olması da kamu ekonomisinde israfın, keyfiliğin ve verimsizliğin artmasına sebebiyet vermiştir. Siyasi iktidarların ekonomi üzerindeki sınırsız yetkinlikleri ve kamu ekonomisindeki keyfilikleri, piyasa ekonomisinin de politik konjöktürlere göre dalgalanmasına ve kamu ekonomisinden piyasa ekonomisine yansıyan sorunların nitelik ve nicelik olarak artmasına neden olmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmada Türkiye'deki temel ekonomik sorunun popülizmin iktisat politikalarının belirlenmesinde ve uygulanmasında son derece etkin olması ve parasal-mali disiplinsizliğin varlığı olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Çok partili parlamenter sistemde olması gereken politik rekabetin kamu kaynaklarından yararlanma açısından da uygulanması gerçeği, demokrasinin gereği gibi uygulanmamakta olduğunu göstermektedir. Kısacası; Türkiye ekonomisindeki bütün sorunların, temel sorun olan `Demokratik Yozlaşma ve Siyasal Yolsuzluklar''' dan kaynaklanmakta olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Teorik açıklamalar ve istatistiksel hesaplamalarla ispat edilen bu gerçek, Türkiye ekonomisinde özellikle çok partili parlamenter sisteme geçildikten sonra seçim dönemleri öncesi ve sonrasında uygulanmış olan iktisat politikalarının politik hesaplara uygun bir biçimde gerçekleşerek ekonomideki parasal ve mali disiplinsizliklerin arttırmasıyla piyasa ekonomisinde genişleme ve daralmaları ve kronik ekonomik sorunları doğurmuş olmasından açıkça anlaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle sorunların ne olduğu üzerinde durularak bu sorunların ne kadarının popülizmden ve parasal-mali disiplinsizlikten kaynaklandığı konusu irdelendikten sonra seçim ekonomisi ve politik konjöktür hareketleri açısından konu ele alınmıştır. Sorunun teşhisi tamamlandıktan sonra çeşitli çözüm önerileri üzerinde durulmuştur. Özünde demokrasinin gereği gibi işlemesinin, siyasi iktidarların ekonomi politikalarının belirlenmesindeki mutlak yetkinliğinin anayasal yollarla sınırlandmlmasının ve parasal-mali disiplinin sağlanması yanında anayasal yollarla alınması zaruri olan bir takım anayasal önlemler üzerinde durulmuştur. tC YÜKSEKÖĞRETİM KORULU nOKÛMANTASYON MERKEZ&, SUMMARY In the democratic societies, the efforts of political authority to win elections and to direct economic policies for achieving its political purposes are being called as election economy causing political conjectures and business cycles. The governments which don't want to lose votes and plan to be selected in the next elections again especially take care of increasing spending and decreasing tax rates before elections and increasing tax rates and decreasing government spending after elections. In addition to this fact, the enlargement of the functions and the retrenchment of the government means permanent increase in public expenditures. While these expenditures continue to increase, governments have been facing with financial problems. That the tax revenue can not finance government's spending especially in developing countries leads an instability between budget revenue and the budget spending. At most of democratic countries, mostly owing to some political purposes, public expenditures really has been showing a rapid increase in size. Today, almost half of the GNP is being used for the government spending. That is to say, Economic life had been politicised as a reason and a result of this phenomena. In other words; political power had increased its directing role and intervention on the economy by using electoral economy. In Turkey, we are facing with governments' verdicts and interference from price controls to revenue distribution and from tax rates to foreign exchange rates and from standards of quality to foreign trade regime and from environmental pollution to public products at every region and time and all these cause and also enhance important economic problems which have no solution except for determining and limiting political power's dominicality on economic ongoing. Constitutional political economy is a new scientific research program that directs inquiry to the working properties of rules and institutions of economy. Therefore constitutional economics directs analytical attention to the choices among constraints which is considered to limit and determine destructive interventions of political agents and retrenchment of governments on the economical realities.This science program also researches whether these constitutional restrictions proposed by constitutional economists are worthwhile and appropriate on the political agents or not. Because, according to constitutional economists, the real reason of instabilities in economy is the free interference of politicians in economy. It can be told also for Turkey's economy that unless tasks and authorities of politicians about economic issues is determined and limited by the necessary amendments on the constitution, the political power will continue to run the economy as their political plans and programs requires. In this study we tried to analyse -from the point of view of the constitutional economists- the defective effects of politics over the Turkey's national economy. At the end of the study; it can be told that there exists a real economical decay, rottenness and unstability just as these constitutional economists had claimed and proved as a concomitant of the fact of political conjectures. What we have leaned from this study is that, in Turkey, most of the economical problems are depend on the fact of political pressure on the economy proved by theoretical, historical and statistical ways. In most countries political retrenchment are being tried to be taken under control by amendment on constitution so as to avoid its effecting the economy in non-logical ways. Since the economy is politicised, despite of the fact that the economic life must be directed by market forces and market circumstances, it is being dominated by the political verdicts and retrenchment. We can undoubtedly say that this situation have still been destroying economic stability and have been limiting the political and economic liberty. In short, the only solution to solve the most destructive economical problem of Turkey is taking the precautions as prerequisites that constitutional economists offered. The prior of them is the limiting and determining economical retrenchment and authorities of politicians.