SUMMARY Init ial ly, in this study, the satellite receiver system is invest i gated, performance of paraboloidal reflector antenna used at the satellite receiver system is invest igated. The radiation pattern and efficiency of the focus-fed parabolai- dal antenna is investigated, and the results are compared with radiation pattern and efficiency of off-focus fed para- bolaidal antenna. In the first part of the study, satellite receiver system is investigated generally, and information about operation of the system is obtained. In second part of the study, performance of paraboloidal reflector-- antenna used in satellite receiver system is inves tigated. Init ial ly, radiat ion pattern of antenna is plotted and it's efficiency is calculated with respect to the focus-fed cond iti on. ft ft erward, rad i at i on pat t em of ref 1 ect or ant en- na, and it's efficiency is calculated under the off-focus fed cond i t ion. fill the operations are performed by using a computer program. Then, taken graphics are plotted, the results are compared and the conclusions based on the graphics are given at the final chapter. IV