Değişik sübstitüent ihtiva eden yeni bileşiklerin sentezi ve bunların metal komplekslerinin incelenmesi
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ÖZET Doktora Tezi DE?İŞİK SÜBSTİTÜENT İHTİVA EDEN YENİ BİLEŞİKLERİN SENTEZİ VE BUNLARIN METAL KOMPLEKSLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ Ersin GÜLER Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Kimya Anabilim Dalı Danışman: Prof. Dr. Ramazan MİRZAO?LU 1995, sayfa: 78 Jüri: Prof. Dr. Ramazan MİRZAO?LU Prof.Dr. Ali Osman SOLAK Doç. Dr. Gazi İREZ Bu çalışmada çıkış maddesi olarak alifatik (asetaldehit, propionaldehit, bütilal- dehit, izovalerianaldehit), aromatik (benzaldehit), hidroaromatik (A3-tetrahidrobenzal- dehit, 2-metil, 4-metil, 6-metil, 2,6-dimetil, 3,4-dimetil, 4,6-dimetil-A3-tetrahidroben- zaldehit) ve furfuralaldehit, ayrıca aseton, metiletilketon kullanıldı. Bunlar, benzen veya toluenli ortamda NH2OHHCl ile 75-80 °C de 2,5-3 saat karıştırılarak oksimlerine çevrildi. Bu oksimler, etilenklorhidrin, etilenbromhidrin, l,3-diklorpropanol-2, 1-klor- 3-brompropanol-2, l-3-dibrompropanol-2, l-brom-3-klorpropanol-2, epiklorhidrin, epibromhidrin, epiiyodhidrin ile bazik ortamda aseton kullanılarak 55-60°C'de mkarıştırılarak reaksiyona girmeleri sağlandı. Bu oksimlerin, alkolleri, halojenli bileşikleri ye epoksitleri elde edildi. Bunlardan bazılarının karşılıklı sentezi yapıldı. Elde edilen oksimlerin glisit eterlerinin bazı reaksiyonları (değişik aminlerle) incelendi ve elde edilen aminli bileşiklerin HC1 asit ile tuzlan yapılıp suda çözünebilir hale getirildi. Hidroaromatik aldehitlerden olan A3-tetrahidrobenzaldehit, 2-metil, 2,6-dimetil- A3-tetrahidrobenzaldehit glisin ve KOH ile oda sıcaklığında K tuzuna çevrildi. Bu ürünlerin Cu+2, Ni+2 kompleksleri sentezlendi. A3-tetrahidrobenzaldehit, 2-metil, 2-metil, 2,6-dimetil-A3-tetrahidrobenzaldoksimlerin etilenklorhidrinle reaksiyonundan elde edilen ürünlerin de Cu+2, Ni+2 kompleksleri sentezlendi. Sentezlenen ürünlerin ve komplekslerin elementel analizleri, ER-, NMR spekt- rumlan alındı. Ayrıca bazı fiziksel özellikleri tayin edildi ve bu suretle yapılar aydınlatılmaya çalışıldı. Anahtar kelimeler: Aldehit, aromatik aldehit, hidroaromatik aldehit, oksim, mono oksim, glisin, epoksit, sentez, metal kompleks, spektroskopik yapı tayini iv halogen compounds and epoxides of oximes were obtained. The reciprocal synthesis of them was also carried out. The some reaction (with different amines) of glycide ethers of obtained oximes has been investigated and salt forms of obtained amine compounds was achieved with HC1. Therefore, the obtained amines compounds are soluble in water. A3-tetrahydrobenzaldyhde, 2-methyl, 2,6-dimethyl-A3-tetrahydrobenzaldyhde glycin from hydroaromatic aldehyde converted to potassium salt of aldehyde with KOH. The Cu2+ and Ni2+ complexes of these products were synthesized. In addition, Cu2+ and Ni2+ complexes of A3-tetrahydrobenzaldyhde, 2-methyl, 2,6-dimethyl-A3- tetrahydrobenzaldoxime with epichlorohydrine have also been synthesized. The elemental, IR, NMR spectra of products and complexes were determined. Furthermore, some physical properties and their structures were characterized. Key words: Aldehyde, aromatic aldehyde, hidroaromatic aldehyde, oxime, mono oxime, glycin, epoxy, synthesis, metal complex, determination of structure by spectrophotometry. vihalogen compounds and epoxides of oximes were obtained. The reciprocal synthesis of them was also carried out. The some reaction (with different amines) of glycide ethers of obtained oximes has been investigated and salt forms of obtained amine compounds was achieved with HC1. Therefore, the obtained amines compounds are soluble in water. A3-tetrahydrobenzaldyhde, 2-methyl, 2,6-dimethyl-A3-tetrahydrobenzaldyhde glycin from hydroaromatic aldehyde converted to potassium salt of aldehyde with KOH. The Cu2+ and Ni2+ complexes of these products were synthesized. In addition, Cu2+ and Ni2+ complexes of A3-tetrahydrobenzaldyhde, 2-methyl, 2,6-dimethyl-A3- tetrahydrobenzaldoxime with epichlorohydrine have also been synthesized. The elemental, IR, NMR spectra of products and complexes were determined. Furthermore, some physical properties and their structures were characterized. Key words: Aldehyde, aromatic aldehyde, hidroaromatic aldehyde, oxime, mono oxime, glycin, epoxy, synthesis, metal complex, determination of structure by spectrophotometry. vi