Design of a software to analayze mass variation of ring spun yarn
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OZRING IPLIGI KUTLE VARYASYONUNU ANALIZ EDEN BIRBILGISAYAR PROGRAMININ TASARLANMASIINCE Mehmet ErdemYüksek Lisans Tezi, Tekstil Mühendisligi BolümüTez Yoneticisi : Prof. Dr. Ali KIRECCIMayıs 2005Yemek, giyinmek ve barinmak, insanoglunun en temel gereklerinden oldugundan,tekstil endüstrisi herkesin ilgisini ceken, onemli bir konudur. Kalite sadece tekstilürünlerinin degil, diger bütün ürünlerin seciminde de en onemli kriterlerden biriolmustur. Kalite kontrolün amaci istenen kalitede ürünü minimum üretim problemi ileüretmektir. Kalite kontrol laboratuar sartlarinda uygulanan (off-line) kontroller veüretim asamasinda uygulanan (on-line) kontroller olmak üzere ikiye ayrilmaktadir.Off-line kontrolde ürün ornekleri laboratuar ortaminda cesitli cihazlar kullanilarakolcülmektedir. On-line kontrolde ise makine üzerine yerlestirilen sensorler üretilenmateryalin karakteristigi hakkinda sinyaller üretmekte ve bu sinyaller bilgisayartarafindan islenmektedir. On-line kontroller ürün olusumu esnasinda mudahaleyeolanak verdikleri icin daha avantajlidirlar.Bu calismada iplik düzgünlügünü analiz etmek amaciyla bir bilgisayar programitasarlanmistir. Optik bir sensor Premier Tester 7000 düzgünlük cihazi üzerineyerlestirilmis ve iplik capi datalari elde edilmistir. Tasarlanan programda bu datalarnumerik iplik kalite parametrelerine (%Um, %CVm, ince yer, kalin yer, neps)donüstürülmüstür. Ayrica diagram, spektrogram ve histogram gibi grafiksel iplikkalite parametreleri de cizilmistir.Anahtar kelimeler: Kalite, kalite kontrol, iplik hatalari, bilgisayar programi, Delphi,iplik düzgünsüzlügü, on-line kontrol, fotoelektrik sensor.4 ABSTRACTDESIGN OF A SOFTWARE TO ANALYZE MASS VARIATION OF RINGSPUN YARNINCE Mehmet ErdemMaster thesis, Textile Engineering DepartmentSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Ali KIRECCIMay 2005Since food, clothing, and shelter are the most fundamental of our requirements, the textileindustry is a subject of very general importance and interest. Quality has become one of themost important criterions when selecting a product, not only in textiles but also in other typesof product. The reasons for quality control are to ensure adequate quality of product andminimum trouble in processing. Testing for quality control falls into two categories:laboratory (or off-line) testing and on-line monitoring. In off-line control, samples of theproduct are taken to the laboratory for testing. Various sorts of test apparatus are used. Inon-line control, sensors are fitted into the machine which generates signals that describe somefunction of the material; these signals are processed by a computer. On-line control has moreadvantages than off-line control because the product can be interfered during the productionprocess if necessary.In this study, a software was designed to analyze yarn evenness. An optic sensor was placedon Premier Tester 7000 evenness test device and data about yarn diameter variation obtained.These data converted into numerical quality parameters of yarn such as Um %, CVm%, thinplaces, thick places, and neps number. In addition, graphical quality parameters such asdiagram, spectrogram, and histogram were drawn by using the designed software.Key words: Quality, quality control, yarn faults, software, Delphi, yarn evenness, on-linecontrol, photoelectric sensor.3