153 numaralı Edirne şer`iyye sicili h.1164 - 1170 / m.1750 - 1756
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Bu tez, 153 Numarah Edime Ser'iyye Sicilli'dir. Sicili, Hicri1164-1170 / Miladi1750-1756 yl1lan arasml kapsamaktadu. Bu donemde Edime, Rumili Eyaletine bagh merkezikaza statiisiinde oldugunu tespit ettik.Bu tezinizde Osmanh adliye te~kilatl ve ~er'iyye sicilleri'nin nitelikleri hakkmdabilgiler verdikten sorna sicillerin ihtiva ettigi belgelerin ozetlerini transkripsiyonunu verdik.Son olarak da ~er'iyye sicillerine dayanarak Edime'nin iktisadi, i9timai, siyasi ve idariyaplsl hakkmda geneI bir degerlendirme yaptlk.Edime Kazasl'mn 0 donemde 4 nahiyesi ile ~ehir merkezine bagh 29 koyiinii tespitettik. Sicil'lerde vakIf ile ilgili belgenin yamnda tereke defteride bulunmaktadu. Edime vecivannda vaklf akarlarmm yangm veya ba~ka bir sebeble ylkl1dlgml ve tamir edildiginiaynca. Bila-varis fevt olanlann terekelerinin beytii'-mal tarafmdan el kondugunu gordiik.Bugiin Edime'de me~hur olan siipiirge, boya ve tahta i~lemeciligi ile ilgili tasarrufe~yalanndan bahsedildigini sicillerde mii~ahede etmekteyiz.Edime KazaSl ve dahilinde orfi gorevlilerin reaya zulm ve teaddide bulundugunu dabelgelerden ogreniyoruz. This thesis is 1 53 number ofthe `Edirne Ser'iyye Records` and the record includes theyears between 1 164-1 170 B.C.l1750-1756 A.D.We established that Edirne was in the central`kaza` status and yas subject to the Province of Rumeli.In this our thesis, we presented the transcription and the absracts of the documents thatthe records contain after we gave datas concerning the charctericts ofthe ~er'iyye records andOttoman justice organization.Lastly, we evaluated the economic, ethnographic, political ve administrative structmeofEdime oniy on the basis ofthe ~er'iyye records.We determined that Edirne `Kaza` had 4 `mlhiye` and 29 villages which were subjectto the `kaza`. There are also inventories of the estates in addition to the documents relevant towakfin the records. We observe that the rental properties ofwaqfvere in ruins on account ofanother reasons or fire also confiscated to the estate's inventories ofpersons who died withoutheir by `Beytit' 1 -mal`.We observe that phrases pertaining to broom sellers, painters, soapers such as`Sabuncular Hani, Boyahne, Siipiirgeciler Hm` and also the board work which becomefamous in Edirne today vere mentioned in records.We learn from the records that the martial managers behaved cruelty to raya in EdirneKaza and in the vicinitv of it.