Değişen iş dünyasında girişimci pazarlama:Türk ilaç sanayi uygulamalarının ve birleştirici bir model çalışmasının değerlendirilmesi
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Giinumuz is. diinyasinda yasanan degisim/donusijmler isletmeleri derindenetkilemekle birlikte i§letmelerin rekabete bakis a9ilanm sorgulamalanna neden olmaktadir. l§ dunyasinin yenilenen yuzunde, farkhla§ma, daha 90k deger uretme ve is ekosistemleri içinde yer alarak yeni zenginlikler ortaya koyma temel amaç haline gelmi§tir.Bu geli§meler pazarlama du§iincesini de degi§tirmi§tir. Artik i§letmeler yenilik, yaraticilik baglaminda yeni firsat alanlan yaratarak rekabet avantaji saglamayi ama9lamaktadirlar. isletmelerin bunu basarabilmeleri, girisimci pazarlama düsijncesini etkin bir §ekilde uygulamalanna baghdir. Girisimci pazarlama ile isletmeler, yasanan degisimleri aninda fark eder, yeni uriin/pazar kompozisyonlan yaratarak gelecek rekabetinde var olurlar.Turk ila? sanayi isletmeleri iiretim, istihdam ve diger faaliyetlerdeki payi ile turn Diinya'da oldugu gibi Turkiye'de de biiyiik oneme sahiptir. l§ dunyasinin degisen yapisi, giri§imci pazarlama ve surduriilebilir rekabet avantaji diger isletmelerle birlikte ila? isletmelerini de etkilemektedir.Bu 9alismada esas itibariyle, degisen i§ dunyasinin yeni yapisi ortaya konmus, pazarlamada yasanan paradigmik degisimler ekseninde girisimci pazarlamanin davrani§sal siireci incelenmi§ ve uygulama kisminda, Turk ila? sanayindeki isletme yoneticilerinin giri§imci pazarlamaya yonelik baki§ a9ilarmi belirlemek ve Turk ila? sanayi isletmeleri i9in birlestirici bir model onerisi olu§turup model uygulama ko§ullanni tarti§maktir. The changes/transformations in daily business world influence the enterprisesdeeply, and these changes/transformations cause to question the points of view of the enterprises in case of competition. Producing many values and putting forward new wealth became the basic target of the entrepreneurs.The improvements changed the marketing ideas. From now on through creating new opportunity field in the context of creativity and innovation, achieving competence advantages are aimed. Achievement of this target by the entreprises depends on the application of the entrepreneur marketing attitudes effectively. With the entrepreneur marketing, the enterprises recognize the changes at once, and through creating new production and marketing compositions they exist in future competences.Turkish Drug Industry Enterprises with their productions and employment and other activities have great importance in Turkey like the other drug enterprises have in the world. Changing structure of the business world, entrepreneur marketing and continual competence advantage effect the drug enterprises together with other enterprises.In this study, new structure of the changing business world has been put forward and behavioral process of entrepreneur marketing in markets have been studied, and in the application section, the point of view of the enterprise administrators of the entrepreneur marketing in Turkish Drug Industry was determined and the model application conditions of Turkish Drug Industry was discussed.Key Word: Changing Business World, Marketing Paradigm, Entrepreneurship Marketing, Sustainable Competitive Advantages, Turkish Drug Industry