Feridun Zaimoğlu`nun Leinwand (perde) ve Zwölf Gramm Glück (Oniki Gram Mutluluk)adlı eserlerinde sözdizimsel ve anlamsal öncelemeler
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Bu cahsma, goc olgusuyla dogan, gelisen ve bugun farkh bir icerik ve bicime ulasan Almanca Turk yazini icerisinde Feridun aimoglu'nun ayncalikh anlatisina, soylemine yakinlasmayi amaclamaktadir. Aynca, sozdizimlerini, sozcuk ve sozcuk obeklerini, tonlamalan ve vurgulan inceleyerek yazann sanat anlayisim anlamayi denemektedir.Yontem olarak cogulcu yontem ve ampirik cahsma orneklerinden yararlamlmistir. Yazin biliminin verileri, dilbilim kuramlan ve ele§tirel yakla§imlarla yazann sozdizimleri ve sozcukleriyle iki metin olu§turdugu, soylemini bu unsurlann cagn§im ve anlam alanlanyla gu9lendirdigi g6rulmu§tur. Aynca, 20. yuzyilda insamn cografya tanimaksizin toplum di§ina itilmi§ligi, modern toplumda celi§kili ya§am panoramasi, a§agilayici, ki§kirtici sozlerle anlatilmi§tir. Yabanci olmamn ezikligiyle uzun sure Almanya'da yasayan Turkler, aimoglu ile daha iyi anlasilmis, yazina yerlesmistir. Yazann gelistirdigi Kanakga, asagilama anlamini asmis, Rap ve Hiphop kulturiinu de icine alarak kusak degisimlerinin bir belgesi olmustur. Ger?ekligi romantik anlati tutumuyla isleyen bu dil, yabanci dusmanhgina butunuyle uzak durmakta, geleneksel ve modern anlayislan yan yana getirmektedir. Anhk mutluluklan, aski, din olgusunu, yasam sevincini, ?ikar iliskilerini, cinselligi, fantezileri, isyam dillendirmekte, melez kimlilerin sesi olmaktadir.Her anlati toplumsal bir durumu, bir donusumu aktarmaktadir. Bu baglamda, biz aimoglu'nun iki eserinde yatan anlami, iletiyi, okurda yaratilmak istenen etkiyi, davrams iliskilerini asagilayici, hir?in, kiskirtici, isyankar, yenilikci, siddet, cinsellik ve din olgusu icerikli sozdizimleri ve sozcuklerin belirledigini goriiyoruz. Bu yuzyilda insamn belki de Ortacag'dan daha fazla celiski yasadigim, Umberto Eco'nun Beyaz Ortagag benzetmesiyle anlayabiliyoruz. This study aims to get closer to feridun zaimoglu's narrations and speeches which born and developed with the fact of migration and reach to different content and form. Besides it tries to understand the author's art by trying to explore the syntaxes, closes, words, intonation and emphasizes.Pluralistic method and empiric study methods were chosen. ata from literature, theories of linguistics and other critical approaches showed that author has created two texts, and empowered his speech with associations and meaning area of these components. Also, the isolation of human in 20th century, no matter in which geography she/he lives, and the contradictory panorama of life in modern society are told with derogatory and provocative words. Turks who have been living in Germany with the oppression of being foreigner for long times, were understood better, and got place in the literature with Zaimoglu. Kanakish that author has created, got over the meaning of the word derogatory and became a document by getting the Rap and Hip-hop culture in it. This language which tells the reality in a romantic manner stands away from hostility to foreigners and bring together the modern and traditional understandings. His speeches reflects the short happiness's, fact of religion, joy of life, relations depend on benefits, sexuality and revolts and be the voices of mixed bloods identities.Every story, carry over a social situation, a conversion. In this scope, we see that the meaning, message, expected changes on readers and relations are told with sentences full of with derogatory, mutinous, innovative, violence, sexual and religious words, in his two works. We can understand that people live more contradictions in this century than the Middle Ages with the metaphor of Umberto Eco, White Middle Age.