Analysıs of straın accumulatıon of faultıng zones by the help of contınıuous gps statıons
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Kuzey Anadolu Fay Kusagi Dunyanin en genis aktif fay sistemleri arasindabulunmaktadir ve Anadolu Plakasinin en etkili kusagidir. Son yillarda Kuzey Anadolu FayKusagi boyunca bati yonundeki genislemeler Marmara Denizine kadar ulasmaktadir.Arastirmacilar Marmara Denizi icerisindeki sismik bosluga dikkat cekmektedirler. Cunku bubosluk KAFZ'un kuzey ve orta bolgelerinde gelecek icin buyuk bir risk tasimaktadir.Bu calismanin iki amaci vardir. Birincisi bolgedeki hiz alaninin belirlenmesi ve ikincisiise yedi sabit GPS istasyonundan alinan verilerle gerinim analizinin hesaplanmasidir. Buarastirma ucgenleme ve koordinat farklari alinarak yapilmistir. Gerinim parametreleri;maksimm.minimum asal gerilme, maksimum-minimum gerinim parametreli donuklugu,maksimum kayme gerinimi olarak tanimlanmistir. The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) belongs to one of the largest recent active faultsystems in the Earth and it is the most effective zone in the Anatolian Plate. During the lastdecades a westward expansion of large earthquakes along the North Anatolian Fault hasextented till the Sea of Marmara. The researchers give attention to the seismic gap in theMarmara Sea. It is expected that northern and middle strand of NAFZ have a strong risk forfuture actions.The purpose of this study has two main goals. First one is to estimate velocity field ofthe region, and the second one is to investigate changes of the strain accumulation in theregion by seven continuous GPS stations. This investigation is done by tiangulation methodand by using GPS coordinate differences obtained from 2002 to 2004 periods. Strainparameters such as maximum and minimum principal strains, direction of the maximum andprincipal strain, maximum shear strain parameters and its direction are determined