43 V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSİONS Products Y, Y,, and Y,, are not prof itable.For each unit of these products produced the profit decreases by 212,90 and 1608 TL. respectively.The related products are named in Appendix-8 Y. and Y^ are products that will be produced for the first time.Since they are not included in the optimal product mix, it is not profitable to launch these new products. Y. has a profit per unit of 8910 TL.vhich is the 4th greatest among the 10 products.Hovever it is not profitable,to produce this product because its consumption of the limited resources b-.b, )b,j jb2, jb^. and b, is greater than the products contribution.If Yj is to be produced our total profit will decrease by 213 TL. for each unit produced. Even though Y^ uses small units of the limited resources, since its unit profit is a small value, 1300TL, compared to the. other products.it is not a profitable product to produce. If we produce Y^ our total profit will decrease by 90 TL. for each unit produced. Y_with a unit profit of 11.760 TL., vhich is second largest unit profit among ali the products,is not in optimal product mix,because it uses much of the limited resources;44 3 units of b Q, l unit of b, 3 units of b.,, 6 units of ıl Y-J û b, 10 units of b c, ond 4 units of b. The apportunity 2.1AJ30 cost of producing this product is 13368 TL. in other words, the total value of the resources that this product consumes is equal to 13368.Thereföre the Objective Function Coefficient of this product has to be greater than this value instead of 11.760 TL. Remaining products Y3, YA, Yy, Y6, Yg, Y^, and Y(Qare in the optimal product mix. Y. with the highest unit profit of 16.750 TL. is profitable when produced 814 units. it uses 5 units of bft, 6 units of each b,,, b.c, and b,., which TIb /öA/ are ali limited resources. But stili,it uses none of the resources b, and b,?. Producing 814 units of Y,0 gives a total profit of 13.634.500 TL. Y« is in the optimal product mix with 2549 units giving a total profit of 15.294.000 TL with a unit profit of 6000TL. it uses none ör small quantities of resources b(_, b^s ı^j/ b,^ and b^.The opportunity cost of producing this product is 5.034 TL. Since its objective function coefficient is 6000 TL., greater than this value, it is profitable to produce it. Y,, and Y^.are new products to be launched which are in the optimal product mix with profits 725.400 TL.and 2.500.000 TL, and 403, 266 units respectively. Y3 and Y^ use none ör small quantities of the limited resources bt2 blfe, b,T and blg.A5 Y- is in the optimal product mix with 3381 units and 1400 TL. unit profit which makes a total of 4.733.400 TL. profit. It uses none of the resources bq, b,,, b(<, b§, b, b, b,b, b, b, b, b, and b and rather small quantities I `J 2' Ü -*V 25 <b 2a.Z'J of the remaining resources. 1.464.000 TL. of total profit is obtained by producing 732 units of Yg.with a unit profit of 2000 TL. It uses none of the resources bg, b^, b<,, b(, b, b,^, b^,, b, b, b, and small quantities of the remaining resources. Y, is the least profitable product in the optimal product mix with 351 units, 1200 TL. unit profit which makes a total of 421.200 TL. profit. As a conclusion, among the new produts to be launched Y, Y^ are not profitable Y-, and Y^ are profitable. If produced 403 and 266 units respectively, they bring profits of 725.400 TL. and 2.500.400 TL. respectively. Among the products already being produced Y* with 2549 units, Y,0 with 814 units, Yg with 3381 units, Y5 with 732 units and Yfe with 351 units bring profits of 15.294.4000, 13.634.000, 4.733.400, 1.464.000 and 421.200 TL. respectively. The critical resources limiting down the production level are b^, bfc, bg, bH, b^,, b^, and b. B^ with the highest dual price of 1165 TL.is followed by b^ with 1026 TL, b with 585 TL. and b with 484 TL. That is to say for each unit of increase in these critical resources the profit would increase as the dual prices. If the allowable increase for these resources are considered (105,341,6335 and 1131 units), the total profit obtained from these resources will46 be as: 122.325 TL, 349. 866 TL., 3.705.975 TL., and 547.404TL. respectively.Considering the total profit increase, resource b__ has the highest total potential. The only way to increase the critical resources; b_0 (painting machine time), b_ (hot punching machine time), b,A (heat treatment machine time), and b (rivet-hole machine time) is to buy new machines.However buying new machines would require further analysis of plant layout, demand projects, and financial status of the company.