An assessment of adult education in Pakistan since 1972
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Adult education i. a growing phenomenon in the modern world.Much is being done in the developing countries also. This study wasconducted to assess the same in Pakistan. It was 'An Assessment of AdultEducation in Pakistan since 1972'.It was a two-fold study tOI 1) Determine the concept andphilosophy behind adult education activities and to assess major programsand projects of adult education planned and implemented by the Governmentsof Pakistan; 2) Suggest recommendations about adult education concepts,policies, administration, target groups and content areas, evaluation andresearch for Pakistan in future.The study was conducted within two delimitations i.e. adulteducation activitiesl 1) Of Government agencies; and 2) Since 1972 only.The researach was conducted in two steps I 1) Review of relatedliterature; 2) Indepth interviews, with key person. Literature studiedincluded development plans and policies of the government and proposal andevaluation reports about adult education activities prepared by either theproviding agencies or other agencies. Though some times the dataavailable was insufficient or did not pertain to latest dates. Due to nonavailability of many experts in the field only twenty one persons relatedto adult education were interviewed to supplement the information and givetheir own views. An interview guide was prepared and answers weretabaulated into simple percentages.The study revealed thatl I) The Government of Pakistan has beenactively providing adult education since 1972. 2) The major departmentsand agencies involved in adult education included Ministries of Education,Agriculture; Social Welfare; Health; Local Government and RuralDevelopment; Labour, Manpower and Overseas Pakistanis; and Information andBroadcastingCommission,Universities.besides the Women'sthe Allama3) AboutIqbalDivision, Literacy and Mass EducationOpen University and the Agricultualmajor programs and projects with 41sub-projects have been in operation. A few of them have been discontinuedwhile some of them starting before 1972 are still continuing. 4) Literacyi.e. Remedial Education has been the major concern of all programs whileVocational and Technical activities have also been one of the majorcomponents. Other activities for Civic, Political and CommunityCompetences; Health, Welfare and Family life; and Self-fulfilment andEnjoyment have also been provided. Nearly all departments have an inbuiltstructure for professional training of their employees. S) Conceptuallyadult education has mostly been limited to adult literacy. ~) Sinceprimary education is neither universal nor compulsory, emphasis onRemedial education will continue. 7) Adult education, in general, willexpand and diversify because of the increasing number of adults in thepopulation and awareness of human rights. 8) Most programs provided bythe government have been partially successful. 9) Major problems andrecurring issues have been lack of financing and government's committmentand improper planning.