Relations and Contraries ` in Charles Tomlinson`s `The Way of World.`
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ABSTRACT The purpose ef this thesis is to analyze in depth the poetry ef Charles Tenlinsea in order t* elucidate his eeaceptien ef the relationships between «an and various vital ceapenents ef his universe. With this purpose in «ind, the thesis will focus «a The Way ef A World, the product ef the poet's aature «astery. As far as Tealiasen is concerned, the «ajer elements eutside «a» whieh e «raf rent hia im his endeavour to e ese to teras with his environment are nature, tiae and art. It is with these external elements that «an has t* fena a harmonious relationship, in spite.f their fundamental opposition to hi». In the first chapter ef this thesis, we shall explere Tealinsen's conception ef the relatieaships between man and nature. As this is a rather wide subject, we have feund it expedient te explere it ia thsee sub-divisienaj `Fineness ef Relationship`, `The Way ef A World` and `Seeing is Believing`. The sectien headed `Fineness ef Relationship` deals aainly with nan* s eenfrentatien with the eutside werld as a physical entity and with ether huaan beings. The second oub-divisien, `The Way ef A World`, is on the opposing forces in nature whieh serve to «aiatain her essential integrity. The final sub-division of the first chapter is entitled `Seeing is Believing` and focuses on the process of perception. A superficial 'reading' of nature, as Toalinson teras it, leads aan to the impossibility of reallyii eening t* teras with the basically alien ewrlrennent be finds hinself confronted by. The second chapter of this thesis explores the relationships bet ween nan ani tine. The intuitive reaction of «an who, confronted with this vital nediun which spans his life, is te doninate it through various «cans, like Measuring it or trying te direct its course by exerting his will-power, Tenlinson's prescription is to sake ¦truce* with tine, and to 'consent* to its inevitable flux. The final section, the title of which is `The Relationships Bet ween life- ani Art` will be a general survey ©f fomlinsen's conception of the function of art in nan's life and his understanding of the ar tist's duty and responsibility within the wider context of hunan exis tence. The thene of relations and contraries which prevails in ^omlin- sen's poetry frea the beginning of Ms career on, helps to explain the sources of dichotomy between various elements of nature. This di chotomy also enconpasses the elenent of integrity which is a vital cenponent of these forces. For Tonlinson, the solution which lies in frent of «en is based on his acceptance of the separateness of the elenents around hi», an acconplishnent Bade possible through a re linquishment of his prevailing ego and basic respect »mown to the entity of contrary elements.