Abstract t Investigation of Engineering Geology of Çayköy H.E.P.P. With Line of Forced Pipe This investigation is undertaken as Is. So. licence's thesis to be submitted to The Programme of Applied Geolsgy «f Institute of science, İsparta Engineering Faculty, Akdeniz University. The field and office work started from October 1987 and lasted until January 1989. The collection pond, line of forced pipe and power- plant area of Çayköy HoE.P.P. are investigated from geology of vi ew, and tried to put forward for geoteohnioal statement in this work. The some subjects is understanded which is ; to be enough of dimensions with soil safe strees of concrete bend and motionab- le beam on the line of forced pipe under the normal statistical condition ; to be required remove to slope accumulation which has thickness of 0.5-2 o 0 m0 ; to be required remove of a lot of soils on the powerplant built area, and improve by concrete injection to the other waste soils which will bear to powerplant ; and to be necessary of improve of environment of powerplant by drenage and concrete walls f or stablity of powerplant building under the con dition of effect of flood, groundwater and surface water. The rock assemblages in the study area are divided into two group, as autochthonous and allochthonous units. The allochthonr- ous units consist of ophiolite, limestone, chert, radiolarite,.. sandstone, claystone, which are Triassic in age, and Upper Juras sic - Lower Cretaceous limestones. The autochthonous units comp osed of Jurassic - Cretaceous limestones. The quaternary units represented by alluvium and fanglomerates. The strike and dips of beds are variable frequently, but generaly has SE-HW strike and approximetely dips of 30 to SW. The placeing age of the al lochthonous units is probably Paleocene - Eouene. The study area is situated within the secondary earthquake zone of Turkey. IV