Gümüş (I), bakır (II) ve altın (III) metallerinin orto- ve meta- fenilandiaminler ile verdikleri reaksiyonların kinetik incelenmesi
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-2- ÖZET Bu çalışmada o- ve m- fenilendiaminlerin gümüş(I), bakır(ll) ve altın(III) varlığında verdikleri reaksiyonlar spektrofotometrik olarak ve diferansiyel yöntem kullanılarak ince lendi. Yapılan ölçümler sonucunda gümüş(l) ile m-fenilendiamin, bakır(II) ile m-fenilen- diamin, altın(III) ile m-fenilendiamin ve altın(III) varlığında o- ve m- fenilendiamin arasın da bir reaksiyon çıkmadı. o-fenilendiaminin gümüş(I) tarafından yükseltgenme reaksiyonu incelendiğinde gümüş(I) ile o-fenilendiaminin 1/1 oranında reaksiyona girdiği ve hız denkleminin de; V = k[Ag+]0J [o-fenf5 olduğu bulundu. Gümüş(I) varlığında o-fenilendiamin ve m-fenilendiamin üçlü sistemi incelendiğin de hız denklemi olarak; V = k[Ag+]° 5 [o-fen]2 [m-fen]° 5 elde edildi. o-fenilen diaminin bakır(II) tarafından yükseltgenme reaksiyonu incelendiğinde ba kirci) ile o-fenilendiaminin 1/1 oranında reaksiyona girdiği ve hız denkleminin de; V = k[Cu+2] [o-fen] olduğu bulundu. Bakır(II) varlığında o-fenilendiamin ve m-fenilendiamin üçlü sistemi incelendiğinde bakır(II) ile o-fenilendiamin 1/1 oranında reaksiyona girdiği ve m-fenilendiaminin reaksiyo na girmediği görüldü, hız denklemi olarak da; V = k[Cu+2] [o-fen] elde edildi. o-fenilendiaminin altın(III) tarafından yükseltgenme reaksiyonu incelendiğinde, altın(III) ile o-fenilendiaminin 1/1 oranında reaksiyona girdiği ve hız denkleminin de; V = k[Au+3]05 [o-fen]05 olduğu bulundu. Hız denklemleri olayın çok sayıda basamak üzerinden yürüdüğünü göstermektedir. -3- SUMMARY The reactions which are related with o- and m- phenilendiamine in the presence of argent(l), copper(Il) and aurum(IIl) were investigated in this study by using spectrophotometric and differential methods. As a result of the measurements, no reaction was seen between argent(l) and m-phenilendiamine, between copper(II) and m- phenilendiamine, between aurum(III) and m-phenilendiamine and between o- and m- phenilendiamine in the presence of aurum(III). When the oxidation of o-phenilendiamine by argent(I) was investigated, it was observed that in this reaction the ratio of o-phenilendiamine to argent(I) was 1/1 and the ratio formula was found as follows: V = k[Ag+f5[o-phen]0-5 When the triple systems of o- phenilendiamine and m- phenilendiamine were investigated in the presence of argent(I) the ratio formula was found to be as follows: V = k[Ag+f5 [o-phen]2 [m-phenf5 When the oxidation of o- phenilendiamine by copper(II) was investigated, it was observed that in this reaction the ratio of o-phenilendiamine to copper(II) was 1/1 and the ratio formula was found as follows: V = k[Cu+2] [o-phen] When the triple systems of o-phenilendiamine and m-phenilendiamine in the presence of copper(II) were investigated, it was observed that in this reaction the ratio of o-phenilendiamine to copper(II) was 1/1 and no reaction m- phenilendiamine was observed and the ratio formula was found as follows: V = k[Cu 2] [o-phen] When the oxidation o- phenilendiamine by aurum(lll) was investigated, it was observed that in this reaction the ratio of o- phenilendiamine to aurum(Ill) was 1/1 and the ratio formula was found as follows: V = k[Au 3]° 5 [o-phen]0 5 The ratio formulas showed that the reactions took place in various phases.